• Classical conditioning/• Reinforcement theory/• Bandura’s Social Learning Theory/• Gestalt theory/• Bowlby/Ainsworth Attachment/• Piagetian theory/Constructivism • Psychoanalytic theory (modified)/• Vygotsky theory/• Information Processing/• Cognitive Neuroscience write a final expository essay (at least 2000 words) for this course that is worth 100 points. In an expository essay the student studies the literature related to a topic, forms a thesis statement based on his/her understanding of the material, and then explains and supports that thesis.The student moves beyond simply reporting the information gathered from the literature to analysis and interpretation of the material. For this course, you will discuss how two key theoretical orientations (see below) is applied in the clinic, classroom, workplace, military, hospital, or other setting beyond academia. Recommended Theoretical Topics • Classical conditioning • Reinforcement theory • Bandura’s Social Learning Theory • Gestalt theory • Bowlby/Ainsworth Attachment • Piagetian theory/Constructivism • Psychoanalytic theory (modified Classical conditioning/• Reinforcement theory http://academicassistersblog.com/classicalconditioning%e2%80%a2reinforcementtheory/ 2/3 • Vygotsky theory • Information Processing • Cognitive Neuroscience Here are the requirements for this essay. • This essay will be at least 2000 words. • APA format and reference style. • Discussion and references to at least 4 peer-reviewed psychological journal articles available as fulltext • No abstract or title page please. • Your name on the first line of the paper. No running headers on top of page or page numbers. • File format as RTF, rich text format, doc, or Word 97. • No more than one quotation. 1. Introduction (roughly 200 words) What 2 theoretical traditions I will apply and why they interest me. 2. Theoretical Tradition 1 (roughly 600 words) 1 page Description of Several Key Concepts of this Tradition An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen 3. Theoretical Tradition 2 (roughly 600 words) 1 page Description of Several Key Concepts of this Tradition An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen An application of this theoretical tradition in the setting chosen 4. Critical Thinking (more than 600 words) Limits to Theoretical Tradition 1 e.g. Scientific evidence Strengths? Modifications needed to improve applications? Limits to Theoretical Tradition 2 e.g. Scientific evidence? Strengths? Modifications needed to improve applications?