Business Ethics
Write up an annotated bibliography on my oil & gas thesis paper. see sample annotated bibliography, formatted following APA guidelines.
This bibliography contains the following two components:
• References (sources)
• Brief written evaluation (summary) of each source
Note: Your annotated bibliography must be properly formatted using APA guidelines.
Your annotated bibliography must contain the following items:
1. A completed thesis statement, which connects or aligns with your selected references (sources).
2. A short paragraph that evaluates/summarizes each of your references. When evaluating and selecting your references, consider the following questions:
o Are the author’s sources credible for your topic?
o Is the information in the article useful? Why or why not?
o How are you going to use the information in the article to increase the effectiveness of your paper?
HINT: Be specific in how you plan to use the information and what information you plan to use.
Sample APA Annotation
Ehrenreich, B. (2001). Nickel and dimed: On (not) getting by in America. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
In this book of nonfiction based on the journalist’s experiential research, Ehrenreich attempts to ascertain whether it is currently possible for an individual to live on a minimum-wage in America. Taking jobs as a waitress, a maid in a cleaning service, and a Walmart sales employee, the author summarizes and reflects on her work, her relationships with fellow workers, and her financial struggles in each situation.
An experienced journalist, Ehrenreich is aware of the limitations of her experiment and the ethical implications of her experiential research tactics and reflects on these issues in the text. The author is forthcoming about her methods and supplements her experiences with scholarly research on her places of employment, the economy, and the rising cost of living in America. Ehrenreich’s project is timely, descriptive, and well-researched.
The annotation above both summarizes and assesses the book in the citation. The first paragraph provides a brief summary of the author’s project in the book, covering the main points of the work.
Information Systems Technology
What is the purpose of the system unit?
List and define five primary components of the motherboard.
List and define the three primary subunits of the CPU.
List and describe the two major categories of software.
Which internal components are connected by SATA cable?
Why is it best to install the CPU heatsink and fan prior to placing the motherboard inside the system unit?
What is the difference between centralized and distributed processing?
In the context of network communications, describe the difference between a protocol and a standard. And, explain why each is an important feature of networks.
What is the purpose of the operating system?
What is the purpose of the power supply?
Draw and explain the IPO model.
What is the purpose of the API and why is it important to the computer systems?
List and define three types of computer categories.
How do communication channels enable computer and network operations?
What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
What is the purpose of the I/O interface?
Where does middleware reside and what is its purpose?
What is the difference between client-server and peer-to-peer computing?
Describe the top-down approach to systems analysis?
List and describe four basic computer operations.
hardware requirements for a company
Overview The first case report for this course is to determine the hardware requirements for a company. In this assignment, you are to read the given scenario. Then, you are to analyze the scenario, write a list of questions for the company, and provide recommendations in a case report. Your list of questions is due in Module Two, and your case report is due in Module Three.
Scenario Suppose you have been hired by SNHUConsulting, a leader in information technology. Widget Wonders is a worldwide leader in widgets. They are building a state-of-the-art facility to manufacture and distribute the next generation of widgets. SNHUConsulting has been retained to implement information technology on the expansion project.
The new facility for Widget Wonders will be the main manufacturing and distribution center in the United States. The network in the distribution center will connect to the main network located at headquarters. The various departments in the distribution center, the number of employees, and the department needs are listed below.
ï‚· Sales: The 50 employees in this department require mobility to access company resources while visiting customers and presenting at sales meetings and conferences. ï‚· Manufacturing: The 45 employees in this department require access to word processing and spreadsheet programs and the internet. ï‚· Inventory Control: The 30 employees in this department require mobility and power to access database systems. ï‚· Research and Development: The 20 employees in this department require graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) programs. ï‚· MIS: The 5 employees in this department require additional processor and memory requirements to support administration tasks.
As part of the expansion team, you will determine the hardware requirements for each department. Widget Wonders utilizes new technology in their operations while keeping an eye on the budget. The widget industry is very competitive, and company assets must be protected from rival companies. The computers you recommend to Widget Wonders should execute all hardware requirements to be useful in the next three years.
IT 201: Case Report One Guidelines and Grading Guide
The first case report for this course is to determine the hardware requirements for a company. In this assignment, you are to read the given
scenario. Then, you are to analyze the scenario, write a list of questions for the company, and provide recommendations in a case report. Your
list of questions is due in Module Two, and your case report is due in Module Three.
Suppose you have been hired by SNHUConsulting, a leader in information technology. Widget Wonders is a worldwide leader in widgets. They
are building a state-of-the-art facility to manufacture and distribute the next generation of widgets. SNHUConsulting has been retained to
implement information technology on the expansion project.
The new facility for Widget Wonders will be the main manufacturing and distribution center in the United States. The network in the distribution
center will connect to the main network located at headquarters. The various departments in the distribution center, the number of employees,
and the department needs are listed below.
? Sales: The 50 employees in this department require mobility to access company resources while visiting customers and presenting at
sales meetings and conferences.
? Manufacturing: The 45 employees in this department require access to word processing and spreadsheet programs and the internet.
? Inventory Control: The 30 employees in this department require mobility and power to access database systems.
? Research and Development: The 20 employees in this department require graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) programs.
? MIS: The 5 employees in this department require additional processor and memory requirements to support administration tasks.
As part of the expansion team, you will determine the hardware requirements for each department. Widget Wonders utilizes new technology in
their operations while keeping an eye on the budget. The widget industry is very competitive, and company assets must be protected from rival
companies. The computers you recommend to Widget Wonders should execute all hardware requirements to be useful in the next three years.
IT 201: Case Report Two Software Guidelines and Grading Guide
The second case report for this course is to determine the software requirements for a company. In this assignment, you are to read the given scenario. Then, you are to analyze the scenario, write a list of questions for the company, and provide recommendations in a case report. Your list of questions is due in Module Six, and your case report is due in Module Seven.
Suppose you have been hired by SNHUConsulting, a leader in information technology. Widget Wonders is a worldwide leader in widgets. They are building a state-of-the-art facility to manufacture and distribute the next generation of widgets. SNHUConsulting has been retained to implement information technology on the expansion project.
The new facility for Widget Wonders will be the main manufacturing and distribution center in the United States. The network in the distribution center will connect to the main network located at headquarters. The various departments in the distribution center, the number of employees, and the department needs are listed below.
? Sales: The 50 employees in this department require mobility to access company resources while visiting customers and presenting at sales meetings and conferences.
? Manufacturing: The 45 employees in this department require access to word processing and spreadsheet programs and the internet.
? Inventory Control: The 30 employees in this department require mobility and power to access database systems.
? Research and Development: The 20 employees in this department require graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) programs.
? MIS: The 5 employees in this department require additional processor and memory requirements to support administration tasks.
As part of the expansion team, you will determine software requirements for each department. Widget Wonders requires software for document processing, spreadsheets, and presentation creation to be installed on all computers. The widget industry is very competitive, and company assets must be protected from rival companies. Widget Wonders utilizes new technology in its operations while keeping an eye on the budget.