Project Notes I submission deadline 17th May 2020First milestone session 23th/24th May 2020Project Notes II submission deadline 1st June 2020Second milestone session 6th/7th June 2020Project Notes III submission deadline 22th June 2020Third milestone session 27th/28th June 2020
Archive for the ‘High School’ Category
R Homework

The vector `` contains numeric data. Construct a stipchart of the values in ``. Do you see any evidence of any outliers? **Solution** Repair this outlier. * First, report the location of the outlier. * Next, convert the value to `NA`. * Finally, display the value of the vector at this location, and show that […]
R Programing Homework

Construct a stipchart of the values in ``. Do you see any evidence of any outliers?Repair this outlier. First, report the location of the outlier. Next, convert the value to `NA`. Finally, display the value of the vector at this location, and show that it has the value `NA`.Construct a stripchart of the repaired version […]
Maze traversal

– I would like you to add the A* algorithm to this program, having the process visualised each step of the way, like the maze generation already included is. – i already have a node class and maze generation – No plagiarism payment by card?
R studio

Project Notes I submission deadline 17th May 2020First milestone session 23th/24th May 2020Project Notes II submission deadline 1st June 2020Second milestone session 6th/7th June 2020Project Notes III submission deadline 22th June 2020Third milestone session 27th/28th June 2020 Final Report SubmissionFinal Presentation Submission 6th July 20209th July 2020
R studio

Event Deadline DateCapstone Project guidelines releasedProject summaries released 29th April 20201st May 2020Selection of projects by the learner 3rd May 2020Projects Data Release date 4th May 2020 Project Notes I submission deadline 17th May 2020First milestone session 23th/24th May 2020Project Notes II submission deadline 1st June 2020Second milestone session 6th/7th June 2020Project Notes III submission […]
Create a reaction program

var startScreen = new Text(“Welcome to a speed game! Click space to see the rules “, “13pt New Times Roman”); var rulesPart1 = new Text(“The goal of the game is to click on every number from least to ” , “11pt New Times Roman”); var rulesPart2 = new Text(“greatest with your mouse. You […]
bootleg space invader assignment

Make a bare-bones space-invader game using Javascript and HTML-5. Use the sprites attached, add some fitting sound effects. Be thorough with code documentation, state what the purpose is for each class/section in the code. If possible, write all the code into a single HTML-5 file. Make as few additions as possible. When I say bare-bones, […]
Romberg integration code

Write a program that numerically computes the integral of any given continuous function using Romberg integration. You may hardcode the to-be-integrated function in your program, but it should only appear once in your code, so its easy to change to a different function. Likewise for the endpoints of the interval of integration and error tolerance. […]
R studio

Capstone Project guidelines releasedProject summaries released 29th April 20201st May 2020Selection of projects by the learner 3rd May 2020Projects Data Release date 4th May 2020 Project Notes I submission deadline 17th May 2020First milestone session 23th/24th May 2020Project Notes II submission deadline 1st June 2020Second milestone session 6th/7th June 2020Project Notes III submission deadline 22th […]