Career theories
Order Description
“Write a research-based essay drawing on a range of career theories and an example, or examples to explore a career issue (eg. choice, motivation, fulfilment, resilience or change) in depth. Example/s to illustrate your argument can be drawn from a career interview with someone you know, or from the biography or auto-biography of a historical figure.”
There are three suggested topics provided, I would like the essay to be based on the first topic question b1)’Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’
The question should be explored in terms of the career theories (i will upload plenty but only choose 3 to 4 that are most relevant to the above essay question. These theories should relate to examples used (using well known people eg. Barack Obama, Usain Bolt). Discuss to what extent do the theories and examples confirm or challenge the essay question.
The following structure can be used as a basis but feel free to adjust as needed:
‘Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’
Intro (250 words)
Contention (argument)
Pro-question (using theories and examples)
Pro 1 – Theory 1
Pro 1 – Theory 2
Pro 1 – Theory 3
Anti-question (Using theories and examples)
Anti 2 – Theory 1
Anti 2 – Theory 2
Anti 2 – Theory 3
Personal Opinion
-Relating to the contention, either pro/anti
-Justification as to why?
-Which theories/examples led to this opinion?
Conclusion (200 words)
Please make sure to include in text referencing as well as a list of references at the end. When using examples of famous people, reference biographies or auto-biographies. There is no specific number of references required but anywhere from 5-10 is sufficient.
several files that include an introduction to career theories and some specific career theories such as John Holland, Donald Super, John Krumboltz, Jim Bright. The following website is also useful:
The assessment criteria is as follows
“expected to present an assignment which demonstrates critical understanding and engagement with ideas, theories and sources on career development issues; which follows professional standards of communication and presentation in terms of clarity and focus of ideas; demonstrates accurate and consistent referencing of sources used; and shows care and attention to detail (evidence of proofreading and care in expression).”