Paper should explore social media through at least one theory contained in the MIS module (as per attached). It should apply the theory to a specific case e.g. a social network example (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc).
I’m writing my own essay in parallel but fear I may not be able to finish it on time hence I’m seeking help. I was thinking of using the representation theory first since it fits well with social media (i.e. photos on facebook, Emojis, avatars – forms of representation; mobility, displacement, decontextualization and recontextualization, remote control as the core pillars on the basis of which facebook is built and functions) but have seen Actor Network, Systems and Baurdrillard’s theories being used in this context as well (some example sources are attached + links )
Please only bid if you feel you’re knowledgeable enough in the subject to write something compelling in 2 days. If you fail to convince me that you can do it I’ll write it myself.