critically analyse and evaluate the growth (or downsizing) strategy of an organisation by either acquisition or into new international markets within the last 2 years
Business Studies

Business Studies
Watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. Pay attention to the ads running throughout the entire game. Select one commercial that you believe is exceptionally strong or weak.
Also research your company’s missions statement online. Comparing your commercial to your company’s mission statement, answer the following questions:
1.Define the target audience for your ad?
2.What is the commercial’s primary message?
3.Is your ad relevant to this target audience? Explain your answer.
4.Does your commercial reinforce your company’s mission? If so how, or how not? Be specific.
Note: you can usually find and view your selected commercial on You Tube, or the company’s own web site as well as during the actual game itself. As a matter
of fact some companies have already posted their teasers/commercials online.
Be prepared to share your work in class on Monday, and turn in for credit
1-2 page maximum; typed, single-spaced, 12pt type, stapled; include your name, class & section, homework #, date at top of page
Keep your response and rationale short & succinct; be sure to use specific marketing vocabulary in your response; support your rationale with facts, pics, screen
grabs, web sites, fb posts, tweets, or other examples; consider going online or conducting other research to gather support for your response
Business Studies

Business Studies
Watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. Pay attention to the ads running throughout the entire game. Select one commercial that you believe is exceptionally strong or weak.
Also research your company’s missions statement online. Comparing your commercial to your company’s mission statement, answer the following questions:
1.Define the target audience for your ad?
2.What is the commercial’s primary message?
3.Is your ad relevant to this target audience? Explain your answer.
4.Does your commercial reinforce your company’s mission? If so how, or how not? Be specific.
Note: you can usually find and view your selected commercial on You Tube, or the company’s own web site as well as during the actual game itself. As a matter
of fact some companies have already posted their teasers/commercials online.
Be prepared to share your work in class on Monday, and turn in for credit
1-2 page maximum; typed, single-spaced, 12pt type, stapled; include your name, class & section, homework #, date at top of page
Keep your response and rationale short & succinct; be sure to use specific marketing vocabulary in your response; support your rationale with facts, pics, screen
grabs, web sites, fb posts, tweets, or other examples; consider going online or conducting other research to gather support for your response