10000 words research report on a particular government web platform, research needs to be done from usability and user experience standpoint. A project topic and proposal will be provided along with a research structure outline. Harward referencing style. I am looking for a reliable expert in the IT field to write quality research in a […]
Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category
Java Array Math
Create a 10 x 10 two dimensional array of int data type (Remember that arrays start with 0, not 1.– Load each index in the array with the multiplication of each (row * column) location– Using printf display the content of each index, ALIGNED.– Create an algorithm using a loop that will add all the […]
Java Array Math
Create a 10 x 10 two dimensional array of int data type (Remember that arrays start with 0, not 1.– Load each index in the array with the multiplication of each (row * column) location– Using printf display the content of each index, ALIGNED.– Create an algorithm using a loop that will add all the […]
Anserw 10 q after reading case study and including some diagrams
The title of the unit is : Systems Analysis and Design I have attached PDF file that include all the instructions , so please follow the instructions. What you need to do :please read the case study and answer the 10 questions and please see if the assignments need any references. Your diagrams should […]
Golang Mini Rest API
Please write a mini REST API connected to a Go microservice to search movies from http://www.omdbapi.com/ Access credentials : OMDBKey : “???”URL : http://www.omdbapi.com/ * Example url call to search is –> GET http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=????=Batman&page=2 Tools/Implementation principles required such as : – gRPC– Clean architecture – Go Kit– API Gateway– Unit tests The API should :– […]
You will find a job for which you are qualified (and you will submit the job posting as part of your assignment). This job can be local or not; it can even be a change of job posted from within your current organization. The key is to find a job that you are qualified to […]
Data Structure 2
As we have seen in class, AVL trees are excellent for search given their height of log2nlog_2{n}log2n or log2n+1log_2{n} + 1log2n+1. Unfortunately, to achieve this efficient search, they have to use rotations during insertions and deletions, and those take time!In this project, you will implement AVL-G trees, a simple modification of AVL Trees that allows […]
Week 1 Hello world discussion post
Super easy to do just dont have time please make sure to read it Demonstrate you have successfully configured your Java 8 environment by providing the following evidence.1. A screen capture showing the results of running javac -version at your Command prompt.2. A screen capture showing the results of running your own unique “Hello, UMUC!” […]
Week 1 Hello world discussion post
Super easy to do just dont have time please make sure to read it Demonstrate you have successfully configured your Java 8 environment by providing the following evidence.1. A screen capture showing the results of running javac -version at your Command prompt.2. A screen capture showing the results of running your own unique “Hello, UMUC!” […]
Time Fighter
Make a beat em up game.Must have 3 levels. Must have one 3D aspect. must show all of the class files used to make the game. Game must have audio. The game should have a win/lost state in the game so the game will end. the code should be organised and commented code and lastly […]