Business Report1. Demonstrate an understanding of the scope, significance and legal framework of HRM in business organisations. 2. Critically examine the factors affecting human motivation in business organisations and how motivation affects standards of performance. 3. Analyse the causes of conflict and alienation at work and evaluate the methods of their resolution Title of Coursework: A Business Report on Frishco Employee Engagement and its influence within the organisation and the business environment. A focus on leadership and management. Learning Outcome 1&2 Instructions This coursework has three Task, Task 1 2 and 3. There is a case study to read on Frishco and then proceed to answering the questions in 1 2 and 3. Students are expected to provide an introduction to the coursework. The introduction of the work must take an approach to the overall assignment and not just repeat the scenario. The introduction must state why the report is being written, what the report will concentrate on and discover and the approach that will be taken through a range of tasks. This is 5 marks and 200 words. The students are expected to answer all 3 questions. Task 1 and 2 have 30 marks each allocated and task 3 has 25 marks totalling 85 marks. Task 1 and 2 have 600 words each and task 3 has 400 word limit. Conclusion is 5 marks with 200 word limit and the bibliography is not included in the word count and has 5 marks allocated. Synopsis Read the case study on Frishco and answer the following questions. Students are expected to analyse the different methods in which Frisco uses its HR department to engage its employees. Students are expected to discuss HR skills and functions to address its employees engagement. Markers will be expecting students to provide explanations and considerations in which Frisco uses its HR Skills and functions to address its employees engagement.This could involve good quality line management, two-way open communication, commitment to employee well-being, effective co-operation, clear, accessible HR policies and practices, fair pay and benefits, focus on employee development, etc Students should discuss the potential consequences to an organisations inability to address employee engagement issues including how it would affect their motivation. Markers will be expecting students to critically discuss the serious consequences and cost to an organisations inability to deal with disengaged employees. As an example; employee disengagement can be costly, an organisation can lose 628 million per year by failing to inspire its employees, disengagement kills morale, affects customer/clients, decreases job performance, all of which equals to decreased output. Students are expected to evaluate which methods they feel would create the most impact in achieving the highest level of employee engagement within Frishco. It could be an alternative structure as opposed to the current one which they have. Markers would be looking for discussions on the preferred method (from Task 1) and provide reasons as to why the chosen method(s) would achieve higher levels of employee engagement. Students must be able to support their writing with appropriately referenced sources. Top Tips Students, you must proof read your work before submission, making sure that the layout, presentation, style, references and citations are all in place. Your work must include wider reading. Wider reading means more marks. Make use of all the library resources to improve your coursework which in turn will increase your grades. Students please answer the questions given and be careful not to be descriptive with your answers or simply reproduce what has been written above. Your voice and ideas must be heard in your coursework.
Business Report

Business Report
Order Description
A business report template of 2,500 +/- 10/20% in approximate word count. Diagrams, illustrations and tables are NOT word counted.
However the ONLY appendices will be the Financial tables imported/cut & pasted legibly from excel into this document.
Harvard in-text referencing is required appropriately throughout this report.
A report which analyses a business start-up before a business can be created.
A report based on the application of the 7 Domains feasibility model by Mullins, (2011).
Business Report

Business Report
Order Description
A business report template of 2,500 +/- 10/20% in approximate word count. Diagrams, illustrations and tables are NOT word counted.
However the ONLY appendices will be the Financial tables imported/cut & pasted legibly from excel into this document.
Harvard in-text referencing is required appropriately throughout this report.
A report which analyses a business start-up before a business can be created.
A report based on the application of the 7 Domains feasibility model by Mullins, (2011).