Please review the power point and video links then answer two parts. Please make sure you answer two parts and label them.
Part 1 (answer the question and please label them)
Discussion Topic for Chapter 7: Instruction for Students with Learning Differences
1. After reading chapter 7, how do you feel about direct and indirect instruction? Do you think there is a place for both in your classroom?
2. After watching the video, The Power of Two, what are you thoughts about co-teaching?
3. Would yu like to co-teach? Expalin why or why 3ot.
4. Have you had any experience with co-teaching as a student, teacher or observer? If so, share that experience with the group.
5. Do you think co-teaching is a good why to instruct and support students with disabilities?
6. What do you think might be some of the disadvantages of co-teaching?Part 2 ( response the 2 discussions from my classmate and please label them)
Diccussion #1
1. After reading chapter 7, how do you feel about direct and indirect instruction? Do you think there is a place for both in yourclassroom?
a. I think there is a place for both direct and indirect instruction. It is a step-by-step process. Direct is giving out the facts andhaving lectures whereas indirect is when you have them use those facts on their own to conclude their own answers. I highly recommend there tobe a balance between the two instructions.
2. After watching the video, The Power of Two, what are you thoughts about co-teaching?
a. My thoughts are co-teaching are about the same. I really like the idea of co-teaching and if I ever had to chance to do it, I would.
3. Would you like to co-teach? Explain why or why not?
a. Yes, if I had to choice to co-teach, I would. Not only would I have someone to be there with me to support the students, but I willalso have someone to split the load with and hopefully reduce the risk of being burnt-out. In the video there was this section where the teachersaid that he didnt need to be on all the time. He could give some of the power to his co-teacher and not have to do everything by himself.
4. Have you had any experience with co-teaching as a student, teacher or observer? If so, share that experience with the group.
a. I have had the experience of being a co-teacher at a child development center. What we did was similar to parallel teaching. We wouldseparate the class based on their level of understanding and teach them simultaneously on the same subject. We had a student with special needsin the class who was also an English learner, so by dividing the class in this way we were able to better attune ourselves to his specific needswhile not neglecting the growth of the students who were advancing at a faster rate.
5. Do you think co-teaching is a good way to instruct and support students with disabilities?
a. Yes, co-teaching is a good way to instruct and support students with disabilities. Co-teaching could potentially provide students withdisabilities a greater amount of support from the teachers, and students could get help from one teacher while the other teacher is busy or viceversa.
6. What do you think might be some of the disadvantages of co-teaching?
a. Some disadvantage with co-teaching could be that the students could create a hierarchy with the teachers and respect one more than theother.Discussion #2
1. After reading chapter 7, I feel that there is a time and place for both direct and indirect instruction. At times it may be necessary toutilize direct instruction to disseminate pertinent factual information regarding a topic being studies. At other times it may be necessary toimplement indirect instruction in order for the student to learn more experientially and independently. There is definitely a place for both inmy classroom as they are both strong teaching strategies to enhance optimal learning in the classroom.
2. After watching the video, my thoughts about co-teaching are enhanced. While I have never participated in a classroom experience that wasco-taught, I now see the benefits to this method.
3. I personally would not like to co-teach. Truly I prefer to be in complete control of a class and feel that it would lead to frustrations onmy behalf. But if the student population was more demanding the frustrations would likely outweigh the benefits. I could see preferring ateaching assistant so that there was additional help and a resource in the classroom.
4. I have not had any experiences with co-teaching.
5. I think that co-teaching is a particularly good way to instruct and support students with disabilities as they are a more challengingstudent population. It would be helpful to divide the responsibilities in the classroom and would likely provide more one-on-one attention tothose struggling with a disability.
6. Some of the disadvantages of co-teaching include possibly of different teaching styles and viewpoints of the two teachers, conflict,difference of opinion, loss of control, and more discussion of what to do.
Chapter 7 Discussion