Celeste Ngs Everything I Never Told YouOrder DescriptionGet this book called Celeste Ngs Everything I Never Told You follow these instructions below:
Upload your essay and your cover letter as two separate documents.
The cover letter must be 250 words. At the bottom of your cover letter, give the word count. (You will find the word count at the bottom, left-hand screen of yourcomputer.)
The cover letter is not a summary of your essay; a summary or off-topic letter will not receive points.
The cover letter must be 250 words. At the bottom of your cover letter, give the word count. (You will find the word count at the bottom, left-hand screen of yourcomputer.)
The cover letter is not a summary of your essay; a summary or off-topic letter will not receive points.
What is a cover letter? It is a formal analysis of your individual writing process.
A cover letter is analysis applied to your writing process. Approach the cover letter as meta-analysis or self-observation of the steps you took to write the originalessay and then revise it for the second submission. Dont summarize (rehash) your essays content. You will not receive points if you only summarize your essay.
Writing a cover letter helps you to improve your analytic abilities. It can help you understand your individual writing process and improve your writing. Many studentshave learned to revise independently and effectively as a result of writing cover letters!
By taking notes on your writing process from start to drafts to finish, you can see what steps of the writing process come easily to you and what causes you tostruggle. In other words, you pinpoint your own strengths and weaknesses. You can also learn to identify your original thinking, distinguishing your own thoughts fromthat of other authors or sources, including all-pervasive media.
The cover letter is a powerful tool for you to make progress as a writer and thinker. Dont even try to include everything detailed below! Just pull what suits you fromthe information to help you through writing about your own writing.
The most important thing is just to observe yourself and take notes from beginning to end of your writing process.
Some Guidelines for the Cover Letter
1. Discovery Explain how you got started.Discovery process Comments might include your initial thinking about the topic; how re-reading portions of the text helped you; prewriting tools you used notes,freewriting, clustering, questioning, journaling.
You should cover discovery in no more than 2-3 sentences.2. Evolution Explain your actual writing process for the essayHow did you put the essay together grouping, outlining, storyboarding? Drafts?
How did your thesis evolve?
How did you write the introductory paragraph? Conclusion?
What information (quotations, paraphrases, points) did you add or delete? Why?
At any point, were you forced to overhaul the paper?3. Thinking StyleDid you analyze, clarify, and elaborate the ideas that you encountered in the text?
Did you insert your original ideas and interpretation while sticking to the textual evience?4. Assessment Comment on your papers strengths and weaknessesWhat aspects of the topic put obstacles in your writing way, and how did you deal with them?5. What deep elements of composition did you do especially well here?
Focus on thesis, organization, argument, support, and voice. Do not elaborate on grammar or sentences.
Thesis focused, narrow, precise assertion that evolves through your paper
Organization includes unity, coherence, introduction, body, conclusion, paragraph order, sentence order
Argument logical structure, inclusion of well-placed topic sentences, persuasiveness, clear direction, use of key words
Support use of facts, examples, illustrations, details that are representative, ample, and support the point. Appropriate use of sources
Voice appropriate tone, logical, credible, trustworthy, original
Celeste Ngs Everything I Never Told You