Final Exam:You will write an essay interrogating the impact of AI, Geoengineering, the challenge of technology and / or the ontology of the virtual on peoples perception of the post-Covid19 world which has seen an acceleration in digital transformations across diverse sectors of industry and geographies.
Archive for the ‘Writing Styles’ Category
Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked¬Adjusted=1&submit=GET+DATA&releaseScheduleId=%C2%A0 (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unit VI Annotated BibliographyCompose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The CuriousResearcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) usingthe sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.You are only […]
720 DB WK 2 Inside the Corporation

Readings: Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2Bartlett: Chapter 2Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88Merida- Pages 129-163Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached) Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Identify the reasons advanced data analytics is required in modern businesses. Evaluate how leadership within a company uses decision-making analytics. Describe how […]
Evaluation of Health Care Technology

For this assignment, you will utilize content from the study materials as well as additional qualified resources to synthesize new information that you can apply towards your DPI Project, your future work area, or your clinical practice. 1. Select a technology that has been explored in the course. (TELEMEDICINE or TELEHEALTH)2. Using the technology you […]
Case Report: Health care informatics

Choose a specific focus of patient practice (e.g., acute care hospital, clinic, primary care, long-term care, home health). Select a particular disease process (congestive heart failure, fall, diabetes, etc.). Identify and fully describe a technology element that could be involved in providing care to a patient with your selected disease process and the patient practice. […]
Elon Musk

Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The CuriousResearcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) usingthe sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.You are only required to include […]

Unit Paper #4Using the Unit Paper Format, answer the followingDiscussion Questions:1. Discuss Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. How did the New Dealimpact the lives of African Americans, especially in NYC?2. Who was A. Phillip Randolph? Discuss him and his role in theAfrican American quest for civil rights. What street in NYC is conamed in […]
Wireless Communication

Assignment: – Create a presentation to deliver to the staff of a medical client about WLANs Submission Instructions: Your completed essay must be submitted as an MS Word attachment to this assignment no later than Sunday 11:00 PM EST. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in […]
write a summary about Alternative Media and Processes

View the attached powerpoints on “Visual Thinking Strategies” & “Alternative Media and Processes”Write a 1 page summary (12pt Font, Times New Roman, Double Space) of Alternative Media. -Include an image (on page 2) of an artwork that reflects “Alternative Media and Processes” -Write a brief description of the artwork (What’s happening in […]