Assessment Requirement: Submit a report of 2000 words excluding cover page, content page, and references. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the tasks before answeringthem. Complete the tasks fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow allspecific instructions for individual questions. Answer all tasks in your own words. Do not […]
Archive for the ‘Mathematics and Statistics’ Category
Data structures & Algorithms

Assessment Requirement: Submit a report of 2000 words excluding cover page, content page, and references. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the tasks before answeringthem. Complete the tasks fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow allspecific instructions for individual questions. Answer all tasks in your own words. Do not […]
Business analytic ( business insight analysis)

Assessment Requirement: Submit a report of 2000 words excluding cover page, content page, and references. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the tasks before answeringthem. Complete the tasks fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow allspecific instructions for individual questions. Answer all tasks in your own words. Do not […]
Statistics Discussion: Polling Organizations

Polling agencies claim to provide accurate readings of the pulse of America. They give the public a percentage of the population who are likely to vote for a particular candidate, or a company the probability that their customers may purchase their product. Polling organizations sample the population and use a proportion to predict the results […]
early educaiton math

The Signature Assignment in this course is an academic paper supporting your stance on what constitutes a high quality early childhood mathematics program. You will be asked to synthesize your findings referencing course materials and relating experiences derived from the course activities. In doing so, you will tackle the “Big Ideas” of Math as a […]
Business Statistics

In section 13.4 of the textbook for this module, the assumptions of linear regression are discussed. They include: Linearity: X and Y have a linear relationship.Homoscedasticity: The errors are constant.Independence: The X variables are independent of each other.Normality: Y is normally distributed.Based on the discussion regarding these assumptions in this textbook section as well as […]
Hypothesis Testing Application

Assignment Content Review the following example: Example: Compared the smoking cessation rates for smokers randomly assigned to use a nicotine patch versus a placebo patch. Null: There is no difference in smoking rates from smokers who were randomly assigned to a nicotine patch and those assigned to a placebo patch. Alternative: There is a difference […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

The project (or essay) is to be not less than on 10 pp. It is to be your INDIVIDUAL work. It is to be devoted on the use of a specific topic (out of 10) considered in the course manual in Actuarial Science. I am to assign particular section #’s to specific students on an […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

The project assesses your ability to use a multiple regression analysis to analyze a Covid19 data set (provided). You are welcome to use additional data. You will decide the question(s) of interest and develop hypotheses from your ideas. 1. Cover Page 2. Abstract: A one paragraph summary of what you set out to learn, and […]
How does The Stock Price of Altaba Change Over 13 years ?

This is a report of analyzing the Stock Price of Altaba Change Over 13 years in order to predict the future stock price. We have the R code, results, and plots out. The report needs to follow the instructions step by step to analyze clearly of the R code results we have. You can analyze […]