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‘Climate refugees’: Do they exist? Is legal reform (in Australia or internationally) needed to address the issue?

‘Climate refugees’: Do they exist? Is legal reform (in Australia or internationally) needed to address the issue?

ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS (should be used after completing research paper outline )

Critical approach

Independent research

You must undertake your own research and cite to sources that go beyond any material made available to you.

Range of primary and secondary sources

Regarding the research paper, I expect you to make references to a substantial range of scholarship and primary sources. Please only list items that you have actually read. By
“substantial” I mean at least 20 items (books, chapters, scholarly journal articles,government documents, reports by non-governmental organisations, and so on).
Ultimately, though, you must read as much as necessary for you to address the essay topic to your satisfaction. Focus on primary sources (that is, on the original source, as
opposed to some third party’s recounting of the original source), as well as on reliable secondary sources. Do not rely on Wikipedia! It is not authoritative in itself (because
authorship is unknown).

Marking criteria

In assessing written work I look for demonstrated effort in the following areas:
1. Content
• extent of reading
• accuracy of knowledge
• breadth and depth of knowledge
• relevance of information
• sufficiency of evidence and documentation
• development of legal perspective
2. Understanding
• understanding of problem
• sticking with topic (and not drifting off it)
• judgement of significance of material
• awareness/understanding of different arguments in the readings
• recognition of implications of evidence (avoid tendentious arguments)
• ability to think critically
• grasp of relevant theory
• understanding of ethics and values relevant to the readings and subject matter
3. Independence
• judgement and initiative in reading and research
• originality in use and interpretation of evidence
• development of argument
• independence in use of concepts and language
4. Style
• correctness of grammar, spelling, and scholarly documentation
• organisation and presentation of material
• clarity of writing style
• originality and creativity of writing style


1) https://www.law.hawaii.edu/files/content/coliver/345-374%20Burkett.pdf

2) http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/369/1934/182.full.pdf+html

3) http://postconflict.unep.ch/publications/UNEP_Sahel_EN.pdf

4) 2012 -Edwards, Climate Change and International Refugee Law (from Rayfuse and Scott book)

5) 2012 – Kniveton et al., Migration Flows in Africa.

6) 2012 – Naser, Climate Change Migration

7) 2012 – Piguet, Drivers of Human Migration.

8) 2013 – Jones, How Much Will Sea-Level Rise by 2100.

9) 2014 – Mueller et al., Heat Stress Increases Long-Term Human Migration in Pakistan

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‘Climate refugees’: Do they exist? Is legal reform (in Australia or internationally) needed to address the issue?

‘Climate refugees’: Do they exist? Is legal reform (in Australia or internationally) needed to address the issue?

ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS (should be used after completing research paper outline )

Critical approach

Independent research

You must undertake your own research and cite to sources that go beyond any material made available to you.

Range of primary and secondary sources

Regarding the research paper, I expect you to make references to a substantial range of scholarship and primary sources. Please only list items that you have actually read. By
“substantial” I mean at least 20 items (books, chapters, scholarly journal articles,government documents, reports by non-governmental organisations, and so on).
Ultimately, though, you must read as much as necessary for you to address the essay topic to your satisfaction. Focus on primary sources (that is, on the original source, as
opposed to some third party’s recounting of the original source), as well as on reliable secondary sources. Do not rely on Wikipedia! It is not authoritative in itself (because
authorship is unknown).

Marking criteria

In assessing written work I look for demonstrated effort in the following areas:
1. Content
• extent of reading
• accuracy of knowledge
• breadth and depth of knowledge
• relevance of information
• sufficiency of evidence and documentation
• development of legal perspective
2. Understanding
• understanding of problem
• sticking with topic (and not drifting off it)
• judgement of significance of material
• awareness/understanding of different arguments in the readings
• recognition of implications of evidence (avoid tendentious arguments)
• ability to think critically
• grasp of relevant theory
• understanding of ethics and values relevant to the readings and subject matter
3. Independence
• judgement and initiative in reading and research
• originality in use and interpretation of evidence
• development of argument
• independence in use of concepts and language
4. Style
• correctness of grammar, spelling, and scholarly documentation
• organisation and presentation of material
• clarity of writing style
• originality and creativity of writing style


1) https://www.law.hawaii.edu/files/content/coliver/345-374%20Burkett.pdf

2) http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/369/1934/182.full.pdf+html

3) http://postconflict.unep.ch/publications/UNEP_Sahel_EN.pdf

4) 2012 -Edwards, Climate Change and International Refugee Law (from Rayfuse and Scott book)

5) 2012 – Kniveton et al., Migration Flows in Africa.

6) 2012 – Naser, Climate Change Migration

7) 2012 – Piguet, Drivers of Human Migration.

8) 2013 – Jones, How Much Will Sea-Level Rise by 2100.

9) 2014 – Mueller et al., Heat Stress Increases Long-Term Human Migration in Pakistan

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