1. Description of the Paper:Write a paper on a literary motif found in the Psalms and/or the Wisdom Literature in the Bible. A literary motif is a recurring verbal expression of something with either tangible or intangible attributes. A motif could refer to an object that can be observed, an experience that can be described, […]
Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category
*** I have provide the outline, the only thing that needs to be is talking about it ** FYI This is from the professor ****I wanted to make sure that you understand that the 250 minimum word count is for your answer to why you have chosen the specific lesson and how you are planning […]
Presentation 2: Regional Christianity
As with the first presentation, this second presentation will involve creating a set of at least 8 slides and then recording a 4- to 5-minute video/audio narration of those slides. Points will be deducted for going beyond 5 minutes, so carefully craft your presentation to feature the important highlights. You will be using Canvas Studio […]
Religion of Islam
What do you think is the biggest challenge that Muslims (either in the US or globally) face today? How might this challenge be overcome? (Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the readings.) Please answer this question correctly from the readingPlease and quotations from the readingReading: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-know-a-lot-of-radical-muslims_b_57777607e4b0746f5647fcef
Romans 1:16-17 Righteousness by Faith
Need an Exergesis Paper written In Turabian . 5-7 pages double spaced. Here are some resources Brown, Jared R. Christs Obedient Slave: Pauls Use of Ethos in Romans 1:117. RAMIFY: The Journal of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts (n.d.): 6478. Description: Jared Brown writes about Pauls use of rhetoric and ethos in explaining […]
The Exegesis of Deuteronomy 23:19-20
This paper is to be able to interpret Deuteronomy 23:19-20 concerning taxes and loans. It should be categorized by 7 sections: Introduction: Cite, analyze, and critique what at least 3 scholars have said about this particular passage of scripture, state your opinion of the passage and what you will argue about the passage Text and […]
Sectarian affiliations in Senegal
I need you to write a page and a half essay that teaches us about contemporary expressions of Islamic belief and practice that are particular to Senegal specially sectarian and local religion.Some historical information can be provided if necessary, though this should make up only a small part of your presentation, as the focus here […]
RLGN 360 Forum 4 (Module 8)
Discussion Board Forum 4, It must also meet the required word count of 250500 words Note: For the forums using the Coley book (Forum 4 and Forum 8), please make sure to include clear support from this textbook in your thread and your replies. In specific, please include at least 2 direct quotes from the […]
GLST 220 Discussion Board Forum 2 (Module 6) Reply
Reply to 2 classmates: ( 200 words per student) The following questions are suggestions that can help guide your discussion as you reply to 2 students: 1. Have you seen or experienced the challenges they mentioned? 2. What other topics would you add to their professional development plan? 3. What other examples can you give […]
Chapter Review
For your review, you are expected to have read it carefully and digest it first for summarizing the whole chapter briefly (about one page) and then discussing any one of the specific issues, which you would like to focus on, arguing why it is significant and/or why you agree or disagree with it. Include at […]