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Business consultancy report

Business consultancy report

Order Description

Dear writer,

I have already conducted my research for this dissertation. I am enclosing all my research and finding so far. However, please free to add to my findings where appropriate. This includes:

1. Interviews that I have completed with the company
2. Survey with the clients and its result
3. presentation about the report that I have already presented to my tutor – all points from the presentation must be included in the report.
It is therefore crucial that you will read all my enclosed material carefully as it will form the base for this dissertation.

I am also enclosing some articles Acxiom annual report and Outline for Business Consulting Report. This Outline must be followed while writing the dissertation.

Table of Contents
About the project 1
Proposal 3
Structure of Report 5

1. About the project

The project is about how Acxiom adapts its legacy, products and services to keep up with changes in its target markets.

Acxiom is a company in transition, historically based in marketing data and systems integration, it is currently developing its strategy for the future in a digital era that includes new and different approaches to service provision.

Acxiom was rapidly expanding at the beginning of the millennium, undertaking many acquisitions however it has not been able to capitalise on this and has not adapted to the digital era as rapidly as it needs to so is facing some serious challenges.

In order to inform the strategy, Acxiom require this project

1. to research and identify examples of the attributes,
2. to research and identify examples of behaviours
3. to research and identify examples of best practice
4. to research and identify examples of ‘must avoids’ of companies that have successfully transformed themselves and established a new position in the market and taken market share from competitors.
5. compare and contrast Acxiom to these companies
6. make recommendations on the best models for it to adopt for a sustainable future.
7. cost analysis that will reveal gaps in current performance and underutilized opportunities, which will aid in the transition.

The project needs to take into consideration Acxiom’s global position and the additional challenges that presents in ‘local’ markets.

You must also consider other options and opportunities for Acxiom and to apply some ‘blue sky thinking’ to the ideas about the products and services.

In addition to this, Acxiom is essentially a US company and has struggled to adapt what works in the US to what works in Europe which is why I think this is such as exciting project because it has a global perspective as well as addressing some fundamental strategic problems for ma $multi-million business.

Please use relevant framework and business models to support your argument.

I have already created proposal that has been accepted by Acxiom, therefore the report must be written accordingly and all the objectives must be fulfilled
2. Proposal created by myself and accepted by Acxiom


Acxiom would like to move towards becoming a data connectivity provider for both existing and new clients. Additionally Acxiom aim to be a neutral safe-haven for organizations such as brands and publishers to utilize mutually beneficial data in a confidential and safe exchange. Acxiom is focused on utilizing its reputation to become a neutral party in a very stratified and competitive environment. This facilitation between businesses, data providers and indeed consumers is built on a sense of trust. Fulfilling this logistical need will allow Acxiom to act as a connectivity and safe haven for clients, ensuring the ethical use of data and streamlining cross-corporate cooperation.

In the written report you must answer the following questions in regards to the aforementioned goal.
• Where are we now? (you must use appropriate frameworks and read transcription which I provide on)
• Where do we want to go? (you must use appropriate frameworks and read transcription which I provide)
• What is missing to get us there? (you must use appropriate frameworks and transcription which I provide)

Objectives and Scope

The objectives of the analysis are to:
• Understand Acxiom’s current position and how it relates to a shift in data connectivity (you must use appropriate frameworks)
• Identify how Acxiom needs to adapt its business strategy in order to successfully transition into a neutral connector of data between clients
• To understand previous successes and failures from other industries to help inform a more successful/ lower risk strategy

I have already intervied Acxiom key employees (the transcription is included and is very important to read it as it is one of the main source of information for this dissertation) and completed survey with Acxiom’s clients/prospects/agencies. The outcome of the survey was unfortunately inconclusive, however it still must be incorporated into the report. This primary research together with secondary research will form the base for the analysis and reaching the report objectives

The data that I am collecting will be used by you in order to determine needs of clients and if a neutral data connectivity service is in demand.



Interviews with personnel – Internal Analysis (this part is conducted by myself – however I am providing full transcription of those interviews and you will then need to incorporate it into the report

The purpose of these interviews was to determine where Acxiom is now and any steps made towards transitioning into a safe haven of neutral data connectivity. From the material supplied you will also need to identify what the personnel identify as their primary markets and customers. From the material supplied you will also need to establish the internal process of developing new products and any management hurdles that may help shape the detail of recommendations.

Service Portfolio analysis – this part you are required to do it
To help determine Acxiom’s current position, we will look at the present allocation of funding and resources available to develop new products.

2. Customer and market analysis

Customer –
This part is conducted by myself – however I am providing the result of the survey and you will need to incorporated my finding into the report)
• Interview current, prior and potential clients
• Current clients – Understand the key strengths of Acxiom and their public perception
• Previous customers – Learn why they decided to switch providers
• Companies who have never used Acxiom – Determine market perception

This part you are required to do it
• What are competitors doing?
• What will the market look like in 5 years (particularly how the market is changing?)

Document containing a transitional analysis of Acxiom and the plan of action.

3. Structure of Report

Please follow the Outline for Business Consulting Report, that I have enclosed This Outline must be followed while writing the dissertation

Use only appropriate sources. You MUST read the transcript of interviews very carefully as my findings are vital for the report. Moreover, you must read Acxiom annual reports and documents that I have attached as they will help you with the analysis. Moreover, please find attached my presentation that will help you with the writing. PLEASE INLUDE EVERYTHING WHAT IS IN THE PRESENTATION. You must also get familiar with Acxiom website as there are many information that will help you with the analysis.


Break the text up into meaningful paragraphs and include numbered headings for your different sections and sub-sections in the report. Also don’t forget to number your pages and include the appropriate page numbers in your table of contents.

References and Plagiarism
Be very careful that your work is properly referenced throughout (using the Harvard referencing system). That means that any information/facts referred to in your assignment, that you have obtained from other sources, must be fully referenced. Direct quotations must be put in quote marks, with the source provided at the end of the quote.

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Business consultancy report

Business consultancy report

Order Description

Dear writer,

I have already conducted my research for this dissertation. I am enclosing all my research and finding so far. However, please free to add to my findings where appropriate. This includes:

1. Interviews that I have completed with the company
2. Survey with the clients and its result
3. presentation about the report that I have already presented to my tutor – all points from the presentation must be included in the report.
It is therefore crucial that you will read all my enclosed material carefully as it will form the base for this dissertation.

I am also enclosing some articles Acxiom annual report and Outline for Business Consulting Report. This Outline must be followed while writing the dissertation.

Table of Contents
About the project 1
Proposal 3
Structure of Report 5

1. About the project

The project is about how Acxiom adapts its legacy, products and services to keep up with changes in its target markets.

Acxiom is a company in transition, historically based in marketing data and systems integration, it is currently developing its strategy for the future in a digital era that includes new and different approaches to service provision.

Acxiom was rapidly expanding at the beginning of the millennium, undertaking many acquisitions however it has not been able to capitalise on this and has not adapted to the digital era as rapidly as it needs to so is facing some serious challenges.

In order to inform the strategy, Acxiom require this project

1. to research and identify examples of the attributes,
2. to research and identify examples of behaviours
3. to research and identify examples of best practice
4. to research and identify examples of ‘must avoids’ of companies that have successfully transformed themselves and established a new position in the market and taken market share from competitors.
5. compare and contrast Acxiom to these companies
6. make recommendations on the best models for it to adopt for a sustainable future.
7. cost analysis that will reveal gaps in current performance and underutilized opportunities, which will aid in the transition.

The project needs to take into consideration Acxiom’s global position and the additional challenges that presents in ‘local’ markets.

You must also consider other options and opportunities for Acxiom and to apply some ‘blue sky thinking’ to the ideas about the products and services.

In addition to this, Acxiom is essentially a US company and has struggled to adapt what works in the US to what works in Europe which is why I think this is such as exciting project because it has a global perspective as well as addressing some fundamental strategic problems for ma $multi-million business.

Please use relevant framework and business models to support your argument.

I have already created proposal that has been accepted by Acxiom, therefore the report must be written accordingly and all the objectives must be fulfilled
2. Proposal created by myself and accepted by Acxiom


Acxiom would like to move towards becoming a data connectivity provider for both existing and new clients. Additionally Acxiom aim to be a neutral safe-haven for organizations such as brands and publishers to utilize mutually beneficial data in a confidential and safe exchange. Acxiom is focused on utilizing its reputation to become a neutral party in a very stratified and competitive environment. This facilitation between businesses, data providers and indeed consumers is built on a sense of trust. Fulfilling this logistical need will allow Acxiom to act as a connectivity and safe haven for clients, ensuring the ethical use of data and streamlining cross-corporate cooperation.

In the written report you must answer the following questions in regards to the aforementioned goal.
• Where are we now? (you must use appropriate frameworks and read transcription which I provide on)
• Where do we want to go? (you must use appropriate frameworks and read transcription which I provide)
• What is missing to get us there? (you must use appropriate frameworks and transcription which I provide)

Objectives and Scope

The objectives of the analysis are to:
• Understand Acxiom’s current position and how it relates to a shift in data connectivity (you must use appropriate frameworks)
• Identify how Acxiom needs to adapt its business strategy in order to successfully transition into a neutral connector of data between clients
• To understand previous successes and failures from other industries to help inform a more successful/ lower risk strategy

I have already intervied Acxiom key employees (the transcription is included and is very important to read it as it is one of the main source of information for this dissertation) and completed survey with Acxiom’s clients/prospects/agencies. The outcome of the survey was unfortunately inconclusive, however it still must be incorporated into the report. This primary research together with secondary research will form the base for the analysis and reaching the report objectives

The data that I am collecting will be used by you in order to determine needs of clients and if a neutral data connectivity service is in demand.



Interviews with personnel – Internal Analysis (this part is conducted by myself – however I am providing full transcription of those interviews and you will then need to incorporate it into the report

The purpose of these interviews was to determine where Acxiom is now and any steps made towards transitioning into a safe haven of neutral data connectivity. From the material supplied you will also need to identify what the personnel identify as their primary markets and customers. From the material supplied you will also need to establish the internal process of developing new products and any management hurdles that may help shape the detail of recommendations.

Service Portfolio analysis – this part you are required to do it
To help determine Acxiom’s current position, we will look at the present allocation of funding and resources available to develop new products.

2. Customer and market analysis

Customer –
This part is conducted by myself – however I am providing the result of the survey and you will need to incorporated my finding into the report)
• Interview current, prior and potential clients
• Current clients – Understand the key strengths of Acxiom and their public perception
• Previous customers – Learn why they decided to switch providers
• Companies who have never used Acxiom – Determine market perception

This part you are required to do it
• What are competitors doing?
• What will the market look like in 5 years (particularly how the market is changing?)

Document containing a transitional analysis of Acxiom and the plan of action.

3. Structure of Report

Please follow the Outline for Business Consulting Report, that I have enclosed This Outline must be followed while writing the dissertation

Use only appropriate sources. You MUST read the transcript of interviews very carefully as my findings are vital for the report. Moreover, you must read Acxiom annual reports and documents that I have attached as they will help you with the analysis. Moreover, please find attached my presentation that will help you with the writing. PLEASE INLUDE EVERYTHING WHAT IS IN THE PRESENTATION. You must also get familiar with Acxiom website as there are many information that will help you with the analysis.


Break the text up into meaningful paragraphs and include numbered headings for your different sections and sub-sections in the report. Also don’t forget to number your pages and include the appropriate page numbers in your table of contents.

References and Plagiarism
Be very careful that your work is properly referenced throughout (using the Harvard referencing system). That means that any information/facts referred to in your assignment, that you have obtained from other sources, must be fully referenced. Direct quotations must be put in quote marks, with the source provided at the end of the quote.

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