Business Ethics
Order Description
For this assignment you will work as a team on a case study analysis using the 8 step AMA case study process. You can find a detailed description of the 8 step process in this week’s readings. Choose a case that interests your group from the following website: Requirements for the assignment are as follows:
• Submit a 3-5 page case study using the AMA 8 step process (minimum page length; it is okay if you write more.)
• You must discuss each step of the AMA 8 step process. Ultimately, your case study will analyze the problem, discuss possible solutions, choose one solution as the best one, and devise a plan to implement the solution, as well as a back-up plan. Read the 8 steps carefully and be sure you address each step thoroughly in your case study.
• Standard APA format: 12 point font, double spaced, 1” margins, title page with the names of all group members, references page, header with title and page number
• 3rd person narrative voice only
• Use of THREE credible sources, IN ADDITION TO THE CASE. (One source will be for your visual information.) Correct citation of all source material with every source on the reference page also cited in-text. DO NOT FORGET to cite the case – both on the reference page and in-text.
• Include a maximum of two (2) quotations only if they are indispensable in getting across an important point. Paraphrase all other researched material. Cite both direct quotations and paraphrased material
• Write an abstract, which will concisely summarize the entire report.
• Create your own meaningful visual, which is required for this assignment. You may create more than one, but have no more than two visuals. These should be included at the end of the paper, after the References page. Visuals must be labeled properly – see the APA videos for help.
Include APA style level 1 headings. Level 1 headings should be centered, all words capitalized, and not bold or underlined with no extra spacing above or below. Use headings to help you separate the steps of the 8-step analysis process.