Word count: Mass media was defined by (Splichal, 2006) as all media technologies that are intended to get to a large population through mass communication. Mass communication is a field of study of the various ways through which information is conveyed to widespread audience at the same time. Mass communication is used for entertainment, disseminating news and for advertising. Mass media may involve the use of print media or a broadcast media. Broadcast media disseminates information electronically while media use physical objects in transmitting information. (Splichal, 2006) observes that research in mass communication incorporates media institutions and the effects of media to the society in persuasion and manipulation of the general opinion. Over the years, there has been transformation in the technologies used in media which has led to many effects in the society. Previously, mass media was consist of eight clearly defined industries that included television, books, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, newspapers and the internet as observed by (Downing, 2004)
Change of mass media and communication through technology Custom Essay