Please evaluate the following video:Watch Video
Restorative Justice Introduction
Duration: (5:45)
User: centralmichiganrj Added: 9/8/08YouTube URL: is its purpose
Should it be used instead of or with other sanctions
Should it be expanded for prison bound offenders
How is its value/success calculated?
Assignment #2: (Case 6-2) “Informational Report.” (Minimum 5 pages) does not include title page and reference page.
Read and analyze Case 6-2, “Informational Report,” on Hynes, page 155-156.
Develop a questionnaire containing at least 10 statements about typical ethical dilemmas faced by businesspeople. Use “strongly agree—agree—undecided—disagree—strongly disagree” as response options.
At the end of the questionnaire, ask for some demographic information that might make the analyses of your findings more interesting. You might ask for gender, employment status, age, marital status, years of work experience, educational level, and so on.
It is not necessary to circulate the questionnaire, gather, or submit any data.
Your paper should be done following the APA format, should have at least five pages of content, and ensure to add a title page and a References page.
Remember to integrate references (citations) from the textbook.
Also three (3) additional references.
“Case 6-2.
Informational Report
Develop a questionnaire containing at least 10 statements about typical ethical dilemmas faced by businesspeople. Use “strongly agree—agree—undecided— disagree—strongly disagree” as response options. Possibilities might include “It is acceptable for an American businessperson in a foreign country to bribe a public official if that practice is accepted and expected in that country.” Another possibility might include “It is acceptable to give a poorly performing employee a good reference to get rid of him or her.”
At the end of the questionnaire, ask for some demographic information that might make the analyses of your findings more interesting. You might ask for gender, employment status, age, marital status, years of work experience, educa- tional level, and so on.
Next, circulate the questionnaire randomly on campus. Try to get at least 100 respondents. Remember that the larger your sample, the better your findings will be statistically. You might consider having a ballot-like box with you to ensure confidentiality.
After you have collected your data and analyzed your findings, you will be ready to put your information into a report to be presented to your instructor.”
(Hynes 155)
“What format will that report assume? What factors should you consider in determining that format? What parts will the report contain? Will you use the direct or indirect order? On what basis will the body of the report be organized?
An interesting twist on this report might be to circulate the questionnaire to businesspeople. If it were possible for you to circulate the questionnaire to people on campus and to businesspeople, you might then be able to compare the results overall.
Case Note
If addressing a business executive in this report, your results should be presented both informally and indirectly, since the findings and conclusions may not be welcomed.”
(Hynes 156)
Hynes, Geraldine. Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011. VitalBook file.
Assignment #2: (Case 6-2) “Informational Report.” (Minimum 5 pages) does not include title page and reference page.
Read and analyze Case 6-2, “Informational Report,” on Hynes, page 155-156.
Develop a questionnaire containing at least 10 statements about typical ethical dilemmas faced by businesspeople. Use “strongly agree—agree—undecided—disagree—strongly disagree” as response options.
At the end of the questionnaire, ask for some demographic information that might make the analyses of your findings more interesting. You might ask for gender, employment status, age, marital status, years of work experience, educational level, and so on.
It is not necessary to circulate the questionnaire, gather, or submit any data.
Your paper should be done following the APA format, should have at least five pages of content, and ensure to add a title page and a References page.
Remember to integrate references (citations) from the textbook.
Also three (3) additional references.
“Case 6-2.
Informational Report
Develop a questionnaire containing at least 10 statements about typical ethical dilemmas faced by businesspeople. Use “strongly agree—agree—undecided— disagree—strongly disagree” as response options. Possibilities might include “It is acceptable for an American businessperson in a foreign country to bribe a public official if that practice is accepted and expected in that country.” Another possibility might include “It is acceptable to give a poorly performing employee a good reference to get rid of him or her.”
At the end of the questionnaire, ask for some demographic information that might make the analyses of your findings more interesting. You might ask for gender, employment status, age, marital status, years of work experience, educa- tional level, and so on.
Next, circulate the questionnaire randomly on campus. Try to get at least 100 respondents. Remember that the larger your sample, the better your findings will be statistically. You might consider having a ballot-like box with you to ensure confidentiality.
After you have collected your data and analyzed your findings, you will be ready to put your information into a report to be presented to your instructor.”
(Hynes 155)
“What format will that report assume? What factors should you consider in determining that format? What parts will the report contain? Will you use the direct or indirect order? On what basis will the body of the report be organized?
An interesting twist on this report might be to circulate the questionnaire to businesspeople. If it were possible for you to circulate the questionnaire to people on campus and to businesspeople, you might then be able to compare the results overall.
Case Note
If addressing a business executive in this report, your results should be presented both informally and indirectly, since the findings and conclusions may not be welcomed.”
(Hynes 156)
Hynes, Geraldine. Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011. VitalBook file.