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CHILDREN & CARE: On Mediatization, Competencies, Special Needs & Paternalism

**There are 5 questions that need to be assessed in 2 pages single spaced**

Please write out a 2 page (single spaced APA style) research paper.

Please work on the following:
-Grammar Usage
-Organizing the sections to make it research paper oriented. (Provide Headings and Sub-headings)
-Improve word choice and writing style
-In text citations (APA)
-Flow of my reasoning and concepts (provide suggestions when you can).

*Avoid Generalizations. Writing should be precise and simple.
I have researched and provided some direct and indirect quotes. DO NOT use the entire quote to fill up space. Choose part of the quote that you find relevant when writing the paper. Research further to fully assess the question.
Go through the entire outline and make every sentence relevant to the next. If a sentence doesn’t make sense delete it. Make ideas relevant to each other and flow well. Also, whenever you make a claim you have to back it up with evidence (find sources).
***Make sure the ideas in the paper flow well. Avoid writing a choppy essay with just a bunch of facts. The paper has to be 2pages single spaced maximum***

Below are the grading criteria from the instructor (He’s a really stringent grader):

The following criteria will be followed in grading papers:
Strong papers will demonstrate superior: (l) precision in addressing the assignment, (2) writing style & usage, (3) organization, (4) understanding and application of theories of ethical reasoning, (5) research and application of primary scholarly sources and sound journalism, (6) citation of reference sources, and (7) use of the APA reference style.
*Always use the five major theories of ethical reasoning to assess any ethical breeches.
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom
1. What evidence and considerations presented in lecture on whether children as a special media audience are deserving of special ethical concerns most concern you? Why?

Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Lecture Notes

-The culture of the future is as good as the youth of the present.
-Kids are smart, and are sophisticated in some ways but vulnerable and stupid in many other ways. Provide. The marketing industry could take advantage of children’s vulnerability to make profits.
-Many parents are not media literates, where they don’t know the motives of media entertainment.
-Kids Spends a lot of time on media platforms
-In a media environment or capitalistic society, new and improved excites people. It appeals to kids more. All due to ads. embedded in people since they were kids.

(Children and Juveniles)

1, children’s cognitive processing abilities are less advanced than adults
-kids are not rational, and they are still being developed.

2.children have problems distinguishing fantasy from reality.
-they believe what they see on tv
3.children have less experience in the world, they’re beliefs are more likely to be shaped by media.
-children rely on media to know more about things that they don’t have experience with.
4. children have less experience with media. Up to age 8, they have difficulty distinguishing commercials from programs.

(Marketing to kids is Big Business)

2. Teens spend 159 billion annually
3. children under 12 influence $500 billion in purchases.
4. This generation of Kids is the most brand Conscious.
-kids (13to17 years) have 145 Conversations about brands per week. about twice as much as adults.
-Kids are becoming more materialistic. should we be me re interested in other matters.
-whose benefiting from becoming materialistic.

Children and Marketing

1. Age 2-11 2500 ads per year on TV
2. Brand licensed toys account for 22.3 billion in 2006
– Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– Some parents that are a bit educated take kids to schools to play with non-branded toys. Ex Woldorf school
– Its an ethical dilemma for many parents, should kids get what they want or should they benefit
– As children get older marketers exploit children’s desires to fit in with peers and rebel against authority. Making a selling point for products.

2. Explain and provide examples of the most egregious ethical breaches in media content (TV, film, radio, print media, advertising, etc.) with regard to children, providing examples that violate the tenets of each of the five major theories of ethical reasoning. In each instance, explain the nature of the ethical violation and the harms that are likely created.
Research ethical breaches in media content. Explain how they are unethical based on the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Brief description of the 5 major theories of ethical reasoning:
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom

-“Systematic reviews and reports have shown that food marketing has an influence on children’s food preferences and consumption patterns, and that exposure to energy-dense food and beverage advertising, especially on TV, contributes to the creation of an obesogenic environment” ” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“Marketing to children is considered ethically problematic from a number of different viewpoints. Informed choice in consumer decision-making is a central tenet of ethical business practice” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22). Children need to understand the persuasive intent of marketers in order to make profits. Children are vulnerable to making consumer decisions without full information, therefore, being unfairly pressured to consume. As a result, the unethical breach can be assessed using the ethical theory of justice. Marketers need to fairly inform children and their parents of the marketer’s intent, since from an ethical perspective marketers are required to disclose their intents transparently so that children are aware that they are being marketed to an therefore, result in implicit persuasion. Deception should not be tolerated when the youth are at risk.

-“The FTC review reports that the majority of the research into the impact of media violence on children finds that there is a high correlation between exposure to media violence and aggressive and sometimes violent behavior” (Grier, 2001, p. 124). As an ethical duty to movie producers, violence should not be encouraged in any form of media to the youth.

-“Reports demonstrate that the motion picture, recorded music, and electronic game industries’ self-regulation practices are not consistent with their marketing practices. Such findings suggest a need for further examination of the industries’ self-regulatory processes, guidelines, and implementation” (Grier, 2001, p. 128).

3. Using research and commentary published in at least two scholarly journals, make a case for why children may be a special audience, whether they are deserving of protection from media content and marketing (and by whom and how)
-“A trend has been observed for marketing communications to move from traditional media (such as television advertising) to non-broadcast media such as the Internet, video games, school, sport, product placement on television programs, movies…Children’s high engagement with screen-based media increases the potential for exposure to marketing messages on non-broadcast media” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 21)

I have uploaded a journal on the future of children. Use that journal to assess this question and could be used for other questions. Make sure to cite the article being used.
4. What is the best policy options are for protecting children from problematic media influence and socialization in a “free speech” society. Since children also watch adult media content, how would your policy strategies take this into account?
-Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– “The adoption of regulations to reduce the extent and impact of commercial promotion of energy-dense foods and beverages aimed at children is one of the principles suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to guide the actions intended to counteract the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity as a public health problem in Europe” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“there is agreement on the need to improve supervision and ensure compliance with current self-regulatory codes…Stronger leadership is required from governmental institutions to ensure the effectiveness of policies for regulating marketing and advertising in order to protect children’s health” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 223)

-“While childhood obesity has driven the regulatory considerations, some ethicists have contributed the viewpoint that governments have a prima facie responsibility to protect and promote the health of the population” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22)

– “it is necessary to distinguish between medical and public health approaches. The former are focused ‘downstream’ of health problems, employing treatment and education interventions which are premised on assumptions about individual responsibility for health. Public health approaches, by contrast, are focused ‘upstream’ towards the causes of health problems and enhancement of health, employing population interventions which are premised on broad socio-environmental determinants of health. Effectively tackling the problem of children’s exposure to EDNP food marketing would therefore require regulatory approaches rather than individual education approaches” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 23)

-“the FTC report suggest the need for more dimensionalized, holistic, and longitudinal investigations of the marketing system to understand the marketing of industry self-regulated restricted entertainment media” (Grier, 2001, p. 130).

5. What are the strongest and weakest arguments made in the documentaries “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood” and “Generation Like” about the harms that marketing and advertising may have in their appeals to children? Explain your evaluations using the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Documentary Notes
•consuming kids: Documentary Notes: (Barbaro, 2008)

-marketers: kids influence 700 $ billion spending. Kids influence parent’s purchases on cars, holiday trips…
-Corporations Know that “nagging” works. nag factor, repetition, on media is reinforced, The Simpsons and many other TV shows encourage kids to nag to get what they want.
-kids are bombarded with marketing messages
-FTC, regulatory agency, FTC used to regulate deception in the marketing industry. Kellog lawyers, toy industry, food industry lobbied against FTC regulation. Law changed that FTC has no longer authority to regulate children ads. Reagan’s era deregulated kid’s ads industry. It opened the gate for great spending on Kids. 17 billion annually spent on marketing to children compared to 100 million in 1983. FTC and FCC are agencies to protect kids. Many people don’t know their purpose. There is an imbalance
-kid’s toys are mostly based on movie characters.
-Film directors, can be considered as toy makers.
-Due to deregulation, marketers Can use kid’s vulnerability to make profits
-Marketers try to hook kids to products.
-Product Placement effects kids a lot. It’s deceptive since it portrays marketing messages when kids are not attentive.
-phones are great place to market to kids. Especially on phone apps.
-marketers use games on phones or laptops to gain information on kids while marketing products
-commercialism has covered schools, schools are there to promote reasoning while Commercialism adverts reasoning.
-marketers dissect the market, were they track what they do to improve client’s profits. They conduct market researches that are considered unethical by many. For instance, Neuro marketing. They check kids an MRI’s while showing an ad, is it ethical? You are manipulating kids.” Doing your job is not necessarily ethical”
-They market sugar to kids like candy. Sugar is high addictive, they know it. Kids are eating a lot of fast junk food. Diabetes
-Ads and the commercial industry have a direct relation with obesity. (Provide a claim)
-Other than products, values are being marketed. like self-indulgence, narcissism, materialism
-marketing takes advantage at the natural urge to grow up and become mature
-WWE markets kids (boys) with values of aggression, domination, and bullying. check relation between bullying and media.
-parents believe that if kids are not interacting with media, they would be behind.
-educational games are a scam.
-Kid are getting deprived from exercising imagination
-Kids are now imitating instead of playing. They are being told how to play.
-we are creating a super consumer generation.
-ADHD problem nowadays. Children’s health
-there are links anxiety and depression with the consumer culture
-Parents have the right to know the benefits and costs of ads on kids
Best arguments:
-graphic research or neuro marketing
-creativity is deprived that have great ramifications
-causing anxiety or depression
-educational programs for kids are a scam
-Parents have the right to make decisions for their kids but what about uneducated parents.
-1983 improvement act on FTC
-People are not aware of the ramification of ads to kids
•Generation like” Documentary.

-what are companies doing to kids using technology. Are kids or adults aware
-the current generation is obsessed with the amount of likes, friends.
-this society takes pride on being a noteworthy fan
-social media is considered by many of the youth as “self empowering”.
-The rise of narcissism and how social media regulates it. social media amplifies obsessions
-when you” like” something, u is creating data on you that marketers use
-Companies know how to use data to make profits
-Fame by association, marketers use people on the social media as ads or marketing campaign
-People in social media have become part of the marketing strategy where they spread The word.
Barbaro, A. (Director). (2008). Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood [Motion picture on DVD]. USA.
Davó-Blanes, M. C., Ortiz-Moncada, R., Gil-González, D., Álvarez-Dardet, C., & Lobstein, T. (2013, March 1). Research report: The impact of marketing practices and its regulation policies on childhood obesity. Opinions of stakeholders in Spain. Appetite, 62, 216-224. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2012.11.030
Grier, S. A. (2001, April 15). The Federal Trade Commission’s report on the marketing of violent entertainment to youths: Developing policy-tuned research. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(1), 123-132. doi:10.1509/jppm.
Mehta, K. P., Coveney, J., Ward, P., & Handsley, E. (2014, April). Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions of the Ethics of Marketing Energy-Dense Nutrient-Poor Foods on the Internet: Implications for Policy to Restrict Children’s Exposure. Public Health Ethics, 7(1), 21. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from Edb.

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CHILDREN & CARE: On Mediatization, Competencies, Special Needs & Paternalism

**There are 5 questions that need to be assessed in 2 pages single spaced**

Please write out a 2 page (single spaced APA style) research paper.

Please work on the following:
-Grammar Usage
-Organizing the sections to make it research paper oriented. (Provide Headings and Sub-headings)
-Improve word choice and writing style
-In text citations (APA)
-Flow of my reasoning and concepts (provide suggestions when you can).

*Avoid Generalizations. Writing should be precise and simple.
I have researched and provided some direct and indirect quotes. DO NOT use the entire quote to fill up space. Choose part of the quote that you find relevant when writing the paper. Research further to fully assess the question.
Go through the entire outline and make every sentence relevant to the next. If a sentence doesn’t make sense delete it. Make ideas relevant to each other and flow well. Also, whenever you make a claim you have to back it up with evidence (find sources).
***Make sure the ideas in the paper flow well. Avoid writing a choppy essay with just a bunch of facts. The paper has to be 2pages single spaced maximum***

Below are the grading criteria from the instructor (He’s a really stringent grader):

The following criteria will be followed in grading papers:
Strong papers will demonstrate superior: (l) precision in addressing the assignment, (2) writing style & usage, (3) organization, (4) understanding and application of theories of ethical reasoning, (5) research and application of primary scholarly sources and sound journalism, (6) citation of reference sources, and (7) use of the APA reference style.
*Always use the five major theories of ethical reasoning to assess any ethical breeches.
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom
1. What evidence and considerations presented in lecture on whether children as a special media audience are deserving of special ethical concerns most concern you? Why?

Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Lecture Notes

-The culture of the future is as good as the youth of the present.
-Kids are smart, and are sophisticated in some ways but vulnerable and stupid in many other ways. Provide. The marketing industry could take advantage of children’s vulnerability to make profits.
-Many parents are not media literates, where they don’t know the motives of media entertainment.
-Kids Spends a lot of time on media platforms
-In a media environment or capitalistic society, new and improved excites people. It appeals to kids more. All due to ads. embedded in people since they were kids.

(Children and Juveniles)

1, children’s cognitive processing abilities are less advanced than adults
-kids are not rational, and they are still being developed.

2.children have problems distinguishing fantasy from reality.
-they believe what they see on tv
3.children have less experience in the world, they’re beliefs are more likely to be shaped by media.
-children rely on media to know more about things that they don’t have experience with.
4. children have less experience with media. Up to age 8, they have difficulty distinguishing commercials from programs.

(Marketing to kids is Big Business)

2. Teens spend 159 billion annually
3. children under 12 influence $500 billion in purchases.
4. This generation of Kids is the most brand Conscious.
-kids (13to17 years) have 145 Conversations about brands per week. about twice as much as adults.
-Kids are becoming more materialistic. should we be me re interested in other matters.
-whose benefiting from becoming materialistic.

Children and Marketing

1. Age 2-11 2500 ads per year on TV
2. Brand licensed toys account for 22.3 billion in 2006
– Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– Some parents that are a bit educated take kids to schools to play with non-branded toys. Ex Woldorf school
– Its an ethical dilemma for many parents, should kids get what they want or should they benefit
– As children get older marketers exploit children’s desires to fit in with peers and rebel against authority. Making a selling point for products.

2. Explain and provide examples of the most egregious ethical breaches in media content (TV, film, radio, print media, advertising, etc.) with regard to children, providing examples that violate the tenets of each of the five major theories of ethical reasoning. In each instance, explain the nature of the ethical violation and the harms that are likely created.
Research ethical breaches in media content. Explain how they are unethical based on the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Brief description of the 5 major theories of ethical reasoning:
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom

-“Systematic reviews and reports have shown that food marketing has an influence on children’s food preferences and consumption patterns, and that exposure to energy-dense food and beverage advertising, especially on TV, contributes to the creation of an obesogenic environment” ” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“Marketing to children is considered ethically problematic from a number of different viewp01oints. Informed choice in consumer decision-making is a central tenet of ethical business practice” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22). Children need to understand the persuasive intent of marketers in order to make profits. Children are vulnerable to making consumer decisions without full information, therefore, being unfairly pressured to consume. As a result, the unethical breach can be assessed using the ethical theory of justice. Marketers need to fairly inform children and their parents of the marketer’s intent, since from an ethical perspective marketers are required to disclose their intents transparently so that children are aware that they are being marketed to an therefore, result in implicit persuasion. Deception should not be tolerated when the youth are at risk.

-“The FTC review reports that the majority of the research into the impact of media violence on children finds that there is a high correlation between exposure to media violence and aggressive and sometimes violent behavior” (Grier, 2001, p. 124). As an ethical duty to movie producers, violence should not be encouraged in any form of media to the youth.

-“Reports demonstrate that the motion picture, recorded music, and electronic game industries’ self-regulation practices are not consistent with their marketing practices. Such findings suggest a need for further examination of the industries’ self-regulatory processes, guidelines, and implementation” (Grier, 2001, p. 128).

3. Using research and commentary published in at least two scholarly journals, make a case for why children may be a special audience, whether they are deserving of protection from media content and marketing (and by whom and how)
-“A trend has been observed for marketing communications to move from traditional media (such as television advertising) to non-broadcast media such as the Internet, video games, school, sport, product placement on television programs, movies…Children’s high engagement with screen-based media increases the potential for exposure to marketing messages on non-broadcast media” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 21)

I have uploaded a journal on the future of children. Use that journal to assess this question and could be used for other questions. Make sure to cite the article being used.
4. What is the best policy options are for protecting children from problematic media influence and socialization in a “free speech” society. Since children also watch adult media content, how would your policy strategies take this into account?
-Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– “The adoption of regulations to reduce the extent and impact of commercial promotion of energy-dense foods and beverages aimed at children is one of the principles suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to guide the actions intended to counteract the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity as a public health problem in Europe” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“there is agreement on the need to improve supervision and ensure compliance with current self-regulatory codes…Stronger leadership is required from governmental institutions to ensure the effectiveness of policies for regulating marketing and advertising in order to protect children’s health” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 223)

-“While childhood obesity has driven the regulatory considerations, some ethicists have contributed the viewp01oint that governments have a prima facie responsibility to protect and promote the health of the population” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22)

– “it is necessary to distinguish between medical and public health approaches. The former are focused ‘downstream’ of health problems, employing treatment and education interventions which are premised on assumptions about individual responsibility for health. Public health approaches, by contrast, are focused ‘upstream’ towards the causes of health problems and enhancement of health, employing population interventions which are premised on broad socio-environmental determinants of health. Effectively tackling the problem of children’s exposure to EDNP food marketing would therefore require regulatory approaches rather than individual education approaches” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 23)

-“the FTC report suggest the need for more dimensionalized, holistic, and longitudinal investigations of the marketing system to understand the marketing of industry self-regulated restricted entertainment media” (Grier, 2001, p. 130).

5. What are the strongest and weakest arguments made in the documentaries “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood” and “Generation Like” about the harms that marketing and advertising may have in their appeals to children? Explain your evaluations using the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Documentary Notes
•consuming kids: Documentary Notes: (Barbaro, 2008)

-marketers: kids influence 700 $ billion spending. Kids influence parent’s purchases on cars, holiday trips…
-Corporations Know that “nagging” works. nag factor, repetition, on media is reinforced, The Simpsons and many other TV shows encourage kids to nag to get what they want.
-kids are bombarded with marketing messages
-FTC, regulatory agency, FTC used to regulate deception in the marketing industry. Kellog lawyers, toy industry, food industry lobbied against FTC regulation. Law changed that FTC has no longer authority to regulate children ads. Reagan’s era deregulated kid’s ads industry. It opened the gate for great spending on Kids. 17 billion annually spent on marketing to children compared to 100 million in 1983. FTC and FCC are agencies to protect kids. Many people don’t know their purpose. There is an imbalance
-kid’s toys are mostly based on movie characters.
-Film directors, can be considered as toy makers.
-Due to deregulation, marketers Can use kid’s vulnerability to make profits
-Marketers try to hook kids to products.
-Product Placement effects kids a lot. It’s deceptive since it portrays marketing messages when kids are not attentive.
-phones are great place to market to kids. Especially on phone apps.
-marketers use games on phones or laptops to gain information on kids while marketing products
-commercialism has covered schools, schools are there to promote reasoning while Commercialism adverts reasoning.
-marketers dissect the market, were they track what they do to improve client’s profits. They conduct market researches that are considered unethical by many. For instance, Neuro marketing. They check kids an MRI’s while showing an ad, is it ethical? You are manipulating kids.” Doing your job is not necessarily ethical”
-They market sugar to kids like candy. Sugar is high addictive, they know it. Kids are eating a lot of fast junk food. Diabetes
-Ads and the commercial industry have a direct relation with obesity. (Provide a claim)
-Other than products, values are being marketed. like self-indulgence, narcissism, materialism
-marketing takes advantage at the natural urge to grow up and become mature
-WWE markets kids (boys) with values of aggression, domination, and bullying. check relation between bullying and media.
-parents believe that if kids are not interacting with media, they would be behind.
-educational games are a scam.
-Kid are getting deprived from exercising imagination
-Kids are now imitating instead of playing. They are being told how to play.
-we are creating a super consumer generation.
-ADHD problem nowadays. Children’s health
-there are links anxiety and depression with the consumer culture
-Parents have the right to know the benefits and costs of ads on kids
Best arguments:
-graphic research or neuro marketing
-creativity is deprived that have great ramifications
-causing anxiety or depression
-educational programs for kids are a scam
-Parents have the right to make decisions for their kids but what about uneducated parents.
-1983 improvement act on FTC
-People are not aware of the ramification of ads to kids
•Generation like” Documentary.

-what are companies doing to kids using technology. Are kids or adults aware
-the current generation is obsessed with the amount of likes, friends.
-this society takes pride on being a noteworthy fan
-social media is considered by many of the youth as “self empowering”.
-The rise of narcissism and how social media regulates it. social media amplifies obsessions
-when you” like” something, u is creating data on you that marketers use
-Companies know how to use data to make profits
-Fame by association, marketers use people on the social media as ads or marketing campaign
-People in social media have become part of the marketing strategy where they spread The word.
Barbaro, A. (Director). (2008). Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood [Motion picture on DVD]. USA.
Davó-Blanes, M. C., Ortiz-Moncada, R., Gil-González, D., Álvarez-Dardet, C., & Lobstein, T. (2013, March 1). Research report: The impact of marketing practices and its regulation policies on childhood obesity. Opinions of stakeholders in Spain. Appetite, 62, 216-224. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2012.11.030
Grier, S. A. (2001, April 15). The Federal Trade Commission’s report on the marketing of violent entertainment to youths: Developing policy-tuned research. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(1), 123-132. doi:10.1509/jppm.
Mehta, K. P., Coveney, J., Ward, P., & Handsley, E. (2014, April). Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions of the Ethics of Marketing Energy-Dense Nutrient-Poor Foods on the Internet: Implications for Policy to Restrict Children’s Exposure. Public Health Ethics, 7(1), 21. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from Edb.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

CHILDREN & CARE: On Mediatization, Competencies, Special Needs & Paternalism

**There are 5 questions that need to be assessed in 2 pages single spaced**

Please write out a 2 page (single spaced APA style) research paper.

Please work on the following:
-Grammar Usage
-Organizing the sections to make it research paper oriented. (Provide Headings and Sub-headings)
-Improve word choice and writing style
-In text citations (APA)
-Flow of my reasoning and concepts (provide suggestions when you can).

*Avoid Generalizations. Writing should be precise and simple.
I have researched and provided some direct and indirect quotes. DO NOT use the entire quote to fill up space. Choose part of the quote that you find relevant when writing the paper. Research further to fully assess the question.
Go through the entire outline and make every sentence relevant to the next. If a sentence doesn’t make sense delete it. Make ideas relevant to each other and flow well. Also, whenever you make a claim you have to back it up with evidence (find sources).
***Make sure the ideas in the paper flow well. Avoid writing a choppy essay with just a bunch of facts. The paper has to be 2pages single spaced maximum***

Below are the grading criteria from the instructor (He’s a really stringent grader):

The following criteria will be followed in grading papers:
Strong papers will demonstrate superior: (l) precision in addressing the assignment, (2) writing style & usage, (3) organization, (4) understanding and application of theories of ethical reasoning, (5) research and application of primary scholarly sources and sound journalism, (6) citation of reference sources, and (7) use of the APA reference style.
*Always use the five major theories of ethical reasoning to assess any ethical breeches.
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom
1. What evidence and considerations presented in lecture on whether children as a special media audience are deserving of special ethical concerns most concern you? Why?

Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Lecture Notes

-The culture of the future is as good as the youth of the present.
-Kids are smart, and are sophisticated in some ways but vulnerable and stupid in many other ways. Provide. The marketing industry could take advantage of children’s vulnerability to make profits.
-Many parents are not media literates, where they don’t know the motives of media entertainment.
-Kids Spends a lot of time on media platforms
-In a media environment or capitalistic society, new and improved excites people. It appeals to kids more. All due to ads. embedded in people since they were kids.

(Children and Juveniles)

1, children’s cognitive processing abilities are less advanced than adults
-kids are not rational, and they are still being developed.

2.children have problems distinguishing fantasy from reality.
-they believe what they see on tv
3.children have less experience in the world, they’re beliefs are more likely to be shaped by media.
-children rely on media to know more about things that they don’t have experience with.
4. children have less experience with media. Up to age 8, they have difficulty distinguishing commercials from programs.

(Marketing to kids is Big Business)

2. Teens spend 159 billion annually
3. children under 12 influence $500 billion in purchases.
4. This generation of Kids is the most brand Conscious.
-kids (13to17 years) have 145 Conversations about brands per week. about twice as much as adults.
-Kids are becoming more materialistic. should we be me re interested in other matters.
-whose benefiting from becoming materialistic.

Children and Marketing

1. Age 2-11 2500 ads per year on TV
2. Brand licensed toys account for 22.3 billion in 2006
– Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– Some parents that are a bit educated take kids to schools to play with non-branded toys. Ex Woldorf school
– Its an ethical dilemma for many parents, should kids get what they want or should they benefit
– As children get older marketers exploit children’s desires to fit in with peers and rebel against authority. Making a selling point for products.

2. Explain and provide examples of the most egregious ethical breaches in media content (TV, film, radio, print media, advertising, etc.) with regard to children, providing examples that violate the tenets of each of the five major theories of ethical reasoning. In each instance, explain the nature of the ethical violation and the harms that are likely created.
Research ethical breaches in media content. Explain how they are unethical based on the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Brief description of the 5 major theories of ethical reasoning:
1. Utility: greatest good for greatest number
2. Care: focusing on empathy and compassion to others
3. Virtue: Finding a middle state or a fair compromise
4. Justice: social contact, treating all people the same. It is based on fairness.
5. Duty: act so choices could be universal laws. i.e tell the truth, respect freedom

-“Systematic reviews and reports have shown that food marketing has an influence on children’s food preferences and consumption patterns, and that exposure to energy-dense food and beverage advertising, especially on TV, contributes to the creation of an obesogenic environment” ” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“Marketing to children is considered ethically problematic from a number of different viewpoints. Informed choice in consumer decision-making is a central tenet of ethical business practice” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22). Children need to understand the persuasive intent of marketers in order to make profits. Children are vulnerable to making consumer decisions without full information, therefore, being unfairly pressured to consume. As a result, the unethical breach can be assessed using the ethical theory of justice. Marketers need to fairly inform children and their parents of the marketer’s intent, since from an ethical perspective marketers are required to disclose their intents transparently so that children are aware that they are being marketed to an therefore, result in implicit persuasion. Deception should not be tolerated when the youth are at risk.

-“The FTC review reports that the majority of the research into the impact of media violence on children finds that there is a high correlation between exposure to media violence and aggressive and sometimes violent behavior” (Grier, 2001, p. 124). As an ethical duty to movie producers, violence should not be encouraged in any form of media to the youth.

-“Reports demonstrate that the motion picture, recorded music, and electronic game industries’ self-regulation practices are not consistent with their marketing practices. Such findings suggest a need for further examination of the industries’ self-regulatory processes, guidelines, and implementation” (Grier, 2001, p. 128).

3. Using research and commentary published in at least two scholarly journals, make a case for why children may be a special audience, whether they are deserving of protection from media content and marketing (and by whom and how)
-“A trend has been observed for marketing communications to move from traditional media (such as television advertising) to non-broadcast media such as the Internet, video games, school, sport, product placement on television programs, movies…Children’s high engagement with screen-based media increases the potential for exposure to marketing messages on non-broadcast media” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 21)

I have uploaded a journal on the future of children. Use that journal to assess this question and could be used for other questions. Make sure to cite the article being used.
4. What is the best policy options are for protecting children from problematic media influence and socialization in a “free speech” society. Since children also watch adult media content, how would your policy strategies take this into account?
-Are we better off to hear stories that are not oriented to easily sell merchandise. The story space will be impacted
– “The adoption of regulations to reduce the extent and impact of commercial promotion of energy-dense foods and beverages aimed at children is one of the principles suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to guide the actions intended to counteract the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity as a public health problem in Europe” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 216)

-“there is agreement on the need to improve supervision and ensure compliance with current self-regulatory codes…Stronger leadership is required from governmental institutions to ensure the effectiveness of policies for regulating marketing and advertising in order to protect children’s health” (Davo-Blanes & Ortiz-Moncada, 2013, p. 223)

-“While childhood obesity has driven the regulatory considerations, some ethicists have contributed the viewpoint that governments have a prima facie responsibility to protect and promote the health of the population” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 22)

– “it is necessary to distinguish between medical and public health approaches. The former are focused ‘downstream’ of health problems, employing treatment and education interventions which are premised on assumptions about individual responsibility for health. Public health approaches, by contrast, are focused ‘upstream’ towards the causes of health problems and enhancement of health, employing population interventions which are premised on broad socio-environmental determinants of health. Effectively tackling the problem of children’s exposure to EDNP food marketing would therefore require regulatory approaches rather than individual education approaches” (Mehta & Coveney, 2014, p. 23)

-“the FTC report suggest the need for more dimensionalized, holistic, and longitudinal investigations of the marketing system to understand the marketing of industry self-regulated restricted entertainment media” (Grier, 2001, p. 130).

5. What are the strongest and weakest arguments made in the documentaries “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood” and “Generation Like” about the harms that marketing and advertising may have in their appeals to children? Explain your evaluations using the five major theories of ethical reasoning.
Use the notes below to assess the question. Do not provide a list of facts, use the notes to write in an essay format where the ideas flow well.
Documentary Notes
•consuming kids: Documentary Notes: (Barbaro, 2008)

-marketers: kids influence 700 $ billion spending. Kids influence parent’s purchases on cars, holiday trips…
-Corporations Know that “nagging” works. nag factor, repetition, on media is reinforced, The Simpsons and many other TV shows encourage kids to nag to get what they want.
-kids are bombarded with marketing messages
-FTC, regulatory agency, FTC used to regulate deception in the marketing industry. Kellog lawyers, toy industry, food industry lobbied against FTC regulation. Law changed that FTC has no longer authority to regulate children ads. Reagan’s era deregulated kid’s ads industry. It opened the gate for great spending on Kids. 17 billion annually spent on marketing to children compared to 100 million in 1983. FTC and FCC are agencies to protect kids. Many people don’t know their purpose. There is an imbalance
-kid’s toys are mostly based on movie characters.
-Film directors, can be considered as toy makers.
-Due to deregulation, marketers Can use kid’s vulnerability to make profits
-Marketers try to hook kids to products.
-Product Placement effects kids a lot. It’s deceptive since it portrays marketing messages when kids are not attentive.
-phones are great place to market to kids. Especially on phone apps.
-marketers use games on phones or laptops to gain information on kids while marketing products
-commercialism has covered schools, schools are there to promote reasoning while Commercialism adverts reasoning.
-marketers dissect the market, were they track what they do to improve client’s profits. They conduct market researches that are considered unethical by many. For instance, Neuro marketing. They check kids an MRI’s while showing an ad, is it ethical? You are manipulating kids.” Doing your job is not necessarily ethical”
-They market sugar to kids like candy. Sugar is high addictive, they know it. Kids are eating a lot of fast junk food. Diabetes
-Ads and the commercial industry have a direct relation with obesity. (Provide a claim)
-Other than products, values are being marketed. like self-indulgence, narcissism, materialism
-marketing takes advantage at the natural urge to grow up and become mature
-WWE markets kids (boys) with values of aggression, domination, and bullying. check relation between bullying and media.
-parents believe that if kids are not interacting with media, they would be behind.
-educational games are a scam.
-Kid are getting deprived from exercising imagination
-Kids are now imitating instead of playing. They are being told how to play.
-we are creating a super consumer generation.
-ADHD problem nowadays. Children’s health
-there are links anxiety and depression with the consumer culture
-Parents have the right to know the benefits and costs of ads on kids
Best arguments:
-graphic research or neuro marketing
-creativity is deprived that have great ramifications
-causing anxiety or depression
-educational programs for kids are a scam
-Parents have the right to make decisions for their kids but what about uneducated parents.
-1983 improvement act on FTC
-People are not aware of the ramification of ads to kids
•Generation like” Documentary.

-what are companies doing to kids using technology. Are kids or adults aware
-the current generation is obsessed with the amount of likes, friends.
-this society takes pride on being a noteworthy fan
-social media is considered by many of the youth as “self empowering”.
-The rise of narcissism and how social media regulates it. social media amplifies obsessions
-when you” like” something, u is creating data on you that marketers use
-Companies know how to use data to make profits
-Fame by association, marketers use people on the social media as ads or marketing campaign
-People in social media have become part of the marketing strategy where they spread The word.
Barbaro, A. (Director). (2008). Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood [Motion picture on DVD]. USA.
Davó-Blanes, M. C., Ortiz-Moncada, R., Gil-González, D., Álvarez-Dardet, C., & Lobstein, T. (2013, March 1). Research report: The impact of marketing practices and its regulation policies on childhood obesity. Opinions of stakeholders in Spain. Appetite, 62, 216-224. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2012.11.030
Grier, S. A. (2001, April 15). The Federal Trade Commission’s report on the marketing of violent entertainment to youths: Developing policy-tuned research. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(1), 123-132. doi:10.1509/jppm.
Mehta, K. P., Coveney, J., Ward, P., & Handsley, E. (2014, April). Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions of the Ethics of Marketing Energy-Dense Nutrient-Poor Foods on the Internet: Implications for Policy to Restrict Children’s Exposure. Public Health Ethics, 7(1), 21. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from Edb.

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