This is a team project. Each project team will comprise of two members decided upon by mutual agreement should be reported to me Friday June 26, 2015. If you choose not be in a team please do inform me.The goal of this project is to apply your knowledge of airport design to solve key issues at CLT. In addition to assimilating the information provided in the CLT Case Study presentation (online at the CoA Academic Portal available at, your tasks include research, the use of FAA AC 150/5300-13A and other Advisory Circulars you may find useful. You may use class materials as well. You will need to refer to the airports master record (FAA Form 5010) available at, Airbus or other aviation-related websites to obtain the information you need for the airport data, the critical aircraft characteristics, and design calculations. Present your findings in an organized report with appropriate headings.CLT CASE STUDY
Your team has been hired as an airport consultant to solve four (4) major design issues at CLT as described below.
A.The congestion issues with the north ramp holdline. The north ramp holdline is located abeam the international Concourse D and is the transition point between the north and west ramps. The north ramp holdline is a bottleneck for ingress and egress traffic to and from the regional airline gates on Concourse E. This bottleneck is the primary cause of delay for regional aircraft during peak periods. When international traffic ingress to/egress from Concourse D gates, the regional airline traffic to and from Concourse E is brought to a standstill. This issue is most prominent when the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines ingress to/egress from gates D10 and D12.
B.The extension of the crosswind Runway 05-23. Runway 05-23 is to be extended to accommodate the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines. Lufthansa uses both series aircraft on a regular basis. The extension to Runway 05-23 must be designed at the standards required for the A340, as do all of the taxiways, the taxiway fillets, and associated RSA, OFA and RPZ.
C.A proposal to construct a new hotel in the Airports vicinity. The potential impact of this development on operational safety should be examined. The hotel is to be located two (2) statute miles due north of the threshold of Runway 18C (along the extended runway centerline). The hotel will have a simple square box design and have a rooftop elevation of 1000 feet above MSL at the corner closest to the runway threshold.
D.A proposal to upgrade the approach to Runways 18C to a CAT III approach. The equipment and facilities required for the airport to make this upgrade should be examined and recommendations for additional facilities should be made.
It is your task to determine the following:
1.A. Identify at least three (3) feasible design alternatives for addressing or relieving congestion at the north holdline in CLT that do not significantly change normal north and slow flow operational patterns. (30 points)
B. Conduct an alternatives analysis and make a recommendation about which of the three design alternatives the airport should adopt. (10 points)
Some of the things to be considered may include, but are not limited to:
i.Taxilane separation standards.
ii.Location and/or alignment of the Concourse D and Concourse E gates.
iii.Runway extension or relocations.
iv.Exit taxiway locations.Notes:
a)You should include in an appendix any required calculations that support your alternative concepts. For instance, if you design an end around taxiway to solve your issue, then you should determine its distance from the runway end and ensure that that tail of the design aircraft on the end-around taxiway does not penetrate the Part 77 surfaces.
b)The use of Taxiway C as a way around the north holdline is not considered a valid solution as ATC already uses this procedure and only when able to do so.2.The length of the runway extension required for the A340 operate on Runway 05-23, given the following conditions at CLT: (10 points)
a.Mean maximum temperature of the hottest month: 30 degrees Centigrade
b.Maximum difference in Runway 05-23 centerline elevations: 40 feet3.Determine and present in tables with a supporting narrative the following requirements for Runway 05-23 assuming the A340 will be the most demanding aircraft to use the runway on a regular basis. Include all of your supporting calculations in an appendix.
a.The runway design standards; (5 points)
b.The taxiway design standards; (5 points)
c.The taxiway fillet design standards; and (5 points)
d.Runway separation standards; (5 points)
e.Modified Taxiway/ taxilane separation requirements. (5 points)
?4.Determine and present the requirements for a new acute-angled taxiway on Runway 05-23 to accommodate the Airbus A340 during south flow operations. The following should be calculated:
a.The appropriate acute-angled taxiway exit location from the threshold of the Runway 23, assuming that a runway exit speed of 55 knots is required. (5 points)
b.The appropriate length of the high speed exit taxiway so that the A340 may come to a complete halt before entering the parallel Taxiway M. (5 points)
c.The exit angle required. (5 points)
d.The anticipated runway and taxiway occupancy times of the A340. (5 points)5.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to land safely on Runway 18C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a Part 77 approach surface study. If the plane cannot safely land, how far would the threshold have to be displaced, or how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? (10 points)6.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to depart from safely on Runway 36C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a departure path study given that lift off distance (LOD) is 6500 feet, landing gear up (LGU) distance is 8500 feet, and the take-off distance (TOD) is 9333 feet, for the A340-600. If the plane cannot safely depart, how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? Based on your previous approach surface study make a final recommendation concerning this proposed high rise hotel. (10 points)7.Investigate the additional facilities that will be required to upgrade the current CAT I approach to Runway 18C to a CAT III approach. (10 points)8.Report all of your findings clearly with detail in the paper. (25 points)REPORT REQUIREMENTS
Each team will submit one report that clearly describes their analyses and findings in sufficient detail. The following format requirements must be met:
1.Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around, Font: Arial, Font Size: 11, Line spacing: Single
2.Provide appropriate Headings with section numbers, in bold.
3.Use Headers and Footers, Team No. and title of paper in Header, page numbers centered in the Footer.
4.Text should be fully justified.
5.Include any calculations or illustrations in an appendix at the end of the report.
6.Include a list of your references at the end of the report.
7.Create a cover for your report that includes the following:
oPrepared for: Course Name and Section
oPrepared by: List individual team member names
Failure to meet these project report requirements will affect your grade.


Project description
This is a team project. Each project team will comprise of two members decided upon by mutual agreement should be reported to me Friday June 26, 2015. If you choose not be in a team please do inform me.
The goal of this project is to apply your knowledge of airport design to solve key issues at CLT. In addition to assimilating the information provided in the CLT Case Study presentation (online at the CoA Academic Portal available at, your tasks include research, the use of FAA AC 150/5300-13A and other Advisory Circulars you may find useful. You may use class materials as well. You will need to refer to the airports master record (FAA Form 5010) available at, Airbus or other aviation-related websites to obtain the information you need for the airport data, the critical aircraft characteristics, and design calculations. Present your findings in an organized report with appropriate headings.
Your team has been hired as an airport consultant to solve four (4) major design issues at CLT as described below.
A.The congestion issues with the north ramp holdline. The north ramp holdline is located abeam the international Concourse D and is the transition point between the north and west ramps. The north ramp holdline is a bottleneck for ingress and egress traffic to and from the regional airline gates on Concourse E. This bottleneck is the primary cause of delay for regional aircraft during peak periods. When international traffic ingress to/egress from Concourse D gates, the regional airline traffic to and from Concourse E is brought to a standstill. This issue is most prominent when the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines ingress to/egress from gates D10 and D12.
B.The extension of the crosswind Runway 05-23. Runway 05-23 is to be extended to accommodate the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines. Lufthansa uses both series aircraft on a regular basis. The extension to Runway 05-23 must be designed at the standards required for the A340, as do all of the taxiways, the taxiway fillets, and associated RSA, OFA and RPZ.
C.A proposal to construct a new hotel in the Airports vicinity. The potential impact of this development on operational safety should be examined. The hotel is to be located two (2) statute miles due north of the threshold of Runway 18C (along the extended runway centerline). The hotel will have a simple square box design and have a rooftop elevation of 1000 feet above MSL at the corner closest to the runway threshold.
D.A proposal to upgrade the approach to Runways 18C to a CAT III approach. The equipment and facilities required for the airport to make this upgrade should be examined and recommendations for additional facilities should be made.
It is your task to determine the following:
1.A. Identify at least three (3) feasible design alternatives for addressing or relieving congestion at the north holdline in CLT that do not significantly change normal north and slow flow operational patterns. (30 points)
B. Conduct an alternatives analysis and make a recommendation about which of the three design alternatives the airport should adopt. (10 points)
Some of the things to be considered may include, but are not limited to:
i.Taxilane separation standards.
ii.Location and/or alignment of the Concourse D and Concourse E gates.
iii.Runway extension or relocations.
iv.Exit taxiway locations.
a)You should include in an appendix any required calculations that support your alternative concepts. For instance, if you design an end around taxiway to solve your issue, then you should determine its distance from the runway end and ensure that that tail of the design aircraft on the end-around taxiway does not penetrate the Part 77 surfaces.
b)The use of Taxiway C as a way around the north holdline is not considered a valid solution as ATC already uses this procedure and only when able to do so.
2.The length of the runway extension required for the A340 operate on Runway 05-23, given the following conditions at CLT: (10 points)
a.Mean maximum temperature of the hottest month: 30 degrees Centigrade
b.Maximum difference in Runway 05-23 centerline elevations: 40 feet
3.Determine and present in tables with a supporting narrative the following requirements for Runway 05-23 assuming the A340 will be the most demanding aircraft to use the runway on a regular basis. Include all of your supporting calculations in an appendix.
a.The runway design standards; (5 points)
b.The taxiway design standards; (5 points)
c.The taxiway fillet design standards; and (5 points)
d.Runway separation standards; (5 points)
e.Modified Taxiway/ taxilane separation requirements. (5 points)
4.Determine and present the requirements for a new acute-angled taxiway on Runway 05-23 to accommodate the Airbus A340 during south flow operations. The following should be calculated:
a.The appropriate acute-angled taxiway exit location from the threshold of the Runway 23, assuming that a runway exit speed of 55 knots is required. (5 points)
b.The appropriate length of the high speed exit taxiway so that the A340 may come to a complete halt before entering the parallel Taxiway M. (5 points)
c.The exit angle required. (5 points)
d.The anticipated runway and taxiway occupancy times of the A340. (5 points)
5.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to land safely on Runway 18C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a Part 77 approach surface study. If the plane cannot safely land, how far would the threshold have to be displaced, or how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? (10 points)
6.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to depart from safely on Runway 36C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a departure path study given that lift off distance (LOD) is 6500 feet, landing gear up (LGU) distance is 8500 feet, and the take-off distance (TOD) is 9333 feet, for the A340-600. If the plane cannot safely depart, how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? Based on your previous approach surface study make a final recommendation concerning this proposed high rise hotel. (10 points)
7.Investigate the additional facilities that will be required to upgrade the current CAT I approach to Runway 18C to a CAT III approach. (10 points)
8.Report all of your findings clearly with detail in the paper. (25 points)
Each team will submit one report that clearly describes their analyses and findings in sufficient detail. The following format requirements must be met:
1.Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around, Font: Arial, Font Size: 11, Line spacing: Single
2.Provide appropriate Headings with section numbers, in bold.
3.Use Headers and Footers, Team No. and title of paper in Header, page numbers centered in the Footer.
4.Text should be fully justified.
5.Include any calculations or illustrations in an appendix at the end of the report.
6.Include a list of your references at the end of the report.
7.Create a cover for your report that includes the following:
oPrepared for: Course Name and Section
oPrepared by: List individual team member names
Failure to meet these project report requirements will affect your grade.

Project description
This is a team project. Each project team will comprise of two members decided upon by mutual agreement should be reported to me Friday June 26, 2015. If you choose not be in a team please do inform me.
The goal of this project is to apply your knowledge of airport design to solve key issues at CLT. In addition to assimilating the information provided in the CLT Case Study presentation (online at the CoA Academic Portal available at, your tasks include research, the use of FAA AC 150/5300-13A and other Advisory Circulars you may find useful. You may use class materials as well. You will need to refer to the airports master record (FAA Form 5010) available at, Airbus or other aviation-related websites to obtain the information you need for the airport data, the critical aircraft characteristics, and design calculations. Present your findings in an organized report with appropriate headings.
Your team has been hired as an airport consultant to solve four (4) major design issues at CLT as described below.
A.The congestion issues with the north ramp holdline. The north ramp holdline is located abeam the international Concourse D and is the transition point between the north and west ramps. The north ramp holdline is a bottleneck for ingress and egress traffic to and from the regional airline gates on Concourse E. This bottleneck is the primary cause of delay for regional aircraft during peak periods. When international traffic ingress to/egress from Concourse D gates, the regional airline traffic to and from Concourse E is brought to a standstill. This issue is most prominent when the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines ingress to/egress from gates D10 and D12.
B.The extension of the crosswind Runway 05-23. Runway 05-23 is to be extended to accommodate the Airbus A340 (300 and 600 series) operated by Lufthansa Airlines. Lufthansa uses both series aircraft on a regular basis. The extension to Runway 05-23 must be designed at the standards required for the A340, as do all of the taxiways, the taxiway fillets, and associated RSA, OFA and RPZ.
C.A proposal to construct a new hotel in the Airports vicinity. The potential impact of this development on operational safety should be examined. The hotel is to be located two (2) statute miles due north of the threshold of Runway 18C (along the extended runway centerline). The hotel will have a simple square box design and have a rooftop elevation of 1000 feet above MSL at the corner closest to the runway threshold.
D.A proposal to upgrade the approach to Runways 18C to a CAT III approach. The equipment and facilities required for the airport to make this upgrade should be examined and recommendations for additional facilities should be made.
It is your task to determine the following:
1.A. Identify at least three (3) feasible design alternatives for addressing or relieving congestion at the north holdline in CLT that do not significantly change normal north and slow flow operational patterns. (30 points)
B. Conduct an alternatives analysis and make a recommendation about which of the three design alternatives the airport should adopt. (10 points)
Some of the things to be considered may include, but are not limited to:
i.Taxilane separation standards.
ii.Location and/or alignment of the Concourse D and Concourse E gates.
iii.Runway extension or relocations.
iv.Exit taxiway locations.
a)You should include in an appendix any required calculations that support your alternative concepts. For instance, if you design an end around taxiway to solve your issue, then you should determine its distance from the runway end and ensure that that tail of the design aircraft on the end-around taxiway does not penetrate the Part 77 surfaces.
b)The use of Taxiway C as a way around the north holdline is not considered a valid solution as ATC already uses this procedure and only when able to do so.
2.The length of the runway extension required for the A340 operate on Runway 05-23, given the following conditions at CLT: (10 points)
a.Mean maximum temperature of the hottest month: 30 degrees Centigrade
b.Maximum difference in Runway 05-23 centerline elevations: 40 feet
3.Determine and present in tables with a supporting narrative the following requirements for Runway 05-23 assuming the A340 will be the most demanding aircraft to use the runway on a regular basis. Include all of your supporting calculations in an appendix.
a.The runway design standards; (5 points)
b.The taxiway design standards; (5 points)
c.The taxiway fillet design standards; and (5 points)
d.Runway separation standards; (5 points)
e.Modified Taxiway/ taxilane separation requirements. (5 points)
4.Determine and present the requirements for a new acute-angled taxiway on Runway 05-23 to accommodate the Airbus A340 during south flow operations. The following should be calculated:
a.The appropriate acute-angled taxiway exit location from the threshold of the Runway 23, assuming that a runway exit speed of 55 knots is required. (5 points)
b.The appropriate length of the high speed exit taxiway so that the A340 may come to a complete halt before entering the parallel Taxiway M. (5 points)
c.The exit angle required. (5 points)
d.The anticipated runway and taxiway occupancy times of the A340. (5 points)
5.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to land safely on Runway 18C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a Part 77 approach surface study. If the plane cannot safely land, how far would the threshold have to be displaced, or how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? (10 points)
6.Determine if the A340-600 will be able to depart from safely on Runway 36C if the proposed high rise hotel is built. Conduct a departure path study given that lift off distance (LOD) is 6500 feet, landing gear up (LGU) distance is 8500 feet, and the take-off distance (TOD) is 9333 feet, for the A340-600. If the plane cannot safely depart, how far would the building have to be displaced, or how short should the building be? Based on your previous approach surface study make a final recommendation concerning this proposed high rise hotel. (10 points)
7.Investigate the additional facilities that will be required to upgrade the current CAT I approach to Runway 18C to a CAT III approach. (10 points)
8.Report all of your findings clearly with detail in the paper. (25 points)
Each team will submit one report that clearly describes their analyses and findings in sufficient detail. The following format requirements must be met:
1.Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around, Font: Arial, Font Size: 11, Line spacing: Single
2.Provide appropriate Headings with section numbers, in bold.
3.Use Headers and Footers, Team No. and title of paper in Header, page numbers centered in the Footer.
4.Text should be fully justified.
5.Include any calculations or illustrations in an appendix at the end of the report.
6.Include a list of your references at the end of the report.
7.Create a cover for your report that includes the following:
oPrepared for: Course Name and Section
oPrepared by: List individual team member names
Failure to meet these project report requirements will affect your grade.