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case study ,

After you read the case study , you have to answer the 7 questions in only 3 sentences for each question and please keep your writing style very simple and use easy words to understand it.I attached the instructions and the power point,it has all the information that you will need .
please, let me know if you have any question.

Individualized Instruction for Language Development of those with Exceptional Learning Needs
2-year old Eric attends an Ontario Early Year’s Centre regularly. His mother is concerned that he is not talking as well as he should. Eric is 27 months old and can say about 25 words that his parents can understand, but are not clear. He points and gestures to get what he wants and has some temper tantrums when he is not understood. He follows instructions given by his parents or adults at the centre. He is very interactive with his parents and engages easily with other children, playing mostly alongside his peers, but showing some cooperative play. He particularly likes to play with sand and he gets excited when the sand table is opened up for play.
His father thinks that Eric is a late talker like he was. He thinks Eric will talk when he is ready. But Eric’s mother has noticed that his 11-month old sister is already babbling, mimicking words and saying a few words and exclamations. This is something Eric did not do at the same age.
1. In which of Piaget’s Cognitive Domain stages would Eric be considered? Why?

2. In which of Erikson’s Psychosocial Domain stages would Eric be considered? Why?

3. In which stage of physical development would Eric be included?
o Infancy
o Early Childhood
o Middle Childhood
o Late Childhood
o Adolescence
o Early Adulthood
o Middle Age
o Old Age

4. What can Eric do?

5. What are Eric’s strengths?

6 Compare Eric’s development with the development of a 24-month old.

7. How can you use his strengths to promote his language development? What kind of learning strategies might assist Eric? Detail at least three learning strategies that might assist Eric in promoting his language development

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case study

case study

Order Description

Using the template as a guide, create a quality management plan based on the information provided in the attached case study or for your own project
Use the class readings and lectures to help you complete the assignment
Format the document in a professional manner, making appropriate use of headers, page breaks, title page, table of contents, etc. The formatting of the template should be altered to be more professional. It is merely an outline with a few suggested tables.
This should be your own original work.
PJM6135 Quality Management Plan Template
This document is merely a guide to the sections you should include in your quality plan. You should create this information in a professional looking document.
1.0    Quality Management Plan (You have some of this data in the case study, but you may need to imagine some of the information for this section that aligns with the case provided)
1.1    Introduction and Project Objectives
1.2    Project Background
1.3    Project Scope (final products/services)
2.0    Organization and Management  (You need to do some research and complete this section as best you can from the case and your professional experience and background)
2.1    Organizational Quality Standards (any quality standards defined by your organization; look at requirements related to travel standards or project expenditure guidelines (tracking and reporting expense reports, etc))
2.2    Customer/Project Quality Standards (how well your product should perform, measurable targets; what will the deliverables be measured against as a standard)
2.3    Organizational Responsibilities for Project Quality (who is responsible for Quality on the project; is it a team, an individual, a department?)
3.0    Project Quality Requirements
3.1    Customer Requirements (from customer for project quality)
3.2    Technical Specifications (specific and measureable attributes of project or services provided)
3.3    Product Deliverables Acceptance Criteria (define acceptable quality of deliverables, used in Customer Acceptance Testing; measurable and objective criteria)
4.0    Quality Assurance Plan
4.1    Quality Assurance Activities (what is done to measure or test for quality)
4.2    Quality Assurance Responsibilities (who is responsible for each activity)
4.3    Quality Assurance Review and Audit Procedure (what is being reviewed, when, include how the customer is involved in QA)
4.4    Customer Acceptance Testing (what denotes formal project acceptance)
4.5    Process Improvement Plan (details the steps for analyzing and improving processes)
5.0    Quality Control Plan
5.1    Quality Control Activities (what tools will be used ongoing to support and measure quality)
5.2    Quality Control Responsibilities (who is responsible)
5.3    Change Management Plan
5.4    Metrics and non-compliance reporting (include how you will involve customer)
5.4.1    Project Deliverables Status
5.4.2    Product Deliverables Status
6.0    Documentation and Checklists (see these for assistance to the above-complete next page)
6.1    Requirements Traceability Matrix
6.2    Quality Assurance Plan
6.3    Quality Control Plan
The following tables are starting points; you will need to customize based on your project needs.
Requirements Template
Requirement ID#    Requirement Type (functional/technical, etc.)    Requirement Description    Customer/
Stakeholder    Customer Acceptance Criteria

Quality Assurance Plan Template
Requirement ID#    WBS #    Quality Standard    Quality Assurance Activity    Responsibility    Date    QA Audit    Date    Outcome (Red/Green/Yellowetc.)

Quality Control Plan Template
Req.#    WBS#    Quality Control Activity    Responsibility    Date    Project Status/    Date    Product Status    Date

Project Overview
Company Division Relocation Project Background:
It is your first week back at work after the new year break, and you have just received a call from a senior Vice President at your company, Sally Jones. She confirmed the rumors that have been whispered at the water cooler for the past few months—the customer service center for your company is going to be relocated from Boston to Dallas, TX. She also kindly lets you know that your team has been tapped to oversee the logistics of the move. The move should be finalized and the new service department open by September 1, 2014. She wants a detailed plan produced within the next 10 weeks to cover every aspect of the project. During your conversation she provides you with some high level details about what the project will include:
•    Securing 10,000 sq. ft. of office space currently available in Dallas where your company has a regional office; no modifications will be required to the structure, as you will adapt to the existing office space layout; you will need to hire a local attorney and real estate broker to accomplish this
•    Planning and executing the build out of the 10,000 sq. ft. of office space, which should include cubicles and chairs for 25 employees, 1 reception area setup to include receptionist desk, chair, and 5 visitor chairs, office furniture for four executive offices and 1 conference room that should accommodate up to 16 individuals. You will work with the Property Services Union represented by SEIU to execute the install and setup of the office space (http://www.seiu.org/propertyservices/); you will need an interior designer to help with the space layout and select appropriate accessories, such as wall art and the like. The bathrooms and employees kitchen/lounge is already completed.
•    Relocating and installing all IT equipment from the office in Boston to Dallas; you will work with the Communication Workers of America local Union office (http://district6.cwa-union.org/) for all labor associated with the install of the IT equipment.
•    Securing a relocation assistance company in Dallas to work with employees who wish to relocate; coordinating with employees to see who will relocate; a deadline of April 25 is set for Boston based employees to commit to relocating to the new Dallas office. You will coordinate with the Human Resource department to ensure that any open positions are filled in Dallas.
•    Two member of your team will need to make bi-weekly visits to the Dallas area beginning in April through the opening in September to oversee the progress and see to onsite matters.
•    You will need to do a phased opening, so that there is no down time with the customer service department.
•    She has not given you a budget, as she first wants to see a top down estimate from your team, which is due asap.
•    She wants a bi-weekly report from you beginning in February.
After a brief discussion with her, you go back to your office and put together the following preliminary scope document based on your brief conversation with Sally.
Project Objective:
To organize and oversee the relocation of the customer service department from its current location in Boston to a new location in Dallas. The new Dallas office should be operational by September 1.
•    Acquire new office space
•    Up-fit office space to include the following features
o    25 cubicle work stations
o    4 executive offices
o    1 conference room
o    1 reception area
o    Interior accessories, such as wall art and the like
•    Installation of IT equipment
•    Secure relocation assistance firm
Major Milestones:
•    Office space secured
•    Up-fit completed
•    IT equipment installed
•    Systems test
•    Office opened
Limits & Exclusions & Other Notes:
•    You and your staff may only devote 30 percent of your schedule to this project
•    Two team members must make bi-weekly trips to Dallas beginning in April through the opening
•    You must use union labor for the office space up-fit and IT installation services
•    Assume the date you received this directive and document is January 6th
•    Assume the average hourly pay rate for each of your team members is $42.00.
Sponsor Review:
•    Sally Jones will act as your sponsor and approve all plans and budgets

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case study

case study

Order Description

Using the template as a guide, create a quality management plan based on the information provided in the attached case study or for your own project
Use the class readings and lectures to help you complete the assignment
Format the document in a professional manner, making appropriate use of headers, page breaks, title page, table of contents, etc. The formatting of the template should be altered to be more professional. It is merely an outline with a few suggested tables.
This should be your own original work.
PJM6135 Quality Management Plan Template
This document is merely a guide to the sections you should include in your quality plan. You should create this information in a professional looking document.
1.0    Quality Management Plan (You have some of this data in the case study, but you may need to imagine some of the information for this section that aligns with the case provided)
1.1    Introduction and Project Objectives
1.2    Project Background
1.3    Project Scope (final products/services)
2.0    Organization and Management  (You need to do some research and complete this section as best you can from the case and your professional experience and background)
2.1    Organizational Quality Standards (any quality standards defined by your organization; look at requirements related to travel standards or project expenditure guidelines (tracking and reporting expense reports, etc))
2.2    Customer/Project Quality Standards (how well your product should perform, measurable targets; what will the deliverables be measured against as a standard)
2.3    Organizational Responsibilities for Project Quality (who is responsible for Quality on the project; is it a team, an individual, a department?)
3.0    Project Quality Requirements
3.1    Customer Requirements (from customer for project quality)
3.2    Technical Specifications (specific and measureable attributes of project or services provided)
3.3    Product Deliverables Acceptance Criteria (define acceptable quality of deliverables, used in Customer Acceptance Testing; measurable and objective criteria)
4.0    Quality Assurance Plan
4.1    Quality Assurance Activities (what is done to measure or test for quality)
4.2    Quality Assurance Responsibilities (who is responsible for each activity)
4.3    Quality Assurance Review and Audit Procedure (what is being reviewed, when, include how the customer is involved in QA)
4.4    Customer Acceptance Testing (what denotes formal project acceptance)
4.5    Process Improvement Plan (details the steps for analyzing and improving processes)
5.0    Quality Control Plan
5.1    Quality Control Activities (what tools will be used ongoing to support and measure quality)
5.2    Quality Control Responsibilities (who is responsible)
5.3    Change Management Plan
5.4    Metrics and non-compliance reporting (include how you will involve customer)
5.4.1    Project Deliverables Status
5.4.2    Product Deliverables Status
6.0    Documentation and Checklists (see these for assistance to the above-complete next page)
6.1    Requirements Traceability Matrix
6.2    Quality Assurance Plan
6.3    Quality Control Plan
The following tables are starting points; you will need to customize based on your project needs.
Requirements Template
Requirement ID#    Requirement Type (functional/technical, etc.)    Requirement Description    Customer/
Stakeholder    Customer Acceptance Criteria

Quality Assurance Plan Template
Requirement ID#    WBS #    Quality Standard    Quality Assurance Activity    Responsibility    Date    QA Audit    Date    Outcome (Red/Green/Yellowetc.)

Quality Control Plan Template
Req.#    WBS#    Quality Control Activity    Responsibility    Date    Project Status/    Date    Product Status    Date

Project Overview
Company Division Relocation Project Background:
It is your first week back at work after the new year break, and you have just received a call from a senior Vice President at your company, Sally Jones. She confirmed the rumors that have been whispered at the water cooler for the past few months—the customer service center for your company is going to be relocated from Boston to Dallas, TX. She also kindly lets you know that your team has been tapped to oversee the logistics of the move. The move should be finalized and the new service department open by September 1, 2014. She wants a detailed plan produced within the next 10 weeks to cover every aspect of the project. During your conversation she provides you with some high level details about what the project will include:
•    Securing 10,000 sq. ft. of office space currently available in Dallas where your company has a regional office; no modifications will be required to the structure, as you will adapt to the existing office space layout; you will need to hire a local attorney and real estate broker to accomplish this
•    Planning and executing the build out of the 10,000 sq. ft. of office space, which should include cubicles and chairs for 25 employees, 1 reception area setup to include receptionist desk, chair, and 5 visitor chairs, office furniture for four executive offices and 1 conference room that should accommodate up to 16 individuals. You will work with the Property Services Union represented by SEIU to execute the install and setup of the office space (http://www.seiu.org/propertyservices/); you will need an interior designer to help with the space layout and select appropriate accessories, such as wall art and the like. The bathrooms and employees kitchen/lounge is already completed.
•    Relocating and installing all IT equipment from the office in Boston to Dallas; you will work with the Communication Workers of America local Union office (http://district6.cwa-union.org/) for all labor associated with the install of the IT equipment.
•    Securing a relocation assistance company in Dallas to work with employees who wish to relocate; coordinating with employees to see who will relocate; a deadline of April 25 is set for Boston based employees to commit to relocating to the new Dallas office. You will coordinate with the Human Resource department to ensure that any open positions are filled in Dallas.
•    Two member of your team will need to make bi-weekly visits to the Dallas area beginning in April through the opening in September to oversee the progress and see to onsite matters.
•    You will need to do a phased opening, so that there is no down time with the customer service department.
•    She has not given you a budget, as she first wants to see a top down estimate from your team, which is due asap.
•    She wants a bi-weekly report from you beginning in February.
After a brief discussion with her, you go back to your office and put together the following preliminary scope document based on your brief conversation with Sally.
Project Objective:
To organize and oversee the relocation of the customer service department from its current location in Boston to a new location in Dallas. The new Dallas office should be operational by September 1.
•    Acquire new office space
•    Up-fit office space to include the following features
o    25 cubicle work stations
o    4 executive offices
o    1 conference room
o    1 reception area
o    Interior accessories, such as wall art and the like
•    Installation of IT equipment
•    Secure relocation assistance firm
Major Milestones:
•    Office space secured
•    Up-fit completed
•    IT equipment installed
•    Systems test
•    Office opened
Limits & Exclusions & Other Notes:
•    You and your staff may only devote 30 percent of your schedule to this project
•    Two team members must make bi-weekly trips to Dallas beginning in April through the opening
•    You must use union labor for the office space up-fit and IT installation services
•    Assume the date you received this directive and document is January 6th
•    Assume the average hourly pay rate for each of your team members is $42.00.
Sponsor Review:
•    Sally Jones will act as your sponsor and approve all plans and budgets

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