child abuse
research about child abuse
Child abuse

Child abuse
Order Description
Child abuse is what the proposal needs to about
1. Title of the research.
2. Introduction (100 words):
What is the problem?
What is the research question?
3. A brief literature review (1500 words):
Overview of existing research findings – themes, issues including your argument.
Discussion of the proposed study in relation to the existing literature
4. Precise focus (100 words)
Aims and objectives of the research
Precise research question/hypotheses
Expected outcomes
5. Research design (1500 words):
Overall research approach including epistemology, methodology and methods
-Data collection methods/instruments
-Population and sampling method(s)
-Data analysis method(s)
6. Ethics (200 words)
Key ethical considerations and how these will be addressed
Participant information sheet
Informed consent form
7 Project plan (100 words):
Child abuse

Child abuse
Order Description
Child abuse is what the proposal needs to about
1. Title of the research.
2. Introduction (100 words):
What is the problem?
What is the research question?
3. A brief literature review (1500 words):
Overview of existing research findings – themes, issues including your argument.
Discussion of the proposed study in relation to the existing literature
4. Precise focus (100 words)
Aims and objectives of the research
Precise research question/hypotheses
Expected outcomes
5. Research design (1500 words):
Overall research approach including epistemology, methodology and methods
-Data collection methods/instruments
-Population and sampling method(s)
-Data analysis method(s)
6. Ethics (200 words)
Key ethical considerations and how these will be addressed
Participant information sheet
Informed consent form
7 Project plan (100 words):