B. In a two-column format, provide a close reading of the communication example you have chosen (2- 4 pages single-spaced). In column one, provide a detailed comprehensive denotative description that breaks your example down into basic meaningful elements. You should provide a detailed literal account that avoids implied meanings or interpretations as much as possible. (Catalog specifically what was said, visual elements and qualities color, texture, motion, etc.; characteristics of sound or other elements of perception). In column two, provide connotative readings of the elements described in your denotative description. What meanings and association do the denotative meanings convey or imply. This requires more interpretation but still focuses on the immediate context and commonly available associations of each element. This connotative analysis is also aimed at showing the broadly shared meanings of the events. Therefore, it should not be based on meanings that the item has only for one person.
Communication Analysis Project Academic Essay