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China’s export quotas on rare earth elements: Should the world worry?

China’s export quotas on rare earth elements: Should the world worry?

Order Description
The paper should have a logical flow to it, and make use of appropriate headings and
subheadings. You should follow the suggested format described below:
COVER PAGE (1 page). Your paper should include a cover sheet which is similar for
all students (see the MS-Word file “Cover Sheet” posted within the “Term
Paper/Case” icon). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
In case you have questions on how to start your page numbering on a different
page, these web pages will teach you how to do it:
https://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm (for Word 2004
and earlier)
https://mu.edu/its/help/office/documents/word-pagenumbering.pdf (for Word 2007)
ABSTRACT (1 page). Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize
the main points of your paper. Do not show the page number on this sheet.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (1 page). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
1. INTRODUCTION (1 page). Start page numbering at “1.”
In the Introduction you should:
• briefly define globalization, its types, aspects, importance, evolution, etc.;
• briefly describe a specific global phenomenon (that is, international trade in
rare earth materials) you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed
description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the
Discussion part);
• carefully explain how this phenomenon fits into/relates to the process of
economic globalization, that is, whether it reflects globalization of
consumption, globalization of production and ownership, or globalization of
• describe how your paper is organized, that is, what you are going to discuss
in each of the following sections.
2. DISCUSSION/ANALYTICAL PART (3-8 pages). It is recommended that you
break this part into several sections (and sub-sections) with appropriate headings
(sub-headings). For example,
2.1. Rare earth elements, their availability and use
• What are rare earth elements/materials? What are their useful properties?
Where (that is, commercial and military applications) are they used?
• Where (in what countries) are the major known rare earth ore reserves
located? What countries are the largest suppliers of rare earth materials in
the international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
exporting nations? What has happened to the US rare earth material
supply chain since 1950? Why?
• What countries are the major buyers of rare earth materials in the
international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
importing nations?
• Describe the dynamics of US imports of rare earth materials over time
(say, the past 10 years) and provide sufficient data to support your claim:
What is the evidence of this process? Is it really happening? Does this
process intensify or weaken over time? Why?
2.2. China’s trade policy on rare earth materials and its recent
• How did China acquire a world monopoly on the family of rare earth
• List different trade barriers China has been using on rare earth materials.
Provide actual examples.
• Focus on a dramatic cut in export quotas
on rare earth materials in July 2010. Describe the export quota, how
it is set and administered. Describe the recent cut. List the reasons China
cites as a justification for this cut. In addition to these “official” reasons,
do you think China has a secret agenda? If yes, can you think of any
2.3. Potential impacts and implications of the recent Chinese export
quota cut
• Describe the recent dynamics of the rare earth material prices in the
international market. To what degree the recent change in prices may be
attributed to China’s decision to cut exports? Are there any other reasons
that may have contributed to the observed price dynamics?
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the Chinese economy,
Chinese producers and exporters of rare earth materials.
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the US economy,
American manufactures, workers, and consumers.
2.4. Rare earth materials: Heading for a global resource crunch?
• Analyze potential opportunities and threats that Chinese export
restrictions pose for businesses (both in the US and worldwide): How
should businesses respond to it?
• What strategies may be implemented to reduce the US’s (as well as the
world’s) dependency on Chinese rare earth materials?
• Should the US rebuild its rare earth material supply chain? What do you
think? Provide at least 3 arguments in favor and at least 3 arguments
against. What are the major difficulties the US may face in its attempt to
rebuild its rare earth material supply chain?
• What is the WTO position on export quotas? Should the US bring a formal
case to the WTO?
2. 5. Please provide a comprehensive demand and supply side analysis.
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (1 page). Your analysis should lead you to
reasonable conclusions.
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY should include the references that you cite, but
also a listing of the material that contributed to your body of knowledge. Where did
you look for answers? If it helped you, please include a reference. Use of
information from outside sources that is not attributed will be considered
plagiarism. The consequences of academic dishonesty are discussed in the
Student Manual.
Reference/Bibliography section should give full information. Authors of articles and
books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government
documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Include page
numbers only when appropriate. Consistency is more important than style.
Be sure to acknowledge the source of all information from outside sources either in
footnotes or in the text. In-text quotations must correspond exactly with the original
in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Page numbers must be given. Changes must
be indicated: use brackets to identify insertions; use ellipsis dots (…) to show
omissions. Also indicate where emphasis has been added. Only lengthy quotations
(more than 50 words) should be separated from the text; such quotations must be
double-spaced and indented at the left margin. References to authors in the text
must exactly match those in the Reference/Bibliography section.
APPENDICES. Here you should put your tables, graphics (such as bar charts, trend
lines, etc.) and any other important materials.
Tables must be designed to fit comfortably on a page. For tables, use the ‘create
table’ feature in MS-Word. Each table must have a title and be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numbers. Do not abbreviate in column headings, etc. For
example, spell out “percent”; do not use the percent sign. Place a zero in front of the
decimal point in all decimal fractions (i.e., 0.357, not .357). Each table should be no
more than 10 columns wide.
Figures should be supplied as high quality. Figures should be produced in black and
white. Tints and complex shading should be avoided. Figures must have a title and
be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.

Order Description
The paper should have a logical flow to it, and make use of appropriate headings and
subheadings. You should follow the suggested format described below:
COVER PAGE (1 page). Your paper should include a cover sheet which is similar for
all students (see the MS-Word file “Cover Sheet” posted within the “Term
Paper/Case” icon). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
In case you have questions on how to start your page numbering on a different
page, these web pages will teach you how to do it:
https://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm (for Word 2004
and earlier)
https://mu.edu/its/help/office/documents/word-pagenumbering.pdf (for Word 2007)
ABSTRACT (1 page). Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize
the main points of your paper. Do not show the page number on this sheet.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (1 page). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
1. INTRODUCTION (1 page). Start page numbering at “1.”
In the Introduction you should:
• briefly define globalization, its types, aspects, importance, evolution, etc.;
• briefly describe a specific global phenomenon (that is, international trade in
rare earth materials) you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed
description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the
Discussion part);
• carefully explain how this phenomenon fits into/relates to the process of
economic globalization, that is, whether it reflects globalization of
consumption, globalization of production and ownership, or globalization of
• describe how your paper is organized, that is, what you are going to discuss
in each of the following sections.
2. DISCUSSION/ANALYTICAL PART (3-8 pages). It is recommended that you
break this part into several sections (and sub-sections) with appropriate headings
(sub-headings). For example,
2.1. Rare earth elements, their availability and use
• What are rare earth elements/materials? What are their useful properties?
Where (that is, commercial and military applications) are they used?
• Where (in what countries) are the major known rare earth ore reserves
located? What countries are the largest suppliers of rare earth materials in
the international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
exporting nations? What has happened to the US rare earth material
supply chain since 1950? Why?
• What countries are the major buyers of rare earth materials in the
international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
importing nations?
• Describe the dynamics of US imports of rare earth materials over time
(say, the past 10 years) and provide sufficient data to support your claim:
What is the evidence of this process? Is it really happening? Does this
process intensify or weaken over time? Why?
2.2. China’s trade policy on rare earth materials and its recent
• How did China acquire a world monopoly on the family of rare earth
• List different trade barriers China has been using on rare earth materials.
Provide actual examples.
• Focus on a dramatic cut in export quotas
on rare earth materials in July 2010. Describe the export quota, how
it is set and administered. Describe the recent cut. List the reasons China
cites as a justification for this cut. In addition to these “official” reasons,
do you think China has a secret agenda? If yes, can you think of any
2.3. Potential impacts and implications of the recent Chinese export
quota cut
• Describe the recent dynamics of the rare earth material prices in the
international market. To what degree the recent change in prices may be
attributed to China’s decision to cut exports? Are there any other reasons
that may have contributed to the observed price dynamics?
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the Chinese economy,
Chinese producers and exporters of rare earth materials.
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the US economy,
American manufactures, workers, and consumers.
2.4. Rare earth materials: Heading for a global resource crunch?
• Analyze potential opportunities and threats that Chinese export
restrictions pose for businesses (both in the US and worldwide): How
should businesses respond to it?
• What strategies may be implemented to reduce the US’s (as well as the
world’s) dependency on Chinese rare earth materials?
• Should the US rebuild its rare earth material supply chain? What do you
think? Provide at least 3 arguments in favor and at least 3 arguments
against. What are the major difficulties the US may face in its attempt to
rebuild its rare earth material supply chain?
• What is the WTO position on export quotas? Should the US bring a formal
case to the WTO?
2. 5. Please provide a comprehensive demand and supply side analysis.
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (1 page). Your analysis should lead you to
reasonable conclusions.
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY should include the references that you cite, but
also a listing of the material that contributed to your body of knowledge. Where did
you look for answers? If it helped you, please include a reference. Use of
information from outside sources that is not attributed will be considered
plagiarism. The consequences of academic dishonesty are discussed in the
Student Manual.
Reference/Bibliography section should give full information. Authors of articles and
books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government
documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Include page
numbers only when appropriate. Consistency is more important than style.
Be sure to acknowledge the source of all information from outside sources either in
footnotes or in the text. In-text quotations must correspond exactly with the original
in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Page numbers must be given. Changes must
be indicated: use brackets to identify insertions; use ellipsis dots (…) to show
omissions. Also indicate where emphasis has been added. Only lengthy quotations
(more than 50 words) should be separated from the text; such quotations must be
double-spaced and indented at the left margin. References to authors in the text
must exactly match those in the Reference/Bibliography section.
APPENDICES. Here you should put your tables, graphics (such as bar charts, trend
lines, etc.) and any other important materials.
Tables must be designed to fit comfortably on a page. For tables, use the ‘create
table’ feature in MS-Word. Each table must have a title and be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numbers. Do not abbreviate in column headings, etc. For
example, spell out “percent”; do not use the percent sign. Place a zero in front of the
decimal point in all decimal fractions (i.e., 0.357, not .357). Each table should be no
more than 10 columns wide.
Figures should be supplied as high quality. Figures should be produced in black and
white. Tints and complex shading should be avoided. Figures must have a title and
be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

China’s export quotas on rare earth elements: Should the world worry?

China’s export quotas on rare earth elements: Should the world worry?

Order Description
The paper should have a logical flow to it, and make use of appropriate headings and
subheadings. You should follow the suggested format described below:
COVER PAGE (1 page). Your paper should include a cover sheet which is similar for
all students (see the MS-Word file “Cover Sheet” posted within the “Term
Paper/Case” icon). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
In case you have questions on how to start your page numbering on a different
page, these web pages will teach you how to do it:
https://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm (for Word 2004
and earlier)
https://mu.edu/its/help/office/documents/word-pagenumbering.pdf (for Word 2007)
ABSTRACT (1 page). Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize
the main points of your paper. Do not show the page number on this sheet.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (1 page). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
1. INTRODUCTION (1 page). Start page numbering at “1.”
In the Introduction you should:
• briefly define globalization, its types, aspects, importance, evolution, etc.;
• briefly describe a specific global phenomenon (that is, international trade in
rare earth materials) you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed
description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the
Discussion part);
• carefully explain how this phenomenon fits into/relates to the process of
economic globalization, that is, whether it reflects globalization of
consumption, globalization of production and ownership, or globalization of
• describe how your paper is organized, that is, what you are going to discuss
in each of the following sections.
2. DISCUSSION/ANALYTICAL PART (3-8 pages). It is recommended that you
break this part into several sections (and sub-sections) with appropriate headings
(sub-headings). For example,
2.1. Rare earth elements, their availability and use
• What are rare earth elements/materials? What are their useful properties?
Where (that is, commercial and military applications) are they used?
• Where (in what countries) are the major known rare earth ore reserves
located? What countries are the largest suppliers of rare earth materials in
the international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
exporting nations? What has happened to the US rare earth material
supply chain since 1950? Why?
• What countries are the major buyers of rare earth materials in the
international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
importing nations?
• Describe the dynamics of US imports of rare earth materials over time
(say, the past 10 years) and provide sufficient data to support your claim:
What is the evidence of this process? Is it really happening? Does this
process intensify or weaken over time? Why?
2.2. China’s trade policy on rare earth materials and its recent
• How did China acquire a world monopoly on the family of rare earth
• List different trade barriers China has been using on rare earth materials.
Provide actual examples.
• Focus on a dramatic cut in export quotas
on rare earth materials in July 2010. Describe the export quota, how
it is set and administered. Describe the recent cut. List the reasons China
cites as a justification for this cut. In addition to these “official” reasons,
do you think China has a secret agenda? If yes, can you think of any
2.3. Potential impacts and implications of the recent Chinese export
quota cut
• Describe the recent dynamics of the rare earth material prices in the
international market. To what degree the recent change in prices may be
attributed to China’s decision to cut exports? Are there any other reasons
that may have contributed to the observed price dynamics?
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the Chinese economy,
Chinese producers and exporters of rare earth materials.
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the US economy,
American manufactures, workers, and consumers.
2.4. Rare earth materials: Heading for a global resource crunch?
• Analyze potential opportunities and threats that Chinese export
restrictions pose for businesses (both in the US and worldwide): How
should businesses respond to it?
• What strategies may be implemented to reduce the US’s (as well as the
world’s) dependency on Chinese rare earth materials?
• Should the US rebuild its rare earth material supply chain? What do you
think? Provide at least 3 arguments in favor and at least 3 arguments
against. What are the major difficulties the US may face in its attempt to
rebuild its rare earth material supply chain?
• What is the WTO position on export quotas? Should the US bring a formal
case to the WTO?
2. 5. Please provide a comprehensive demand and supply side analysis.
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (1 page). Your analysis should lead you to
reasonable conclusions.
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY should include the references that you cite, but
also a listing of the material that contributed to your body of knowledge. Where did
you look for answers? If it helped you, please include a reference. Use of
information from outside sources that is not attributed will be considered
plagiarism. The consequences of academic dishonesty are discussed in the
Student Manual.
Reference/Bibliography section should give full information. Authors of articles and
books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government
documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Include page
numbers only when appropriate. Consistency is more important than style.
Be sure to acknowledge the source of all information from outside sources either in
footnotes or in the text. In-text quotations must correspond exactly with the original
in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Page numbers must be given. Changes must
be indicated: use brackets to identify insertions; use ellipsis dots (…) to show
omissions. Also indicate where emphasis has been added. Only lengthy quotations
(more than 50 words) should be separated from the text; such quotations must be
double-spaced and indented at the left margin. References to authors in the text
must exactly match those in the Reference/Bibliography section.
APPENDICES. Here you should put your tables, graphics (such as bar charts, trend
lines, etc.) and any other important materials.
Tables must be designed to fit comfortably on a page. For tables, use the ‘create
table’ feature in MS-Word. Each table must have a title and be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numbers. Do not abbreviate in column headings, etc. For
example, spell out “percent”; do not use the percent sign. Place a zero in front of the
decimal point in all decimal fractions (i.e., 0.357, not .357). Each table should be no
more than 10 columns wide.
Figures should be supplied as high quality. Figures should be produced in black and
white. Tints and complex shading should be avoided. Figures must have a title and
be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.

Order Description
The paper should have a logical flow to it, and make use of appropriate headings and
subheadings. You should follow the suggested format described below:
COVER PAGE (1 page). Your paper should include a cover sheet which is similar for
all students (see the MS-Word file “Cover Sheet” posted within the “Term
Paper/Case” icon). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
In case you have questions on how to start your page numbering on a different
page, these web pages will teach you how to do it:
https://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formatting/NumberingFrontMatter.htm (for Word 2004
and earlier)
https://mu.edu/its/help/office/documents/word-pagenumbering.pdf (for Word 2007)
ABSTRACT (1 page). Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should summarize
the main points of your paper. Do not show the page number on this sheet.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (1 page). Do not show the page number on this sheet.
1. INTRODUCTION (1 page). Start page numbering at “1.”
In the Introduction you should:
• briefly define globalization, its types, aspects, importance, evolution, etc.;
• briefly describe a specific global phenomenon (that is, international trade in
rare earth materials) you are going to analyze in the paper (a detailed
description of the phenomenon under consideration should appear in the
Discussion part);
• carefully explain how this phenomenon fits into/relates to the process of
economic globalization, that is, whether it reflects globalization of
consumption, globalization of production and ownership, or globalization of
• describe how your paper is organized, that is, what you are going to discuss
in each of the following sections.
2. DISCUSSION/ANALYTICAL PART (3-8 pages). It is recommended that you
break this part into several sections (and sub-sections) with appropriate headings
(sub-headings). For example,
2.1. Rare earth elements, their availability and use
• What are rare earth elements/materials? What are their useful properties?
Where (that is, commercial and military applications) are they used?
• Where (in what countries) are the major known rare earth ore reserves
located? What countries are the largest suppliers of rare earth materials in
the international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
exporting nations? What has happened to the US rare earth material
supply chain since 1950? Why?
• What countries are the major buyers of rare earth materials in the
international market? How does the US rank among the world largest
importing nations?
• Describe the dynamics of US imports of rare earth materials over time
(say, the past 10 years) and provide sufficient data to support your claim:
What is the evidence of this process? Is it really happening? Does this
process intensify or weaken over time? Why?
2.2. China’s trade policy on rare earth materials and its recent
• How did China acquire a world monopoly on the family of rare earth
• List different trade barriers China has been using on rare earth materials.
Provide actual examples.
• Focus on a dramatic cut in export quotas
on rare earth materials in July 2010. Describe the export quota, how
it is set and administered. Describe the recent cut. List the reasons China
cites as a justification for this cut. In addition to these “official” reasons,
do you think China has a secret agenda? If yes, can you think of any
2.3. Potential impacts and implications of the recent Chinese export
quota cut
• Describe the recent dynamics of the rare earth material prices in the
international market. To what degree the recent change in prices may be
attributed to China’s decision to cut exports? Are there any other reasons
that may have contributed to the observed price dynamics?
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the Chinese economy,
Chinese producers and exporters of rare earth materials.
• Describe at least 5 consequences that the recent cut in Chinese export
quotas on rare earth materials is likely to have on the US economy,
American manufactures, workers, and consumers.
2.4. Rare earth materials: Heading for a global resource crunch?
• Analyze potential opportunities and threats that Chinese export
restrictions pose for businesses (both in the US and worldwide): How
should businesses respond to it?
• What strategies may be implemented to reduce the US’s (as well as the
world’s) dependency on Chinese rare earth materials?
• Should the US rebuild its rare earth material supply chain? What do you
think? Provide at least 3 arguments in favor and at least 3 arguments
against. What are the major difficulties the US may face in its attempt to
rebuild its rare earth material supply chain?
• What is the WTO position on export quotas? Should the US bring a formal
case to the WTO?
2. 5. Please provide a comprehensive demand and supply side analysis.
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (1 page). Your analysis should lead you to
reasonable conclusions.
REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY should include the references that you cite, but
also a listing of the material that contributed to your body of knowledge. Where did
you look for answers? If it helped you, please include a reference. Use of
information from outside sources that is not attributed will be considered
plagiarism. The consequences of academic dishonesty are discussed in the
Student Manual.
Reference/Bibliography section should give full information. Authors of articles and
books and material without specific authors or editors, such as government
documents, bulletins, or newspapers, are to be listed alphabetically. Include page
numbers only when appropriate. Consistency is more important than style.
Be sure to acknowledge the source of all information from outside sources either in
footnotes or in the text. In-text quotations must correspond exactly with the original
in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Page numbers must be given. Changes must
be indicated: use brackets to identify insertions; use ellipsis dots (…) to show
omissions. Also indicate where emphasis has been added. Only lengthy quotations
(more than 50 words) should be separated from the text; such quotations must be
double-spaced and indented at the left margin. References to authors in the text
must exactly match those in the Reference/Bibliography section.
APPENDICES. Here you should put your tables, graphics (such as bar charts, trend
lines, etc.) and any other important materials.
Tables must be designed to fit comfortably on a page. For tables, use the ‘create
table’ feature in MS-Word. Each table must have a title and be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numbers. Do not abbreviate in column headings, etc. For
example, spell out “percent”; do not use the percent sign. Place a zero in front of the
decimal point in all decimal fractions (i.e., 0.357, not .357). Each table should be no
more than 10 columns wide.
Figures should be supplied as high quality. Figures should be produced in black and
white. Tints and complex shading should be avoided. Figures must have a title and
be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.

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