The purpose of this paper is to provide the opportunity for you to explore a concept oon more depth. Choose a topic of particular interest to you that is relevant to leadership. Think back on significant events in your nursing career (including clinical experiences in this program) and identify a concept from the list below that will help you better understand the dynamics and outcomes of that event, including the role you played and how you demonstrated leadership or followershipOnce you have chosen a topic, conduct a literature search of nursing and other relevant disciplines, using the appropriate key words. Seek library assistance if you are having difficulty locating useful articles. You may not use required course readings for this paper. There is no magic minimum number of articles but there should be sufficient references to provide different perspectives on the concept and allow you to support your argument. No reference is too old to be included and landmark articles are important; however, they should be supplemented with current (within last 5 years) information.Analyze what the literature you have selected says about the concept. Identify the major themes you find in the literature and create an outline for yourself to guide your writing. Relate the findings of your literature research to nursing practice briefly (no more than 1 page). You may do this in the form of an exemplar that illustrates your points or simply write from your own experience how the literature you have used relates to practice.
Communication and leadership