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As a nurse leader, to see the hospital implement an outreach program which will benefit needy members of the community, I will different communication methodologies to develop a shared vision with the stakeholders. In this case stakeholders involve healthcare providers, the government, humanitarian organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the entire community. Communication is the act of exchanging information between groups or individuals or simply the act of communicating. Through information acquired through communication, it is possible to assess and know your performance through the following key components of communication done face to face: words, body language, and tone.Leaders in this profession of nursing  are expected to be attentive to their patients when they have  something to say.

 In order to develop and manage in nursing leadership with your stakeholders a shared vision of the following nonverbal cues must be implemented: control facial expressions,good eye contact, posture.It is the responsibility of the nurse leader to establish the culture of communication in the department .Communication would be made depending on the stakeholders being addressed. For the governments and other organization, written communication would be used. Official or formal letters would be send to these organization notifying them about the project and make requests for funding. Creating a communicating structure can be fostered by being visible and for having accessibility an open door policy is important. This can comprise weekly newsletters, meetings for staffs on monthly basis and on bulletin boards having notes .

 However, for my colleagues in the field of healthcare, face to face communication would be enhanced utilized so as to come up with the best strategy to attain the vision. For the entire community, posters will do better. Print outs would be hanged all over to pass the message to the members of the public. Technological development and innovations have simplified the way of life. In this regard, social media platforms such as Tweeter and Facebook would act as key means to pass the message across all community members especially the youths .

 In conclusion, any interaction must offer dialogue an opportunity for the purpose of sharing concerns or requesting for clarifications or asking questions regarding the same. In scenarios where it appears to be  impossible due to of constraints such as  time,  it is crucial to offer chances for an audience to have a follow-up. The most crucial communication factors include regular frequency, consistency, and chances to provide comment or feedback.


Jones, R. (2007). Nursing leadership and management: theories, processes, and practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Co.

Barker, A. (1992). Transformational nursing leadership: a vision for the future. New York: National League for Nursing Press.

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