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Archive for the ‘Mathematics and Statistics’ Category

project proposal

Design and data collection methods: What is the data that can be used to accomplish the goal? What is the source of the data? What kind of tests do you propose to be used for data exploration and analysis? You need to create this. This is describing, SPECIFICALLY, where you will find the data you […]

Explore mathematicians of the past

Number each question and answer each question.     Who is Fibonacci?      What is the Fibonacci sequence?    Explain at least 5 examples from nature of the Fibonacci sequence?    What is special about the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio?    What part of this assignment was especially meaningful to you? Link: […]

Interest rate risk (Banking coursework )

Calculate ( interest rate risk and Interest Sensitive Ratio and Relative IS GAP ) and calculate  the standard deviation of 2 banks at Saudi Arabia for 5 years on excel sheetand analysis and explain  the answers on word file (900 word on word for analysis and explain)

Effects of ethical decision making on human behavior

This assessment should be a Microsoft Word (no more than one page) document, in addition to the title page.Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific support from correctly applied ethical theory. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.Your writing […]

Consumer price Index

Please use regression analyze on the excel file by using SAS, and answer the following questions:a. assumption check b. Fit linear regression model c. test multicollinearity problem d. improve model or test high order/interaction terme.comparing all models – choose the bestf. interpret the estimate

Stata research

I need a paper describing what is attached in the document below. There are three parts, part 1 includes outside research, part 2 I have attached the documents and graphs needed below. And part 3 I have attached the necessary graphs and parts below needed for analysis. I have also attached a screenshot of the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Content     Describing fundamental statistical conceptsand the interpretation of these statistical applications for an appropriate design selection and accurate statistical analysisis a critical skill for doctoral students completing a dissertation. Reviewing some prior doctoral dissertations helps to hone these analytical skills and capabilities.     Locate 2 or 3 prior doctoral dissertations that […]

Qualitative Research

Instructions:I need my 8 pages based ONLY on the literature review section of my paper that I have uploaded (Bid4Papers Qualitative Research).  Upon your revising the Bid4Papers Qualitative Research paper, I want the writer to see that I only have two pages in the LITERATURE REVIEW SECTION (my professor wants more; and so, I need […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

II.1. Introduction (about 1 page)    What is the topic and the research question you will discuss in this paper? Why is it important? At the beginning of the page include your name and use your research question as the title of the paper. II.2. Literature Review (3 pages)    Summarize the three articles you have selected […]

Business analytic ( business insight analysis)

Assessment Requirement: Submit a report of 2000 words excluding cover page, content page, and references. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the tasks before answeringthem. Complete the tasks fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow allspecific instructions for individual questions. Answer all tasks in your own words. Do not […]

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