I wanted to have this coded using LINQ:A car dealer wants an application that let customers build their own dream car. Create a Windows Forms Application and set the form title as Online Car Dealer. The application should display all the items in four different ListBoxs. Those ListBoxs should retrieve the data from BuildYourCar database […]
Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category
Intro to python- Bulk Password Checker
It is an intro to python class but your goal is to create a Python script (Program) that will present the user with two different options that produces the required output. See PDF for full instructions. 1) Open an Input text file (Users-Pwds.txt) that contains usernames and passwords. Then create an Output text File (Users-Pwds-Chked.txt). […]
Intro to python- Bulk Password Checker
It is an intro to python class but your goal is to create a Python script (Program) that will present the user with two different options. See PDF for full instructions. 1) Open an Input text file (Users-Pwds.txt) that contains usernames and passwords. Then create an Output text File (Users-Pwds-Chked.txt). The output text file will […]
Intro to python- Bulk Password Check
It is an intro to python class but your goal is to create a Python script (Program) that will present the user with two different options. See PDF for full instructions. 1) Open an Input text file (Users-Pwds.txt) that contains usernames and passwords. Then create an Output text File (Users-Pwds-Chked.txt). The output text file will […]
Intro to python- Bulk Password Check
It is an intro to python class but your goal is to create a Python script (Program) that will present the user with two different options. See PDF for full instructions. 1) Open an Input text file (Users-Pwds.txt) that contains usernames and passwords. Then create an Output text File (Users-Pwds-Chked.txt). The output text file will […]
HND Software Development Graded Unit
The assignment was to decide on a project in a programming language, research techniques and skills that I had not used before and implement them into the project. I decided to do a multi-user chatroom in Java. The layout for the project report is attached, I had started work on the planning stage and the […]
HND Software Development Graded Unit
The assignment was to decide on a project in a programming language, research techniques and skills that I had not used before and implement them into the project. I decided to do a multi-user chatroom in Java. The layout for the project report is attached, I had started work on the planning stage and the […]
Adjacency Lists
In this assessment, you will implement the areTheyConnected function to search a graph using its adjacency list to determine if one node is “connected” to another. For example, consider the following adjacency list: const adjacencyList = { ‘carrie’: [‘humza’, ‘jun’], ‘farrah’: [‘humza’], ‘humza’: [‘carrie’, ‘farrah’, ‘jun’, ‘silla’], ‘jun’: [‘carrie’, ‘silla’], ‘ophelia’: [‘travis’], ‘silla’: [‘humza’, […]
Liri bot
In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.must use source code editor vs code
X in row (java)
The functionalities below are required: Provide an entry screen as a JPanel containing GUI objects for players to: Enter Player 1s name Enter Player 2s name Have options for either player 1 to start or randomly select who moves first The dimensions of the board: rectangular, at least 3 but no more than 12 rows […]