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Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil

Calibri or Arial 11 font, single-spaced, margins (1”) on all sides, no covers or binders, just a plain cover sheet with your name. Unlimited exhibits, graphs and attachments as long as they are referred to directly in your text. Cover sheet, and attachments not counted in page limit.

Written Case Analysis – Grading Rubric
Assignment: Analyze one of the 4 cases discussed in Session 3. Submit a Written Case Analysis based on the instructions in the Course Syllabus. Your analysis will be evaluated along the following dimensions: (a) Identification and prioritization of the central strategic issues in the case (a) Use of facts from the case (no external research) to support your identification and prioritization (c) Professional quality (clarity, grammar, spelling) of written work.
Excellent Fair Poor
1)Your Identification and prioritization of the central strategic issues in the case was: Clear identification and prioritization of the main and the secondary themes in the case Reasonably good summary of the main themes, you missed a few, and you attempted some prioritization Spotty and inconsistent, you presented an incomplete picture of the central themes and the secondary themes with little or no prioritization
2) Your use of the facts of the case to support your identification and prioritization was: Meticulous use of facts from the case and persuasive arguments to support all the themes identified You made an attempt to support your analysis with facts from the case but your arguments were weak or incomplete Scant: you asserted themes and their importance without supporting facts from the case
3) The professional quality of your written work was :

Smooth, clear and persuasive writing style. Evidence of meticulous proofreading: no discernible errors in grammar and spelling Overall, reasonably clear writing style with a few confusing parts. A few errors in grammar and spelling Line of reasoning was often unclear and confusing. Several errors in grammar and spelling.

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Cirque du Soleil

I n d i v i d u a l A s s e s s m e n t :
E v a l u a t i o n o f C i r q u e d u S o l e i l ( 4 0 % )
The goal of this assignment is to evaluate Cirque du Soleil’s current condition and strategic orientation.
You will assess the company’s current operations and indicate whether a change in strategic direction is
necessary. The assignment allows you to build directly on your group’s analyses for Lab exercise 2, and
prepares you for completion of the group project analyses.
Background information for Cirque du Soleil is presented in a case study, available on Blackboard:
“Cirque du Soleil—The High-Wire Act of Building Sustainable Partnerships”, Harvard Business
School Press, 9-709-411
This case presents some general background information you will want to consider; and you should
draw on your own research to better understand the current situation the company faces. Your analysis
should be based on the situation the company faces now.
In a 1,500-word analysis, you should address the following:
(1) Identify the value proposition and assets and competencies of Cirque du Soleil. Indicate
how the assets and competencies support the company’s value proposition, and evaluate
the strength and clarity of the value proposition currently.
(2) Discuss problems and successes the company is having, and how its strategic orientation
has contributed. Identify the key challenges on which Cirque du Soleil should focus.
(3) Identify the competitive advantage the company has, if any. Does the company have an
advantage that is strong and sustainable?
High quality papers have the following characteristics:
(1) Support key arguments by referring to data, where possible.
(2) Emphasize analysis over description, e.g., explain why some issue is an important
problem, rather than simply stating what the issue is.
This written assignment must not exceed 1,500 words. You can include no more than three exhibits—
graphs, tables or figures—though none are required.

APA/ Harvard reference.

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