Why choose Radiologic technology?[Pin It]Please use the PPT attached for reference. The following questions must be at least 75 words each:1. Using Maslows Laws, what will make you a good technologist?2. Can you identify how many different ways you communicate with others on a daily basis?3. Can you effectively communicate with any type of patient, no matter the patients condition or age? Explain your response.The following question has several parts and does not have a word minimum but must fully answer the question.4. Why be a Radiologic Technologist?List three to five items which you believe will be the most rewarding aspects of being a radiologic technologist, with one being the most rewarding aspect.
Next, list the main reason why you chose this profession.
Finally, check to see if the reason for choosing the prefession matches one of the rewarding aspects. Explain the response.
Can you effectively communicate with any type of patient, no matter the patients condition or age? Explain your response.