assignment which does not require your PC or your Mac. Just your BRAIN! First, review the attached image that talks about the timestamps.
Archive for the ‘Reading’ Category
Fictional Conflict
In 3 full pages (double-spaced), write the opening of a story in which you place a particular character in a particular situation and setting. (Your situation need not be highly dramatic, but I do expect you to introduce the seeds of conflict somewhere in the first two pages.) If you are having trouble generating material, […]
Reading Reviews
Read: The New Ways Your Boss is Spying on You by Sarah Krouse, Can You Really Take That Sick Day? Readers React to Office Sick-Shaming by Chip Cutter, I Lost It: The Boss Who Banned Phones, and What Came Next by John Simons, and The Gun Issue Comes to the Office by Rachel Feintzeig. […]
Known as the inventor of modern management, Peter Drucker first wrote of the deadly sins of public administration in 1980, where he outlined six things that organizations can do to guarantee non-performance (guaranteed failure if committing two or more of the following): 1. Have a lofty objective, such as a purpose statement (i.e. health care, […]
Religion Study
Dear students, Please answer any two questions here under this thread. Please use the textbook as much as possible in your answers since I will be grading your contributions with your use of the textbook in mind. Please respond to each other’s answers. If possible, provide examples from your personal experience. Briefly describe several ways in which […]