6 pages, typed, double spaced, one-inch margin, times new roman Im with capital punishment choose the best three arguments that support it. defend those arguments against critisim and conclude that capital punishment is morally acceptable and why. use reasons why it works. Please use the below as a refrences to support my argument. Please use this book Debating the death penalty by Bedau, Hugo and cassell, Paul. 2004 As well as please use those videos: 1.Firing line capital punishment debate. you will find it on youtube called firing line debate that the death penalty is a good thing. 2. christopher hitchnes debate on the death penalty. you will find it on youtube its an hour and 48 minutes long. I chose english class as homework field but its not cause I didint find philosophy as a choice.
Choose the best three arguments that support it. defend those arguments against criticism and conclude that capital punishment is morally acceptable and why.