•Government regulators are concerned with market power. Does your company have market power? Or does your company operate in a competitive market? If so, provide a few examples.
•Does your company operate using only a price strategy, or does it employ other strategies, such as advertising and product differentiation? If so, explain why and provide a few examples.
•Do prices and other incentives play a significant role in your company? If so, explain why and provide a few examples. For example, how is the CEO of your company compensated? Salary only? Salary and bonuses? Salary and stock options? What is the reason for these alternative arrangements?
•Your company wants to increase its total revenue. One strategy is to offer a 10% discount. Your company, however, knows that its customers can be divided into two distinct groups according to their likely responses to the discount. The accompanying table shows how the two groups respond to the discount.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions