Hi there, I need todevelop an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) of songs on albums for popular music from 1950 to 2000. Please see the complete details of the project below:https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2019-20/W/3421N/project/er/ Please note that this has to be done in the Stanford style of E/R modeling. Thank you 🙂
Archive for the ‘Database design and optimisation’ Category
Written Assignment 1

Attached file: LoadDB.sqlPreview the document Download the script file, LoadDB.sql to C:CIS4210Run sqlplus SYSTEM/Oracle11Enter START C:CIS4210LoadDB.sqlEnter SPOOL C:CIS4210M1spool.txtDESCRIBE iggy.part;SELECT * FROM iggy.part;DESCRIBE iggy.supplier;SELECT * FROM iggy.supplier;DESCRIBE iggy.quote;SELECT * FROM iggy.quote;SPOOL OFF;QUIT; Submit your text document with the file name c:cis4210M1spool.txt . You now can run sqlplus iggy/oracle in order to try the various examples in […]
Web Publishing and Databases

This assignment is about ER/EER Modelling, relational databases, MySQL, linking data using PHPI have attached the brief which includes all the required tasks, as well as the template for the report that is part of this assignment. Please go through the entire PDF, template and feedback criteria. Assignment is due on the 13th of January […]