Research Paper andResearch Paper Proposal Assignments ***This document contains the instructions for both assignments.Make sure you submit each assignment separately, to its proper box.Read the ENTIRE document before you begin either assignment. ***Research Paper Proposal: (3 points) •1 page maximum. PLEASE, do not submit more than one page.Save your writing for the research paper.•I will respond, with any changes/adjustments you should make to your research topic, within 72 hrs of the due date.•Your proposal needs to be “Approved” by me before starting your research paper. If I do not approve your first submission, I will ask you to re-submit.•Please do not e-mail me your topic to ask for approval. That is what the proposal is for.•Please answer the questions below in numbered (not paragraph) format.•Answer these questions:1.What is the topic of your research paper? Please choose a narrow,college level topic that will “fit” into 5-6 pages. If your topic is too broad or too simple, I will ask you to narrow it down and re-do this assignment.Example: “The life of Cleopatra,” and “The four pillars of Islam” are too broad and too simple for a college level paper. These topics are more appropriate for middle or high school.2. What (4 or more) sources, in addition to the textbook, will you research?oPlease read the instructions for the Research Paper to find out what sources are appropriate.oTwo of your sources must be from a scholarly journal or book (other than the textbook).oThe campus librarians can help you receive material electronically if you cannot physically go to the library.oYou need to list the specific sources that you plan to use (don’t just put: encyclopedia, library, ebsco, internet, etc..).oYou are allowed to add more sources to your research paper later.3. How is this topic or argument relevant to our course?Your topic must directly relate to the material covered in our textbook.4. What is your thesis statement?A one-sentence statement in which you will provide an argument for your paper. The remainder of your research paper will provide facts, which prove your thesis statement. If you have forgotten what a thesis statement is from your English Research course (which is a pre-req. for this course), please take some time to do an internet search on this, ask an English teacher, or ask your advisor.Formatting For both Assignments: •Papers must be double spaced, 1inch margins for top and bottom,1.25 inch for left and right.•Readable fonts only: Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier.12 pt. font•Please save your paper as either a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file, and submit your paper as an attachment to the correct dropbox.
Cleopatra’s beauty is a matter that has remained both contentious and also of historical importance. One of the many speculations made of the ancient ruler is that she used her beauty for political advantage.