Review each of the following quotations. For each quote, choose one foundational thinker we have read, whose theory you think speaks best to the themes raised by the quotation, and discuss why in 2-3 paragraphs. Students should consider a different foundational thinker for each quotation.: Thinkers: Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Tocqueville Be sure […]
Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category
Application Security

Week 5: Application Security Testing for an unknown is a virtually impossible task. What makes it possible at all is the concept of testing for categories of previously determined errors. The different categories of errors are: buffer overflows (most common); code injections; privilege errors; and cryptographic failures. Please evaluate the […]
Should social media be allowed to collect data from it’s users

For this assignment, your goal is to share your position and “join the conversation” on the topic you have been researching all quarter by preparing your writing for print or online publication. Readers of commentaries want to grasp the issue you are presenting and understand your angle right away. You must make your point quickly […]

no work cited page necessary After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do […]
Reading Analysis

Before submitting papers, please do the following: 1. Fully proof-read your paper, looking for any typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect citations. (Full citations for course readings are available on the syllabus). 2. Be sure to back all claims with fact, and provide in-text and end citations for all sources. Opinions need not be cited, but […]

no work cited page necessary After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do […]

For this paper you must fill in the outline attached with the topic selected that I have also attached ( of course doing more research to prepare a thesis statement, main points, examples, details, etc based on that topic) that outline should take around 2 pages. Also, write 2 more pages draft of a research […]
Policy Analysis Excercise

**********Please Provide a Paper and a Powerpoint Overview *********Group Topic : American Health Care Association The purpose of the policy analysis exercise is to give you the opportunity to work with a specific health policy advocacy topic. This project will integrate the knowledge you have been learning in the course and apply it to […]

What Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical issues are raised in the Frontline video, “The Trouble with Chicken”?Who is to blame for the harm caused by unsafe products in this industry: Business Meat Processors, Government Regulators, Consumers?How successful were the major players in this industry in attempts to protect their Value Images?What should be done to prevent […]
Tshirt company

Based on a Tshirt Business This discussion will also assist everyone as your complete your business plans. I want everyone to think about (if you have not already) the form of business you would like to establish… discuss this and explain why you have selected that form. For example, if you have decided to form […]