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Climate change

Climate is a measure of the mean and variability of weather conditions in a given region over long periods of time. Climate change refers to changes in these statistics over years, decades or even centuries. Scientific research has shown that climate can change from both natural and human causes. The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) stated(2007) that, anthropogenic causes account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s. If current trends continue, the projected increase in global temperature will result in significant impacts on humans and other species. The effects of climate change increase with subsequent increase in greenhouse gases which include carbon IV oxide, methane, nitric oxide and water vapour.

Global warming is a major effect of climate change. It entails an average increase in the earth’s temperature. According to the European environment agency (2008), global mean temperature has increased by presently 0.8 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial times for land and oceans. Projections suggest further temperature increase in Europe between 1.0-5.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st century. This temperature increase will intensify the danger of forest fires, thus leading to widespread destruction of natural habitats. Scientists predict that increasing temperatures will cause the level of water in the oceans to rise. This is because sea-ice, snow and glaciers are expected to melt thus adding more water to the oceans. The decline in snow cover and glaciers is expected to continue with the greatest losses in summer and spring. As a result bio-adversity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems will be affected due to destruction of natural habitats.The increase in sea level is expected to affect the densely populated coastal regions in various ways. Populations will be dislocated due to frequent flooding and natural catastrophes like tsunamis. As a result, there will be destruction of property and loss of lives.

The stress of climate change on farming may threaten food security. Crops tend to grow more quickly in higher temperatures leading to shorter growing periods and less time to produce grains. This will lead to low harvests and subsequent food shortage. Crops are also vulnerable to peak temperatures leading to damage. Growths of plants are expected to reduce due to soil erosion as a result of heavy convectional summer rainfall. Global warming is expected to intensify regional contrasts in precipitation that already exist. Dry areas are expected to get even drier and wet even wetter. This is because warmer temperatures tend to increase evaporation from oceans, lakes, plants and soils. Although enhanced evaporation provides more atmospheric moisture for rainfall id downward areas, it also dries out the land surface which exacerbates the impacts of drought in some regions.

The risks to human health will increase. When people are exposed to extreme heat, they can suffer from elevated body temperatures, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and sun burns which may precipitate skin cancer. Acidification of water by excessive carbon IV oxide may lead to waterborne diseases and corrosion of building structures. Respiratory diseases and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents are also expected to increase.

Human-inducedclimate change is happening now and impacts are already apparent. Greater impacts are projected if amount of greenhouse gases continue increasing. To combat these, all stakeholders should be involved and extensive scientific knowledge and analyses are a crucial foundation for making informed choices.


Bathke, D. J., Oglesby, R. J., Rowe, C. M., & Wilhite, D. A. (September 2014).

Understanding and assessing climate change: implications for Lebraska

(PDF document). Retrieved from:


Discussion Paper: Impacts of Climate Change on Regional Energy Systems (PDF document).                   Retrieved from ESPON


European Environment Agency (2008), “Impacts of Europe’s changing climate – 2008 indicator  -based assessment”. EEA Report Nº 4/02008

Global climate change impacts in the United States (PDF document). Retrieved from

Global change online website


Global warming vs. climate change (1 august 2013). Retrieved from

Skepticalscience (data file)


IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), {2007}.Summary for policymakers, in          Climate Change: The physical science basis: Cambridge, United Kingdom,     Cambridge University Press, 18 p.

National research council of the national academies: Climate change evidence, impacts and                       choices: answers to common questions about the science of climate change

(PDF document). Retrieved from


The GSA(2006).Climate change (PDF document). Retrieved from

Geological society of America


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Climate Change

Climate Change

Order Description

Though cap-and-trade policies may be effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in California and elsewhere, the political reality in the United States is that it will not likely be implemented on a national level. There are two options being discussed with various levels of seriousness, and in some cases being implemented. One is the carbon tax policy, and the other is the application of Renewable Portfolio Standards to electric grids (https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/RPS_Homepage/).

You are a science aide to Senator Boxer. Senator Boxer asks you to draft a short 1000 word memo, addressed to her, that would give her a brief insight into whether she should push for a national carbon tax, or a national Renewable Portfolio Standard in this session of Congress. She’s retiring soon, she wants to go out with a bang. She has heard of the carbon tax approach, but wants to make sure she understands how it works really well. She has also heard that Renewable Portfolio Standards have really changed the way electric grids operate in many countries around the world, so she’s wondering if maybe it’s a better way to go. Your task is to:

Briefly describe how a carbon tax works, discussing the recognized drawbacks and benefits, as well as explaining how it works: who pays, who benefits, why is it effective and efficient, why not;
Briefly describe how a Renewable Portfolio Standard works, discussing the recognized drawbacks and benefits, as well as explaining how it works: who pays, who benefits, why is it effective and efficient, why not;
Discuss which tool would be more politically feasible in the United States, and which would be better for climate change mitigation
You may want to bring in the recently implemented Renewable Portfolio Standard to give Senator Boxer something US-based to work from. You also want to give the Senator an example for each policy, and briefly discuss them.

Attribution & Direct Quotes: You should consult at least two peer-reviewed sources (not Wikipedia), and at least two major newspaper news sources, and you should cite each source at least once in your paper. Provide a bibliography of these sources with your paper. You are free to use any citation format you are comfortable with, as long as it is a valid citation format, and consistent. Please indicate the format in the title of your bibliography.

Paper Format: Answer the questions listed here, in coherent essay form, with transitions between indented paragraphs. Single-space your name, the date, and “CEGHM 168B” in a header at the top of page 1. Follow this header with the title of your paper. Do not use a separate title page. Use a double-spaced, 12-point font (preferably Arial), and leave 1-inch margins around the entire paper. Please provide a total word count of your essay. Upload your paper as a Word document (.doc format) to Canvas.

Grading: Your paper will be assigned a grade in two parts: a content and a mechanics grade.

Here’s what I’ll be looking for:

Description of mechanism, drawbacks, and benefits of carbon tax (not cap and trade… different stuff). If you want a really good grade- describe examples!
Description of mechanism, drawbacks, and benefits, of Renewable Portfolio Standards. If you want a really good grade- describe examples!
YOUR take on things. Dare to have an original thought, and defend it!
USE AT LEAST 2 peer-reviewed sources and 2 newspaper sources!
IMPORTANT FOR RESUBMISSION: At the top of the paper, please write a few sentences describing the changes you’ve made to address comments.

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Climate Change

Climate Change

Order Description

Though cap-and-trade policies may be effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in California and elsewhere, the political reality in the United States is that it will not likely be implemented on a national level. There are two options being discussed with various levels of seriousness, and in some cases being implemented. One is the carbon tax policy, and the other is the application of Renewable Portfolio Standards to electric grids (https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/RPS_Homepage/).

You are a science aide to Senator Boxer. Senator Boxer asks you to draft a short 1000 word memo, addressed to her, that would give her a brief insight into whether she should push for a national carbon tax, or a national Renewable Portfolio Standard in this session of Congress. She’s retiring soon, she wants to go out with a bang. She has heard of the carbon tax approach, but wants to make sure she understands how it works really well. She has also heard that Renewable Portfolio Standards have really changed the way electric grids operate in many countries around the world, so she’s wondering if maybe it’s a better way to go. Your task is to:

Briefly describe how a carbon tax works, discussing the recognized drawbacks and benefits, as well as explaining how it works: who pays, who benefits, why is it effective and efficient, why not;
Briefly describe how a Renewable Portfolio Standard works, discussing the recognized drawbacks and benefits, as well as explaining how it works: who pays, who benefits, why is it effective and efficient, why not;
Discuss which tool would be more politically feasible in the United States, and which would be better for climate change mitigation
You may want to bring in the recently implemented Renewable Portfolio Standard to give Senator Boxer something US-based to work from. You also want to give the Senator an example for each policy, and briefly discuss them.

Attribution & Direct Quotes: You should consult at least two peer-reviewed sources (not Wikipedia), and at least two major newspaper news sources, and you should cite each source at least once in your paper. Provide a bibliography of these sources with your paper. You are free to use any citation format you are comfortable with, as long as it is a valid citation format, and consistent. Please indicate the format in the title of your bibliography.

Paper Format: Answer the questions listed here, in coherent essay form, with transitions between indented paragraphs. Single-space your name, the date, and “CEGHM 168B” in a header at the top of page 1. Follow this header with the title of your paper. Do not use a separate title page. Use a double-spaced, 12-point font (preferably Arial), and leave 1-inch margins around the entire paper. Please provide a total word count of your essay. Upload your paper as a Word document (.doc format) to Canvas.

Grading: Your paper will be assigned a grade in two parts: a content and a mechanics grade.

Here’s what I’ll be looking for:

Description of mechanism, drawbacks, and benefits of carbon tax (not cap and trade… different stuff). If you want a really good grade- describe examples!
Description of mechanism, drawbacks, and benefits, of Renewable Portfolio Standards. If you want a really good grade- describe examples!
YOUR take on things. Dare to have an original thought, and defend it!
USE AT LEAST 2 peer-reviewed sources and 2 newspaper sources!
IMPORTANT FOR RESUBMISSION: At the top of the paper, please write a few sentences describing the changes you’ve made to address comments.

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