Use the guidance to help you begin to think about possible directions for the essay, however it is important to retain focus on one or two issues, rather than describing multiple issues. It is very important for you to use examples in the essay. The essay needs to reflect analysis rather than lists of issues. You will need to engage critically, rather than just putting forward a single perspective. Essay Question (1500 words +/- 10%) not including references and tables Effective organisational career management is that which meets the needs of both employers and employee. Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant theory. You may wish to consider the following when writing the essay: a) Organisational career management b) Possible benefits of effective career management needs for both employers and employees c) Debates about balancing career management needs in the wider context of employment relationship and psychological contract. d) The issue of skill and educational level required for the job and the importance attached to career management by the employer. e) Reflect on the concept of Boundaryless Career f) Example of an organisation that have certain employee development practices Core Textbook to use in reference
Career Management Academic Essay