Unlike most animated films that have been cartoons for children and families, Grave of Fireflies touched on more serious themes and had moments that moved some audience members to tears. Identify and give examples of the representations in the film that you consider this anime is different from cartoon. (USE your OWN words, no citation)
Archive for the ‘English’ Category
English 1301 300 Words About Discussion And Need Separate

Vocabulary for Unit 4 These are the vocabulary words for this unit. Remember to incorporate them into your Discussion Board in this unit. Inconsequential Superficial Tenuous Trivial Compelling Obstinate Tenacity Consensus Derived […]
Commerative Speech

The topic of the speech is : Hard Work: This could commemorate the value of hard work or examples of it. The outline for the speech is uploaded in a word document. follow the outline.
Week Three, Topic 2

Censorship in film has played an important role in commercial movie making. Do you think the film you watched for this weeks first discussion question would have been allowed to release with the same exact content under the Hays Code? Why or why not? Be explicit and support your claim with verbiage from the Hays […]
Week Three, Topic 1

Watch a film made in the last 25 years from one of the following genres Melodrama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, or Horror. It cannot be from the genre that your favorite movie is from (the film you told us was your favorite in week one). NOTE: TO DO THIS, YOU NEED TO MATCH GENRE TO GENRE. […]
DB 7 Eng

In the last unit, we discussed the creation of body paragraphs for your research paper. Now with the feedback, you should have a good idea of the revision needed. Are there more points you need or some added verbiage needed to further support your thesis, along with the evidence you will use to support those […]
DALY Assignment On Depression

Global Paper Assignment United States v.s India on Depression A DALY or disability adjusted life years is a term used an indicator of health status global and public health. It is a summary of losses due to premature death and years lived within a population. Global Burden of Disease Study: CIA Factbook Choose one […]
Assignment Help.

Which of the nominees for Best Picture is the longest film? Which is the shortest? The most popular? Earned the most money at the box office? Which film has the most nominations? Which in your opinion is the best film?

Select one of the two question sets and respond in about two paragraphs. Provide at least one passage from each of the readings to support your response: 1. According to Jeff Guo and Kat Chow, how did the idea of Asian Americans as the “model minority” emerge? What role did Asian Americans play in the […]
Explanation Essay Based Off The Vampires In The Lemon Grove

Explanation essay on the story Vampire in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russel. MLA FORMAT Must pick 2 literacy devices MUST INCLUDE – INTRO with the thesis being the last sentence in the intro & a Title no more then 4 words 2 BODYS BOTH ABOUT A SYMBOL (2 separate symbols) Pick a symbol and […]