Section I & II Assessment Paper
A1.2 – Section I & II PHNAT paper DUE June 4, 2016 (250 points) (Turnitin is enabled for this paper – please review the score as it must be less than 20% match)
Utilize the APA Tutorial (Links to an external site.) for appropriate formatting specifically title page, running head, pagination, reference page, appropriate citations, direct quote citations, use of headings throughout the paper. NO ABSTRACT IS NEEDED, NO AUTHOR’S NOTE IS NEEDED.
This paper is based on Sections I & II of the PHNAT found in text. You will be collecting data about the population, epidemiological information on diseases , vital statistics, and the social, behavioral, and environments areas of the community. Section I & II give specific guidance on content. The paper should summarize data discovered in your investigation. Selected data can be illustrated with tables appropriately cited/ referenced per APA format.
You do NOT submit a completed PHNAT tool as this will result in a 0 for this assignment.
The content in this paper will be synthesized into the resulting Community Assessment Paper due later in the term retaining the Section I & II areas. As you work on the data in this assignment, you will be able to see areas with gaps in services or opportunities for a new program for Section III & IV. Be sure to address how the community/ public health nurse can utilized the data found in I & II.
Criteria Ratings Pts
Introduction Purpose and overview of Section I & II PHNAT
Exceptinal – Topics are covered in a complete and concise manner. Demonstrates clear understanding of the relevance and significance to nursing practice
30.0 pts
Good – Topics are covered but limited substance. Conveys understanding of the relevance and significance to nursing practice
25.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Topics only slightly covered and paper lacks substance. Minimal or unclear application to professional nursing practice.
20.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient – Incomplete or confusing. No application to professional nursing practice.
0.0 pts
30.0 pts
Survey addresses specific population and community data relevant to course focus of community / public health. Data supported from relevant sources as per reference criteria
Exceptional -Demonstrates clear understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Demonstrates clearly the conclusions reached with implications for practice Clearly demonstrates critical thinking
75.0 pts
Good – Conveys understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conveys conclusions reached with implications for practice. Shows critical thinking
65.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Shows lack of understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conclusions not clearly shown. Shows lack of critical thinking in implications for clinical practice
55.0 pts
Insufficient or Lacking – Lack of understanding and critical thinking. No evidence of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Lack of conclusions and implications for practice
0.0 pts
75.0 pts
Implications for Nursing -Discusses findings, conclusions. Practice recommendations included.
Exceptional – Demonstrates clear understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Demonstrates clearly the conclusions reached with implications for practice Clearly demonstrates critical thinking
75.0 pts
Good – Conveys understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conveys conclusions reached with implications for practice. Shows critical thinking
65.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Shows lack of understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conclusions not clearly shown. Shows lack of critical thinking in implications for clinical practice
55.0 pts
Insufficient or Lacking – Lack of understanding and critical thinking. No evidence of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Lack of conclusions and implications for practice
0.0 pts
75.0 pts
References reflect research related to the community and nursing practice
Exceptional – Minimum of 3 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health – 2 must be from peer reviewed professional journals
30.0 pts
Good – Minimum of 3 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health – 1 must be from peer reviewed professional journals
25.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Minimum of 2 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health and or lack of professional peer reviewed journals
20.0 pts
Insufficient or Lacking – No references cited and referenced
0.0 pts
30.0 pts
APA Format
Exceptional – Correct APA formatting and citations
30.0 pts
Good – Minor errors in APA formatting and citations.
25.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Minor errors in APA formatting and citations.
20.0 pts
Insufficient or Lacking – Lacks APA citations, formatting and/or reference list.
0.0 pts
30.0 pts
Organization, Clarity, Grammar, and Spelling
Exceptional – Well organized, thought out, and structured. Proper grammar and spelling
10.0 pts
Good – Organized and structured. Minor problems with clarity or application to professional nursing practice. Contains minor errors in grammar and spelling.
7.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Poor structure and/or organization, distracting. Multiple errors in grammar and spelling.
5.0 pts
Insufficient or Lacking – Lacks organization or structure. Poor grammar and spelling – shows lack of proofreading
0.0 pts
10.0 pts
Total Points
.1. NURS 4636L Practicum COMMUNITY SURVEY PROJECT (Note: This should be started during your first week of course). This scholarly capstone paper due date is June 14, 2016. It should reflect quality work and not simply a collection of forms such as a completed Public Health Nursing Assessment Tool (PHNAT tool) or your Section I & II of the PHNAT. See Grade Rubric for further information to guide the areas to cover in your paper. Use the PHNAT tool found in Trujillo-Londrigan & Lewenson, page 67, Chapter 3 Appendix. DO NOT MERELY COMPLETE THE PHNAT and submit. This is a scholarly assessment of the community and development of a program or initiative to meet a specific identified gap or need.
Use your local community. Prepare a community assessment document. This is a scholarly paper using information based on The PHNAT. Use the PHNAT tool, Parts I, II, III, IV and V found in resources and your text to guide your assessment and the resulting paper. The paper should reflect operationalization of elements of professional nursing practice at the BSN level. Use the sections of the PHNAT tool to construct your paper. You may include selected data in tables but summarize the data you have collected in paper format. You can use the sections to organize your paper.
Discuss your findings from the assessment and how it influenced your selection of priorities. (Part I and II.) You may include selected data tables but you need to discuss the data findings. This should be condensed from the Section 1&2 paper information. (DUE 2/3/16.)
Select the number one (1) priority from Part III., PHNAT tool findings. Discuss the required elements including why you selected your priority for action. Remember that the priority must be realistic, achievable within specified time of plan, and within the scope of professional PHN/community health nursing practice.
Develop Part IV which Includes
A plan, implementation and evaluation of the intervention using the Minnesota Public Health Intervention Strategies. This can be an existing program that needs improvement or strengthening or a new one not previously discussed or operationalized. It MUST be within the scope of PHN/ community health professional nursing practice.
Your initiative/ program should reflect levels of prevention and level of intervention (individual through systems as appropriate).
Evaluation of the program/ initiative must be addressed with specific measurable items with time framework.
The initiative/ program must explicitly address how the community / public health nurse will play a clearly developed role.
The reflective section (Part V.) should be a discussion of your learning during the assessment and planning process. Be sure to relate it to your current practice and how you have changed as a professional nurse as a result of this project.
This capstone paper must be supported by references with APA formatting, style and clarity followed. See APA guidelines for scholarly paper format. All data should be cited and referenced and supported by high quality sources. Structure the report in same content areas as found on in the PHNAT tool, e.g. Sections I, II, III, IV and V.
Criteria Ratings Pts
Introduction Purpose and overview of survey and its significance to practice
Exceptional – Topics are covered in a complete and concise manner. Demonstrates clear understanding of the relevance and significance to nursing practice
75.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Topics are covered but limited substance. Conveys understanding of the relevance and significance to nursing practice.
65.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Topics only slightly covered and paper lacks substance. Minimal or unclear application to professional nursing practice.
50.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient (0-30 points) – Incomplete or confusing. No application to professional nursing practice.
0.0 pts
75.0 pts
Survey addresses specific population and community data relevant to course focus of community / public health. Data supported from relevant sources as per reference criteria
Exceptional – Topics are covered in a complete and concise manner. Data supported by current and appropriate resources and references. Reflects in depth discussion of population and community elements
100.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Topics are covered but limited substance. Data supported by current and appropriate resources and references. Reflects discussion of population and community elements
85.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Topics only slightly covered and paper lacks substance. Minimal or unclear data not well supported by current and appropriate resources and references. Reflects minimal discussion of population and community elements
70.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient (0-30 points) – Incomplete or confusing. No data supported by current and appropriate resources and references. Lacks discussion of population and community elements
0.0 pts
100.0 pts
Implications for Nursing -Discusses findings, conclusions and summary of survey. Practice recommendations included
Exceptional – Demonstrates clear understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Demonstrates clearly the conclusions reached with implications for practice Summary clearly demonstrates critical thinking
100.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Conveys understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conveys conclusions reached with implications for practice. Summary shows critical thinking
85.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Shows lack of understanding of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Conclusions not clearly shown. Shows lack of critical thinking in summary and implications for clinical practice
70.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient (0-30 points) – Lack of understanding and critical thinking. No evidence of findings and the recommendations for nursing practice Lack of conclusions and implications for practice (0-40 points)
0.0 pts
100.0 pts
References reflect research related to the community and nursing practice
Exceptional – Minimum of 4 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health
50.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Minimum of 3 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health
40.0 pts
Needs Improvement -Minimum of 2 references from government or public data, peer reviewed journals in nursing or public health
30.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient (0-30 points) – No references cited and referenced (0-20) points)
0.0 pts
50.0 pts
APA Format
Exceptional – Correct APA formatting and citations
50.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Minor errors in APA formatting and citations.
40.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Multiple errors in APA formatting and citations.
30.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient (0-30 points) – Lacks APA citations, formatting and/or reference list.
0.0 pts
50.0 pts
Organization, Clarity, Grammar, and Spelling
Exceptional – Well organized, thought out, and structured. Proper grammar and spelling
25.0 pts
Meet Expectations – Organized and structured. Minor problems with clarity or application to professional nursing practice. Contains minor errors in grammar and spelling.
20.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Poor structure and/or organization, distracting. Multiple errors in grammar and spelling
15.0 pts
Lacking or Insufficient – Lacks organization or structure. Poor grammar and spelling – shows lack of proofreading. (0-5 points)
0.0 pts
25.0 pts
Total Points: 400.0
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Posted on May 19, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
Information Handout for Individuals with Intellectual Disability, plus Justification Document Academic Essay
Word limit: Handout = 400 words or less. Justification = 800 words.
Task Description
Handout: You will create an information handout on communication rights and inclusion rights for people with intellectual disability (ID), as service users in industry area (i.e. healthcare, sport and recreation, education, entertainment, transport, or retail). The handout can be presented as a brochure, information sheet, or booklet, and must be accessible for people with intellectual disability. It should present information on:
what inclusion means for people with ID within that industry area
what rights people with ID have to be included in the industry area
strategies the individual could use to improve their communication success in that area.
Justification: In addition to the handout, you must provide an 800-word written justification for the handout’s presentation and content, with reference to relevant literature on communication best-practice. Your justification document should answer the following two questions:
Why is the information in your handout important for someone with intellectual disability to know?
Why did you design your handout (format) the way you did?
A minimum of five references should be used in the justification document only. There is no need to include references within the handout.
Assessment Criteria
In this task you will be assessed on your ability to:
Accurately summarise the concepts of inclusion and equity in the chosen industry context, and explain relevant legislative acts
Generate strategies for improved access for individuals with intellectual disability in that environment, based on all levels of the biopsychosocial model
Predict and explain the communication access needs of people with intellectual disability in specific contexts
Communicate written information in a format appropriate to people with intellectual disability), and
Produce academic writing using appropriate language conventions, formatting, and referencing.
Performance Standards Criteria
NB: Marking staff and students, please note that all assessment criteria (left column) are of equal importance, and will be weighted equally in the final grade for this AT.
Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass (minimum requirements) Unsatisfactory
1. Accurately summarise the concepts of inclusion and equity in the chosen industry context, and explain relevant legislative acts
(Handout and justification)
Student meets all Distinction criteria.
Student details a convincing argument for why people with intellectual disability need to know about inclusion and legislation.
In their justification, student refers to one or more models of disability, in discussing the concepts of disability, inclusion, and communication rights.
Student meets all Credit criteria.
Student cites peer-reviewed, published literature and/or statistical data in their justification piece, to support their explanations.
Student meets all Pass criteria.
The student’s descriptions of inclusion and legislation in the handout are supported with accurate applied/hypothetical examples, relevant to the assigned industry.
Student provides a short definition of inclusion and equality in their handout.
Student describes one or more legislative acts or policies relating to inclusion in the assigned industry, in their handout.
Student provides a brief explanation of why the included legislative acts/policies are relevant for people with ID in that industry.
No definition of inclusion is provided.
No policies or legislative acts are identified, or those identified are not relevant to the industry context.
2. Generate strategies for improved access for individuals with intellectual disability in that environment, based on all levels of the biopsychosocial model
(Handout and justification)
Student meets all Distinction criteria.
Student’s discussion of strategies in the justification section acknowledges potential challenges in implementation relevant to the industry.
Student demonstrates knowledge of communication best practice, intellectual disability, and relevant legislation in their justification for the communication strategies they have chosen to recommend.
Student meets all Credit criteria.
Student cites peer-reviewed, published literature to justify the recommendation of these strategies to individuals with ID.
Student meets all Pass criteria.
Student provides a detailed description of industry-relevant strategies for communication inclusion of individuals with ID.
A strong understanding of the biopsychosocial perspective is evident in the student’s strategies and their justification.
Student provides some explanation for their choice of strategies in the justification section.
Student lists more than one strategy for improved communication access for individuals with ID, relevant to the industry context.
Strategies consider intellectual disability and related communication difficulties from more than one biopsychosocial domain.
Suggested strategies could be realistically implemented by an individual with intellectual disability.
Student lists or describes less than two strategies, or lists strategies not relevant to or realistic for individuals with ID or the industry context.
Strategies are focused at only one aspect of the biopsychosocial framework.
3. Predict and explain the communication access needs of people with intellectual disability in specific contexts
(Justification only)
Student meets all Distinction criteria.
Student demonstrates knowledge of communication best practice, communication rights, and relevant legislation in their discussion of communication access needs.
Student meets all Credit criteria.
Student cites peer-reviewed, published literature to support their descriptions of communication access needs.
Student describes in detail, with applied examples:
– at least two communication access requirements of people with ID in the chosen industry setting.
– at least two access requirements for people with ID in accessing written information.
A strong understanding of the biopsychosocial perspective is evident in the student’s descriptions of communication access needs.
Student accurately describes:
– at least two communication access requirements of people with ID in the chosen industry setting.
– at least two access requirements for people with ID in accessing written information.
Student lists communication access requirements but provides minimal detail.
Student describes less than two needs for each area.
4. Communicate written information in a format appropriate to people with intellectual disability
(Handout only)
Student meets all Distinction criteria.
Student demonstrates creativity and close attention to detail in the visual presentation of material.
Student meets all Credit criteria.
The handout communicates respect for the autonomy and life experience of individuals with intellectual disability.
Student meets all Pass criteria.
The work demonstrates consideration of several different communication access requirements for people with ID.
The work contains no errors in spelling, grammar, and typography.
Professional and person-first language conventions are mostly maintained throughout the work.
The work contains occasional errors in spelling, grammar, and typography.
The work is presented in basic brochure/ information sheet/ booklet format.
Formatting and layout is well structured and highlights key information to the reader.
Formatting and general presentation is of a poor standard, or is not in a brochure/information sheet/booklet format.
Handout contains frequent spelling, grammar, or typography errors, or inappropriate / unprofessional language.
Handout content/formatting does not follow basic access requirements for a person with ID.
5. Produce academic writing using appropriate language conventions, formatting, and referencing
(Justification only)
Student meets all Distinction criteria.
The student makes use of one or more communication or disability models, as a theoretical framework for their handout justification. The student’s observations and recommendations are logically structured within this framework.
Student meets all Credit criteria.
The assignment includes:
– a strong introduction that clearly outlines the importance of written communication access
– a main body that clearly justifies the content and format of the handout.
Student meets all Pass criteria.
Formatting and layout is clearly structured and easy to read.
References and citations are correctly formatted to APA 5th Edition standards.
The work contains no errors in spelling, grammar, and typography.
The work contains more than five peer-reviewed references, and/or extensive referencing of other sources such as websites, first-person accounts.
Student references the source of all published information/statistics used in their work.
Professional and person-first language conventions are mostly maintained throughout the work.
The work cites at least 5 references.
The work contains occasional errors in spelling, grammar, referencing, and typography.
Assignment contains any of the following:
– directly plagiarised material that has not been appropriately referenced
– unprofessional/ inappropriate language
– frequent spelling, grammatical, or typographical errors.
Formatting and general presentation is of a poor standard.
Student uses less than 5 references.
What will help me to prepare for this assignment?
This assignment is based on information gathered in seminar 3 (communication rights and legislation), and the practical skills you will develop in seminar 6 (producing Plain/Easy English written documents). You should also use the information from the final topic module (week 11) to justify your design choices in relation to people with intellectual disability.
In this AT you will apply your knowledge of intellectual disability and your practical skills in communication access to “translate” the industry-specific legislation/rights information you gathered within your team. To support this process, you will have an opportunity to practice translating legislative information into Easy English in seminar 6, and your tutors will give you some feedback around this.
What will I learn from doing this assessment?
This assessment is an example of an industry-authentic task, as health professionals are frequently expected to produce accessible written information to their clients. You can add this handout to your professional portfolios as an example of your work.
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Posted on May 19, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions