Case Study – Janice Roberts
Order Description
Janice Roberts is 70 years old. Five years ago, Janice’s family noticed that she was having difficulty finding words when engaging in conversation and was also having trouble writing. Janice’s
GP diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s disease.
Janice also has Type II Diabetes.
Janice is currently being cared for by
her younger sister Jean. Jean has some support from Janice’s daughter and her husband. Jean moved in with Janice
three years ago when Janice
started forgetting to take her diabetes medication, and had several hospitalisations as a result.
Jean and Janice’s daughter report that
Janice’s behaviour has changed in the last nine months or so.
Janice is becoming irritable and aggressive and on several occasions has been verbally abusive towards Jean, who says it is out of character. Jean has described Janice’s mood swings as being the worst in the evening and that
Janice has recently had trouble sleeping.
Janice’s irritation extends to her taking her prescribed medication. At times Janice refuses to take her medication for her diabetes, which is increasing Janice’s diabetes symptoms.
Janice has also had trouble recognising where the toilet is. On several occasions, Janice has used a flower pot in the backyard to urinate. On occasion, Janice has also forgotten to go to the toilet when she needs to urinate. This problem is increased by
Janice’s frequent need to urinate
as a symptom of her worsening diabetes.
Janice lives in Victoria, Australia.
The purpose of this assessment task is to explore and demonstrate your understanding of services available to people living with dementia and those who care for them.
?Select the service you wish to discuss in your assignment – Alzheimer’s Australia (AA)
Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). (Note
that in Victoria this is called
the Aged Care Assessment Service).
?Research the service using the AA or ACAT websites
DO NOT contact either service
The following issues must be addressed within your assignment
1.What are the main issues and risk factors in this case study? Provide research evidence demonstrating how these risk factors impact people with dementia.
2.What is the role of your chosen service (either AA or ACAT) and
what can it offer to help Janice
and her family address these issues and risk factors?
3. If AA or ACAT cannot meet a particular need, which other services
are available in your state or territory to refer Janice and her family to?
Give reasons as to why these services
are required and how they can help
Word Count:
1200 words
Please note that going over the word limit by more than 10% (so in this case, more than 120 words) incurs a penalty. Please see your Unit Outline for further details.
Writing your assignment
Main points:
Always write an introduction and conclusion
Do not write in the first person
Write complete sentences and avoid using bullet points
Demonstrate a comprehensive and
detailed knowledge and understanding of your chosen service and other services available to people living with
Identify and integrate a range of highly relevant
interventions offered by these services
Thoroughly and comprehensively identify specific risks and issues in the case
Justify the application of specific services and interventions to address each of these issues.
All risks and issues to be well supported by relevant scholarly
Logically and succinctly structure the content to create a cohesive and coherent piece of work.
Consistently adhered to grammatical
and spelling conventions.
Accurately and consistently adhere to
APA6referencing conventions, both in
the text and the reference list.