1. Determine how this study might be conducted anonymously and thus not require a signed consent form. By requiring a signature the participants’ identities are provided and increase the risk of prosocial responses as well as reduces the researcher’s level of contact with those participants which may fall into the vulnerable category.
2. Consult with the IRB to determine if there are any problems with this suggestion.
Combat status and deployments on subsequents domestic violence within heterosexual couples of military veterans

Combat status and deployments on subsequents domestic violence within heterosexual couples of military veterans

1. Determine how this study might be conducted anonymously and thus not require a signed consent form. By requiring a signature the participants’ identities are provided and increase the risk of prosocial responses as well as reduces the researcher’s level of contact with those participants which may fall into the vulnerable category.
2. Consult with the IRB to determine if there are any problems with this suggestion.