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Conduct an in-depth evaluation of the organisation assigned to you .

Order Description
1 The assigned organisation is Nike ( a sport brand )
2 The type of document is business report, not a research paper
3 Please using publicly available information
4 The requirement is to refer to at least 10 academic journal articles. Other sources such as books, usiness magazines, reports and statistics reports are valid sources but will be considered as additional resources to the academic articles.
Pick a company of your choice (probably a public limited company, for easy access to information) and then interrogate the business model of this company by telling us how the company makes money showing the interaction between the product market and the capital market. Tell us whether their products are ‘bought’ or ‘sold’. You can use a couple of known framework e.g. the Boston Consulting Group Matrix or Product Life Cycle approach to describe the product/service portfolio (market). Be careful to stay more in the financial and strategic side of the debateand not necessarily stray off to other functional areas like marketing or HR (not a marketing or HR essay). Whenever possible and you talk about product portfolios, talk about their relative profitability and that is how it may differ from a marketing or HR essay.
Also, tell us what internal structures or architecture needs changing or revising to give it a needed boost. You can tell us what could go wrong with their current business model in the light of other competitions and new product developments from rivals and how your chosen company should respond.
As additional guide, always think in terms of how your critique affects the bottom line (whether from revenue or cost side).
Further Guidelines:
• A background to the company’s current operations and architecture would be very useful.
Hint: Organizational architecture, also called Three-legged Stool, including three activities: (1) measure performance; (2) reward performance; (3) partition decision rights.
• You may evaluate the company’s current business model (strategy operating and financial architecture) and whether it should be changed or modified.
• Evaluate how the company’s business strategy affects its organizational structure.
• Is the current organizational structure right for the business in the light of their model and the changes you may propose?
• Has any technological changes disrupted their business model and operating architecture (or would it impact on their model if there were such a technology)?
• Think about avenues to reduce their cost and/or improve quality.
• Analyze product market conditions and strategies
• Analyze capital market conditions and strategies
• Analyze internal organization architecture systems

Conduct an in-depth evaluation (using publicly available information) of the organisation assigned to you and prepare an Innovation Report. This is a business report

Assigned organisation : Nike

The report will include the following sections:
The business case for innovation
Provide justification for prioritizing innovation in the organisation. Offer the main findings of your organisational diagnosis.
Leadership challenges
What are the main leadership challenges facing the organisation? What can be done to overcome them?
Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section.
Innovation challenges
What are the main challenges the organisation is facing in relation to innovation? What needs to change?
Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section.
A framework for innovation
What are the organisational priorities in relation to leadership and innovation? Provide your recommendations to address the organisational challenges you identified in sections 2 and 3 above.
Next steps and conclusion
Provide practical next steps.
General guidelines

All ideas/strategies must be analysed.
Identify journal articles that provide findings in support and not in support of each idea you present.
Identify the conditions under which the particular idea/initiative/strategy has been effective and ineffective (e.g. type of organisation, size of organisation, country, organizational communication etc.). This will help you make the inference as to whether the idea will work in your organisation or not, and also to make recommendations about what should be done to make its implementation effective.
While reading journal articles, also pay attention to other effective ideas that are mentioned there that are not part of the list given to you. You may be able to include them in your recommendations.
All the arguments that you make must be supported by academic theory

Structure and style of writing
The report needs to follow the assigned structure.
As this is a report, you can use headings to separate sections.
Your writing needs to flow and any ideas/assertions need to follow a clear line of argument
Each paragraph and each section needs to concentrate on one key idea. Structure your ideas early on so that there are no overlaps between different sections.
Each section needs to be written in text form. Please minimise the use of bullet points to the absolutely necessary.
If you need to use tables and diagrams please title and explain them.
Please use formal academic language and avoid conversational expressions.

Use of academic sources and referencing
Although this is a business report, your sources need to be academic!!! This means that websites like Wikipedia or Businessballs etc are not considered as adequate resources. For an assignment of this level the norm is to refer to at least 10 academic journal articles. Other sources such as books, business magazines, reports and statistics reports are valid sources but will be considered as additional resources to the academic articles.
Referencing is according to Harvard referencing guidelines.

There should be a title page (with the title of the coursework, module name and your registration number. Do not write your name.), a contents page (with the list of headings and subheadings and their page numbers) and a reference list.
The word limit is 2000 words (excluding title/contents page and the reference list. Citations within text will be counted).
The text must be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing.
There should be a 1 inch margin all around the page.
Pages must be numbered.

Assessment Guide

TM6013Sport and Event Tourism
Assignment – Individual

Table of Contents
1. Summary 2
2. Introduction 3
3. Details of the assignment task 3
4. Assignment Instructions 3
Structure 3
Presentation 3
5. Assessment criteria 4
Specific marking criteria for this assignment 4
General undergraduate grading criteria used to assess work 4
6. Skills advice 5
General advice 5
Referencing 5
7. Word count 5
8. Submission 6
Submission policy for work submitted to Turnitin 6
Submission process 6
Late submissions 7
9. Extenuating circumstances 7
10. Re-assessment work 7
11. Student appeals 7
1. Summary
This assignment is individual work.

Weighting: 100% of the total module mark
Word count: 4,000 words (excl. executive summary, table of contents and reference list) – see p. 6
Submission deadline: Friday, 6 May 2016, 23:59
Submission procedure: The assignment must be submitted electronically via Turnitin. For further details see p. 6.
Feedback and return of marked work
Feedback will be provided in the following ways:
• Class discussions on related topics will allow you to reflect on and revise the content of your work before submission.
• You are always welcome to clarify with meany aspects that are unclear. However, I will not read full drafts.
• Submission of the written assignment via Turnitin allows you to check your originality report to avoid plagiarism.
• After the assessments have been marked, general feedback will be posted in Moodle.
• Individual feedback on your written assignment will be available through Turnitin, together with your mark for the assignment. Individual marks and feedback will be released within four working weeks of the submission deadline.

2. Introduction
This assignment allows you to explore motivations of event participants and attendees, and to explorepotential short-term and long-term impacts of an international sport event.

3. Details of the assignment task
Analyse the relationship between an international sport event of your choice and the tourism industry. The event must not take place before the beginning of May 2016 – i.e. it has to be a future event. Consult the tutor if you are uncertain about the suitability of your event.
Discuss who the sport tourists will be for the event and what might motivate them to attend (or participate in the event). Where appropriate, you may focus on a selected number of different types of sport tourists.
Critically discuss the potential positive and negative impacts of this event and evaluate its potential contribution to the host city/region/country.
Support your analysis with the frameworks we have discussed in class and other relevant theories. You are encouraged to also draw on the theories and contents you have explored in other modules throughout your degree.

4. Assignment Instructions
This assignmentcan be presented in either report or essay format. You must include a title page, an executive summary or abstract, a table of contents and a reference list.Place these four items on a separate page each.
Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
• The title page should contain a suitable title for your paper, the module code and name, your student number and the submission deadline. (If you are submitting late please also note if you have applied for or will be applying for extenuation.)
• Include a table of contents that shows on which page each section starts.
• Include an executive summaryor abstract which summarises your paper in no more than 150 words.
• Include your reference list.
• Use appropriate headings.
• Font style:any normal font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial); font size:11 or 12
• Pages should be numbered.

5. Assessment criteria
Specific marking criteria for this assignment
Executive summary / Abstract
Does your executive summary (or abstract) provide a summary of your entire paper? Does it include your findings? Is it of appropriate length? 5 marks
Introduction(including brief overview of the event) and conclusion
Have you provided an appropriate introduction and conclusion to your paper? Have you briefly explained the event in question? 10 marks
Event tourists and motivations
Have you identified as many relevant types of event tourists as possible? Have you included sport tourists with different roles at the event? Have you discussed their motivations? Have you discussed the relative importance of the event and the destination? Have you focused on a selected number of sport tourists, where appropriate? 30 marks
Impacts and legacy
Have you weighed up potential positive and negative impacts of the event (for example, on the host community)? Have you discussed the event’s effects on the triple bottom line? Have you discussed the relevance of destination planning? 30 marks
Support through relevant literature
Have you used relevant sources (e.g. journal articles, books, etc.) to back up your arguments? Have you used a range of reliable sources? 15 marks
Is the assignment well written? Does the paper follow a clear structure? Have you included a title page, executive summary or abstract, table of contents and reference list? Have you correctly applied Cite Them Right for your citations and reference list? 10 marks
TOTAL 100 marks

General undergraduate grading criteria used to assess work
In addition to the specific marking criteria for this assignment, general guidelines apply for the expected standard at different levels of study. The following grading standards generally apply to our undergraduate programmes:

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(70% or above) Thorough understanding of relevant ideas. Clear and well referenced argument. Coherent structure. Ideas critically analysed. Argument is clear, succinct and well supported. Evidence of a wide range of reading and some independent thought. Critical work evidencing excellent synthesis and application of ideas. Work is exceptionally well constructed and presented.
Upper Second
(60-69%) Sound understanding. Well written and relevant argument. Appropriately referenced. Critical consideration of relevant ideas. Arguments are precisely defined and appropriately referenced. The work is structurally sound and well written. Ideas are critically applied and coherently presented. Evidence of wide reading and some originality. Well referenced
Lower Second
(50-59%) Evidence of understanding and independent reading. Adequate referencing, but some unsubstantiated material. Weaknesses in spelling, structure & grammar. Reasonable understanding of the relevant concepts, but some inconsistencies in application. Arguments are referenced, but disjointed. Poor structure, spelling or grammar. Clear grasp of concepts and some critical application. Appropriately referenced and relevant argument. Reasonable structure and syntax. Well presented
(40-49%) Indication of some understanding, but poor application of ideas. Minimal referencing. Generally weak structure. Generally descriptive work with limited evidence of a critical consideration of ideas. Inadequate referencing. Weaknesses in structure, spelling and grammar. Evidence of good understanding of issues, but crudely applied. Work indicates some critical thinking, but tends towards description. Argument may be unbalanced. Poor structure and presentation
(below 40%) Irrelevant or poorly analysed material. Indication of weak grasp of concepts. Inadequate structure. Poor grammar and spelling. Uncritical. Poorly referenced. Argument indicates little use of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written. Poorly referenced and suggests inadequate exploration of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written.
6. Skills advice
General advice
Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions. You may also find these resources useful:
• Skillzone: http://www.uel.ac.uk/skillzone/
• Learning & Achievement Assistants: http://www.uel.ac.uk/lls/study/achievement/laas/
Your answers must include citations as well as a reference list at the end. Unreferenced work will fail.

For details on the Harvard referencing style used at UEL, please refer to Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2010) Cite them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide. 8thedn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Several hardcopies are available in the library and the book is also available electronically via the UEL library. You will need your Athens details if you want to access the book off campus.
You may also refer to http://www.uel.ac.uk/lls/support/harvard/for further advice.

7. Word count
Your word count should not include yourexecutive summary, citations and reference lists. You should provide your word count on the front sheet. Exceeding the word count by more than 10% will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required.

8. Submission
Submission policy for work submitted to Turnitin
Our policy on the use of Turnitin recognises the educational desirability that all of our students should enjoy the opportunity to self-submit their work to Turnitin (before submitting for assessment). We also recognise that Turnitin Originality Reports will sometimes assist in the identification of plagiarised work submitted for assessment.

Work that is submitted to Turnitin generates a Turnitin originality report, showing which parts of it have been reproduced from which sources. The system compares submissions to material that is to be found: on the world-wide web; in its database of previous submissions; and in its growing number of databases of published articles. You should not assume that a Turnitin originality report with a low similarity index is evidence that the piece of work concerned is free from plagiarism.

Our policy provides that a Module Leader may decide, in accordance with the School policy, that all student submissions for a particular component of assessment should be submitted to Turnitin, provided that the relevant Module Guide includes a notice to that effect.

Notice is hereby given that all submissions of coursework for this Module must be submitted to Turnitin. Detailed guidance on how to submit your work to Turnitin will be made available on this module’s Moodle site.

If you fail to submit your assignment to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance on the Moodle site, you will be awarded a mark of 0 for the component.

Submission process
The material that you submit to Turnitin will be marked. I do not accept hardcopies. You are advised not to submit after 11.00 pm on the due date for your assignment because it could take some time for your submission to upload. The delay could cause the work to be received after 11.59 pm.

Please observe relevant information in the submission folder and make sure that you attach the feedback sheet as requested

Late submissions
Late submissions that are up to 24 hours late will incur a penalty of 5 marks. Any submissions received more than 24 hours late will receive a mark of 0.

If you have applied for and been granted extenuation, these penalties will not apply. When applying for extenuation, you must submit your assignment and extenuation form within one week of the submission deadline. For details on extenuating circumstances, see section 9.

Please be aware that the Turnitin site will advise you that late submissions are accepted. This is mainly for the purposes of allowing students who are claiming extenuation to submit their work. Late submission will be penalised as stated above.
9. Extenuating circumstances
Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which:
• impair your examination performance in assessment or reassessment, or
• prevent you from attending for assessment or reassessment, or
• prevent you from submitting assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date

If you need to apply for extenuating circumstances please find the relevant information at:http://www.uel.ac.uk/qa/studentsarea/extenuation/

10. Re-assessment work
You will need to retrieve this assignment if any of the following occur during the semester:
• You fail to achieve 30% or more for this assignment
• You fail to achieve 40% for the module and you failed to achieve 40% or more for this assignment.

You will be expected to complete a similar piece of work for your second attempt. Your assignment brief will be available on Moodle by 1 June2016.

11. Student appeals
Students who wish to appeal against Field and Award Boards decisions can find the relevant information at:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.


Conduct an in-depth evaluation of the organisation assigned to you .

Order Description
1 The assigned organisation is Nike ( a sport brand )
2 The type of document is business report, not a research paper
3 Please using publicly available information
4 The requirement is to refer to at least 10 academic journal articles. Other sources such as books, usiness magazines, reports and statistics reports are valid sources but will be considered as additional resources to the academic articles.
Pick a company of your choice (probably a public limited company, for easy access to information) and then interrogate the business model of this company by telling us how the company makes money showing the interaction between the product market and the capital market. Tell us whether their products are ‘bought’ or ‘sold’. You can use a couple of known framework e.g. the Boston Consulting Group Matrix or Product Life Cycle approach to describe the product/service portfolio (market). Be careful to stay more in the financial and strategic side of the debateand not necessarily stray off to other functional areas like marketing or HR (not a marketing or HR essay). Whenever possible and you talk about product portfolios, talk about their relative profitability and that is how it may differ from a marketing or HR essay.
Also, tell us what internal structures or architecture needs changing or revising to give it a needed boost. You can tell us what could go wrong with their current business model in the light of other competitions and new product developments from rivals and how your chosen company should respond.
As additional guide, always think in terms of how your critique affects the bottom line (whether from revenue or cost side).
Further Guidelines:
• A background to the company’s current operations and architecture would be very useful.
Hint: Organizational architecture, also called Three-legged Stool, including three activities: (1) measure performance; (2) reward performance; (3) partition decision rights.
• You may evaluate the company’s current business model (strategy operating and financial architecture) and whether it should be changed or modified.
• Evaluate how the company’s business strategy affects its organizational structure.
• Is the current organizational structure right for the business in the light of their model and the changes you may propose?
• Has any technological changes disrupted their business model and operating architecture (or would it impact on their model if there were such a technology)?
• Think about avenues to reduce their cost and/or improve quality.
• Analyze product market conditions and strategies
• Analyze capital market conditions and strategies
• Analyze internal organization architecture systems

Conduct an in-depth evaluation (using publicly available information) of the organisation assigned to you and prepare an Innovation Report. This is a business report

Assigned organisation : Nike

The report will include the following sections:
The business case for innovation
Provide justification for prioritizing innovation in the organisation. Offer the main findings of your organisational diagnosis.
Leadership challenges
What are the main leadership challenges facing the organisation? What can be done to overcome them?
Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section.
Innovation challenges
What are the main challenges the organisation is facing in relation to innovation? What needs to change?
Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section.
A framework for innovation
What are the organisational priorities in relation to leadership and innovation? Provide your recommendations to address the organisational challenges you identified in sections 2 and 3 above.
Next steps and conclusion
Provide practical next steps.
General guidelines

All ideas/strategies must be analysed.
Identify journal articles that provide findings in support and not in support of each idea you present.
Identify the conditions under which the particular idea/initiative/strategy has been effective and ineffective (e.g. type of organisation, size of organisation, country, organizational communication etc.). This will help you make the inference as to whether the idea will work in your organisation or not, and also to make recommendations about what should be done to make its implementation effective.
While reading journal articles, also pay attention to other effective ideas that are mentioned there that are not part of the list given to you. You may be able to include them in your recommendations.
All the arguments that you make must be supported by academic theory

Structure and style of writing
The report needs to follow the assigned structure.
As this is a report, you can use headings to separate sections.
Your writing needs to flow and any ideas/assertions need to follow a clear line of argument
Each paragraph and each section needs to concentrate on one key idea. Structure your ideas early on so that there are no overlaps between different sections.
Each section needs to be written in text form. Please minimise the use of bullet points to the absolutely necessary.
If you need to use tables and diagrams please title and explain them.
Please use formal academic language and avoid conversational expressions.

Use of academic sources and referencing
Although this is a business report, your sources need to be academic!!! This means that websites like Wikipedia or Businessballs etc are not considered as adequate resources. For an assignment of this level the norm is to refer to at least 10 academic journal articles. Other sources such as books, business magazines, reports and statistics reports are valid sources but will be considered as additional resources to the academic articles.
Referencing is according to Harvard referencing guidelines.

There should be a title page (with the title of the coursework, module name and your registration number. Do not write your name.), a contents page (with the list of headings and subheadings and their page numbers) and a reference list.
The word limit is 2000 words (excluding title/contents page and the reference list. Citations within text will be counted).
The text must be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing.
There should be a 1 inch margin all around the page.
Pages must be numbered.

Assessment Guide

TM6013Sport and Event Tourism
Assignment – Individual

Table of Contents
1. Summary 2
2. Introduction 3
3. Details of the assignment task 3
4. Assignment Instructions 3
Structure 3
Presentation 3
5. Assessment criteria 4
Specific marking criteria for this assignment 4
General undergraduate grading criteria used to assess work 4
6. Skills advice 5
General advice 5
Referencing 5
7. Word count 5
8. Submission 6
Submission policy for work submitted to Turnitin 6
Submission process 6
Late submissions 7
9. Extenuating circumstances 7
10. Re-assessment work 7
11. Student appeals 7
1. Summary
This assignment is individual work.

Weighting: 100% of the total module mark
Word count: 4,000 words (excl. executive summary, table of contents and reference list) – see p. 6
Submission deadline: Friday, 6 May 2016, 23:59
Submission procedure: The assignment must be submitted electronically via Turnitin. For further details see p. 6.
Feedback and return of marked work
Feedback will be provided in the following ways:
• Class discussions on related topics will allow you to reflect on and revise the content of your work before submission.
• You are always welcome to clarify with meany aspects that are unclear. However, I will not read full drafts.
• Submission of the written assignment via Turnitin allows you to check your originality report to avoid plagiarism.
• After the assessments have been marked, general feedback will be posted in Moodle.
• Individual feedback on your written assignment will be available through Turnitin, together with your mark for the assignment. Individual marks and feedback will be released within four working weeks of the submission deadline.

2. Introduction
This assignment allows you to explore motivations of event participants and attendees, and to explorepotential short-term and long-term impacts of an international sport event.

3. Details of the assignment task
Analyse the relationship between an international sport event of your choice and the tourism industry. The event must not take place before the beginning of May 2016 – i.e. it has to be a future event. Consult the tutor if you are uncertain about the suitability of your event.
Discuss who the sport tourists will be for the event and what might motivate them to attend (or participate in the event). Where appropriate, you may focus on a selected number of different types of sport tourists.
Critically discuss the potential positive and negative impacts of this event and evaluate its potential contribution to the host city/region/country.
Support your analysis with the frameworks we have discussed in class and other relevant theories. You are encouraged to also draw on the theories and contents you have explored in other modules throughout your degree.

4. Assignment Instructions
This assignmentcan be presented in either report or essay format. You must include a title page, an executive summary or abstract, a table of contents and a reference list.Place these four items on a separate page each.
Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
• The title page should contain a suitable title for your paper, the module code and name, your student number and the submission deadline. (If you are submitting late please also note if you have applied for or will be applying for extenuation.)
• Include a table of contents that shows on which page each section starts.
• Include an executive summaryor abstract which summarises your paper in no more than 150 words.
• Include your reference list.
• Use appropriate headings.
• Font style:any normal font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial); font size:11 or 12
• Pages should be numbered.

5. Assessment criteria
Specific marking criteria for this assignment
Executive summary / Abstract
Does your executive summary (or abstract) provide a summary of your entire paper? Does it include your findings? Is it of appropriate length? 5 marks
Introduction(including brief overview of the event) and conclusion
Have you provided an appropriate introduction and conclusion to your paper? Have you briefly explained the event in question? 10 marks
Event tourists and motivations
Have you identified as many relevant types of event tourists as possible? Have you included sport tourists with different roles at the event? Have you discussed their motivations? Have you discussed the relative importance of the event and the destination? Have you focused on a selected number of sport tourists, where appropriate? 30 marks
Impacts and legacy
Have you weighed up potential positive and negative impacts of the event (for example, on the host community)? Have you discussed the event’s effects on the triple bottom line? Have you discussed the relevance of destination planning? 30 marks
Support through relevant literature
Have you used relevant sources (e.g. journal articles, books, etc.) to back up your arguments? Have you used a range of reliable sources? 15 marks
Is the assignment well written? Does the paper follow a clear structure? Have you included a title page, executive summary or abstract, table of contents and reference list? Have you correctly applied Cite Them Right for your citations and reference list? 10 marks
TOTAL 100 marks

General undergraduate grading criteria used to assess work
In addition to the specific marking criteria for this assignment, general guidelines apply for the expected standard at different levels of study. The following grading standards generally apply to our undergraduate programmes:

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(70% or above) Thorough understanding of relevant ideas. Clear and well referenced argument. Coherent structure. Ideas critically analysed. Argument is clear, succinct and well supported. Evidence of a wide range of reading and some independent thought. Critical work evidencing excellent synthesis and application of ideas. Work is exceptionally well constructed and presented.
Upper Second
(60-69%) Sound understanding. Well written and relevant argument. Appropriately referenced. Critical consideration of relevant ideas. Arguments are precisely defined and appropriately referenced. The work is structurally sound and well written. Ideas are critically applied and coherently presented. Evidence of wide reading and some originality. Well referenced
Lower Second
(50-59%) Evidence of understanding and independent reading. Adequate referencing, but some unsubstantiated material. Weaknesses in spelling, structure & grammar. Reasonable understanding of the relevant concepts, but some inconsistencies in application. Arguments are referenced, but disjointed. Poor structure, spelling or grammar. Clear grasp of concepts and some critical application. Appropriately referenced and relevant argument. Reasonable structure and syntax. Well presented
(40-49%) Indication of some understanding, but poor application of ideas. Minimal referencing. Generally weak structure. Generally descriptive work with limited evidence of a critical consideration of ideas. Inadequate referencing. Weaknesses in structure, spelling and grammar. Evidence of good understanding of issues, but crudely applied. Work indicates some critical thinking, but tends towards description. Argument may be unbalanced. Poor structure and presentation
(below 40%) Irrelevant or poorly analysed material. Indication of weak grasp of concepts. Inadequate structure. Poor grammar and spelling. Uncritical. Poorly referenced. Argument indicates little use of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written. Poorly referenced and suggests inadequate exploration of relevant literature. Chaotic structure and generally badly written.
6. Skills advice
General advice
Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions. You may also find these resources useful:
• Skillzone: http://www.uel.ac.uk/skillzone/
• Learning & Achievement Assistants: http://www.uel.ac.uk/lls/study/achievement/laas/
Your answers must include citations as well as a reference list at the end. Unreferenced work will fail.

For details on the Harvard referencing style used at UEL, please refer to Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2010) Cite them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide. 8thedn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Several hardcopies are available in the library and the book is also available electronically via the UEL library. You will need your Athens details if you want to access the book off campus.
You may also refer to http://www.uel.ac.uk/lls/support/harvard/for further advice.

7. Word count
Your word count should not include yourexecutive summary, citations and reference lists. You should provide your word count on the front sheet. Exceeding the word count by more than 10% will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work. If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required.

8. Submission
Submission policy for work submitted to Turnitin
Our policy on the use of Turnitin recognises the educational desirability that all of our students should enjoy the opportunity to self-submit their work to Turnitin (before submitting for assessment). We also recognise that Turnitin Originality Reports will sometimes assist in the identification of plagiarised work submitted for assessment.

Work that is submitted to Turnitin generates a Turnitin originality report, showing which parts of it have been reproduced from which sources. The system compares submissions to material that is to be found: on the world-wide web; in its database of previous submissions; and in its growing number of databases of published articles. You should not assume that a Turnitin originality report with a low similarity index is evidence that the piece of work concerned is free from plagiarism.

Our policy provides that a Module Leader may decide, in accordance with the School policy, that all student submissions for a particular component of assessment should be submitted to Turnitin, provided that the relevant Module Guide includes a notice to that effect.

Notice is hereby given that all submissions of coursework for this Module must be submitted to Turnitin. Detailed guidance on how to submit your work to Turnitin will be made available on this module’s Moodle site.

If you fail to submit your assignment to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance on the Moodle site, you will be awarded a mark of 0 for the component.

Submission process
The material that you submit to Turnitin will be marked. I do not accept hardcopies. You are advised not to submit after 11.00 pm on the due date for your assignment because it could take some time for your submission to upload. The delay could cause the work to be received after 11.59 pm.

Please observe relevant information in the submission folder and make sure that you attach the feedback sheet as requested

Late submissions
Late submissions that are up to 24 hours late will incur a penalty of 5 marks. Any submissions received more than 24 hours late will receive a mark of 0.

If you have applied for and been granted extenuation, these penalties will not apply. When applying for extenuation, you must submit your assignment and extenuation form within one week of the submission deadline. For details on extenuating circumstances, see section 9.

Please be aware that the Turnitin site will advise you that late submissions are accepted. This is mainly for the purposes of allowing students who are claiming extenuation to submit their work. Late submission will be penalised as stated above.
9. Extenuating circumstances
Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which:
• impair your examination performance in assessment or reassessment, or
• prevent you from attending for assessment or reassessment, or
• prevent you from submitting assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date

If you need to apply for extenuating circumstances please find the relevant information at:http://www.uel.ac.uk/qa/studentsarea/extenuation/

10. Re-assessment work
You will need to retrieve this assignment if any of the following occur during the semester:
• You fail to achieve 30% or more for this assignment
• You fail to achieve 40% for the module and you failed to achieve 40% or more for this assignment.

You will be expected to complete a similar piece of work for your second attempt. Your assignment brief will be available on Moodle by 1 June2016.

11. Student appeals
Students who wish to appeal against Field and Award Boards decisions can find the relevant information at:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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