Order Description
ME: I was planning on making a business plan to open a restaurant. I would like to make a proposal to the bank for a loan in doing so and come up with the plan and the type of food to be served.
Professor:A business plan is fine, and it can include those things. Three notes, though, about how you have to modify a normal business plan to fit our capstone. First, you may have to make some changes to a “traditional” business plan, in general. For example, you are to have a subheading about “ethics” and at least a full page discussing ethics, with citations. Second, ensure that it has ample references to support your ideas throughout the plan. Third, a regular capstone paper ends with recommendations; with a business plan you may instead end with evidence based (i.e. cited) “next steps”, these would be actionable steps that you would take after writing the business plan if you were really prepared to continue the business forward.
I have attached the instructions for this assignment and have the numbers together. I can be of any help as well. What I am stuck on is the Ethics portion and includinf citations and articles. Please assist and thank you for the help.
Final Capstone Proposal – Individual Scoring Guide Grading Rubric
Analyze an organizational challenge or opportunity.
Does not describe an organizational challenge or opportunity. Describes an organizational challenge or opportunity. Analyzes an organizational challenge or opportunity. Analyzes an organizational challenge or opportunity, and evaluates how well the challenge or opportunity meets capstone requirements.
Explain how a business challenge proposal allows for the demonstration of program outcomes through the integration and application of core business knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Does not explain how a business challenge proposal allows for the demonstration of program outcomes through the integration and application of core business knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Explains how a business challenge proposal allows for the demonstration of program outcomes but it is not clear how the program outcomes will be demonstrated. Explains how a business challenge proposal allows for the demonstration of program outcomes through the integration and application of core business knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Explains how a business challenge proposal allows for the demonstration of program outcomes through the integration and application of core business knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and discusses how the MBA experience and knowledge will contribute to capstone project success.
Identify data sources and other requirements needed to resolve a business challenge or opportunity.
Does not identify data sources and other requirements needed to resolve a business challenge or opportunity. Identifies sources needed to resolve a business challenge or opportunity but does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the data or other requirements needed to resolve the business challenge or opportunity. Identifies data sources and other requirements needed to resolve a business challenge or opportunity. Identifies data sources and other requirements needed to resolve a business challenge or opportunity, and explains how the data and other requirements will be obtained.
Develop a strategy and action plan for implementing a solution to a business challenge or opportunity.
Does not describe a strategy and action plan for implementing a solution to a business challenge or opportunity. Describes a solution to a business challenge or opportunity but does not develop a strategy or action plan for implementing the solution. Develops a strategy and action plan for implementing a solution to a business challenge or opportunity. Develops a strategy and action plan for implementing a solution to a business challenge or opportunity, which demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the organization, the challenge, and the process for implementing a solution.
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Writing does not support a central idea. Does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional. Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing coherently supports a central idea with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing is coherent and consistently appropriate, using evidence to support a central idea and with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Activity Instructions
For this assignment, complete the Final Capstone Proposal as described in the MBA Capstone Project Guidelines document given in the resources. Appendix C of this document provides a proposal outline for you to follow. Appendix D is the scoring guide from MBA6900. It is included for you to review as you draft your proposal to ensure that your project will meet the requirements. Submit your proposal as a Word document to this assignment
If it needs more pages please let me know
Attachment C for my assignment is included:
Appendix C – Proposal Content and Format Introduction – In this section, identify the organization and whether you have access to it directly. Describe the exact nature of the project you propose to do and why you want to do this particular project. • Target organization. • Nature of the project. • Rationale for the project. Outcome Demonstration – Describe how this project will allow you to demonstrate each MBA program outcome. The four section titles below refer to the outcomes that are listed in the Prospectus Template. • Apply foundational knowledge. • Integrate information. • Lead and collaborate. • Integrate principles. Data Sources – Identify where you will get the data needed to complete the project, whether via direct access to the organization or via published sources. Be as detailed as possible, since the instructor must evaluate whether you have access to enough data to make the project feasible. Projected Timeline – Provide a timeline for the project, to be completed no later than the end of MBA6900. Tasks should include any preliminary activity needed to get permissions (if needed), data gathering, data analysis, report writing, presentation preparation, and anything else that would form a significant part of the work needed to complete the project.