This paper of CIS 417 WK 3 Case Study 1 – BTK covers:In 2005, serial killer Dennis Rader, also known as BTK, was arrested and convicted of murdering 10people in Kansas between the years of 1974 and 1991. Further research this incident using quality and reputable resources.Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:1. Explicate how digital forensics was used to identify Rader as a suspect and lead to more concretephysical evidence.2. Describe in detail the digital evidence that was uncovered from the floppy disk obtained fromRader. Discuss why you believe it took so many years to find concrete evidence in order to builda case against Rader.3. Explain how the acquisition of digital evidence aided the investigation and whether or not youbelieve Rader wouldve been a person of interest if the floppy disk evidence wasnt sent.
CIS 417 WK 3 Case Study 1-BTK