Essay topics: Is Our Response to Drugs and Alcohol Due Entirely to Genetics? Are Genetically Modified Crops Safe to Eat? Is CSI Portrayed Realistically in the Media?(FONT IS New Times Roman 12, with 1.5 spacing)The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice framing a hypothesis based up on a subject that you have chosen from the list given at the end of these instructions. The assignment is marked out of 25. I want your essay to develop your hypothesis using the S.T.I.E.R./H. approach. I want separate headings for each part. One essaytype paragraph under each heading is sufficient . In each part, I want you to put down some of your thoughtsas you work your way through to the final conclusion. For example, under the heading Task, Iwant you to tell me what led you to your choice of task, before stating the actual task at theend of the paragraph. As I said at the lecture, you do not have to do any internet research forthis assignment, although you can do a little if you wish. For this assignment only, I shall allowyou to make up the information, the experiments, and the expected results. This still helps youfocus and maintain a disciplined approach for producing a hypothesis from a given subject. The final hypothesis should be a single sentence statement of less than two lines. Remember,the simpler the better (Ockhams razor). You can test your hypothesis by asking if it answersthe two questions: what will you study, and what you do you expect to find. You may findwhen you get to the end of this exercise that you are not satisfied with your work, in whichcase you can either start again, or put a final note on your assignment telling me why you aredissatisfied; and what you would do to fix it. If you need any help you can probably find it in Chapter 2 of theonline text. The Chapter 2 text is attached below.FOLLOW THIS LAYOUT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT: I shall mark the assignment out of 25, split as follows: Subject, 1; Task, 5; Information 5;Experiments 4; Results 5; final hypothesis 5. Your total marks out of 25, will be divided by 5to get your contribution of up to 5% of course mark.: Essays