Hello again:) Well..this lecture is service management, and the professor gave us group project.As you can see the uploaded picture and ppt, the professor wants us to MAKE OUR OWN FICTION SERVICE COMPANY. So, our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. Our six members assigned each of task and I’m in charge of […]
Archive for the ‘Other’ Category
Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked https://www.census.gov/econ/currentdata/dbsearch?program=MRTS&startYear=1992&endYear=2017&categories=44X72&dataType=SM&geoLevel=US¬Adjusted=1&submit=GET+DATA&releaseScheduleId=%C2%A0 (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that […]
Project #4: Time Series Analysis

Time Series Prediction Project for BA375: Two choices Option 1: Use one of the US Census time series linked https://www.census.gov/econ/currentdata/dbsearch?program=MRTS&startYear=1992&endYear=2017&categories=44X72&dataType=SM&geoLevel=US¬Adjusted=1&submit=GET+DATA&releaseScheduleId=%C2%A0 (Links to an external site.) (note that the Census will allow you to check seasonally adjusted or not seasonally adjusted. Youll almost certainly want not seasonally adjusted since it will help you to show that […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading 1: Mills (in Lemert 2018) Introduction to C. Wright Mills (p.275) The sociological imagination (pp.275278) Questions:1. Lemert explained that, true to [Millss] ideal of the sociological imagination, his writings basedstrong critical ideas on careful empirical work (page 275). What might this tell us about Millssapproach to research and theory?2. What do you think Mills […]
Healthcare Regulations

This Competency Assessment (CA) assesses your level of performance on the specific outcome(s) that are the focus of this course. The CA requires you to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding, and proficiency of the outcome(s). Be sure to use the other activities in this course prior to attempting the CA. You can attempt the CA an […]
Cosmetic surgery in Korea

The assignment requires an analytical discussion rather than adescriptive explanation.Citations: APA styleRequirement: You MUST incorporate at least 3 academic papers and other sources such asbooks, newspaper articles, blog posts, among others.The Outline (The format below is suggestive. You can vary it as you like): Introduction1. Orientate the reader2. Identify the focus/purpose3. Outline the scope4. State […]

Module 2 Discussion Instructions: Miami Florida is considered ground zero for climate change (link), in particular rising seas will not only drown coastal sections of the city but will disrupt our local supply of drinking water. Based on what you have learned so far from this class, discuss the following: Explain where the drinking water […]
RE: Discussion 1

Module 1 Discussion Instructions: The Tallahassee City Commission unanimously approved a resolution establishing a goal of powering municipal operations entirely with renewable sources (like wind and solar) by 2035, and community-wide by 2050 (link). Based on what you have learned so far from this class, discuss the following: What advantages and disadvantages are there to […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each research paper must be 3 to 5 pages (double space only…….you WILL be downgraded for a page count over five pages…..follow my instructions), excluding the bibliography and endnotes. Remember, approximately 250 TO 300 words is usually one page. Font size MUST not exceed 12 point, no excessive margins – I will strongly enforce this […]
Radicalization Models

-Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations. -Summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism and describe what efforts or programs are most effective in countering radicalization and why. Recommended Source: King, M. and Taylor, D. M. (2011). The Radicalization of Homegrown Jihadists: A Review of Theoretical […]