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Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category

Compare Wikipedia with Library Background Sources

1) Search for an entry on Wikipedia about MULTILINGUALISM. Read the entry closely for content and form. Notice how the are related 2) Search for an entry on the same topic within a library background source database. Read the entry closely for content and form. (CHOOSE 1 OUT OF THE 3 DATABASES)– Gale Virtual Reference– […]

Cultural Competency

Read the article “Winning Hearts While Flattening Vineyards is Rather Tricky”-Write a 2 page essay-The essay must answer the following questions:1. What cultural differences/problems did you identify in the article?2. What could be the long-term implications arising from these differences?3. What could the American and Canadian leaders have done differently?

International Relations

InstructionsThis assignment is a take-home essay consisting of 3 questions, 2 pages total, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Please exclusively use the course materials to support each answer. To answer these questions paraphrase, do not use quotations. Please answer all three questions below in a paragraph format by listing the number […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

there is 5 topics on the midterm essay, every topic wirte about 150-250 words 1. Is the international system inherently conflictual? How can non-state actors use their power to constrain states? 2. What is sovereignty in the international system? How does the emergence of non-state actors like ngos, cities, business markets, and regional organizations challenge […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the documentary film called Denial (attached below as a link) . Think about the following: Why is a smart grid controversial? Do you have a smart meter in your house? Are you concerned about smart grids in your life? PROMPTS: 1-Put yourself in Derek Hallquists position. How would you feel/respond if your father came […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is this paper about? RESEARCH PAPER Your Research Paper assignment is a 1200 to 2000 word (not counting your bibliography) informative research paper on a topic of your choosing, as long as it pertains to biological/physical anthropology. Font will be 12pt in Times New Roman (or something very similar), one-inch margins and double-spaced. I […]


Read the attached synopsis of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, then read the attached Characteristics of the Classical Style in Ballet. Then, using the link below, view the performance of the ballet danced by the Paris Opera Ballet in a version created by Rudolph Nureyev. Provide an analysis of the ballet in which you identify […]

Students are to create an online presentation about their historical figure Frances Benjamin Johnston

Students are to create an online presentation about their historical figure Frances Benjamin Johnston Your presentation should include a combination of images and text and should provide others with an appreciation of the historical significance of the historical woman represented, her major cultural contributions, and her impact or influence on her field or culture broadly. […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 6 short essays (200-400 words each, roughly). There are 6 essay prompts below. You need to form logical and accurate arguments using the assigned materials (attached below as PDF) to present your views, and these may be dramatically different from the professors views. Short of submitting hateful content, your well-formed and backed up […]


My topic is RELIGION. *I have attached the the sample essay, the checklist and my week 3 assignment with the two sources to be used. Please view those prior to beginning paper. References for part 1: Crapo, R. H. (2013). Cultural anthropology [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/ This text is a Constellation course digital materials […]

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