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Business Brief – Passengers and Airlines

Business Brief – Passengers and Airlines

To assess your ability to:
– Discuss how quality is defined and measured in an industry.
– Analyze which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines.
-Discuss the key activities required for operations control.

Action Items
1. Review the Project 2 Brief Rubric – Passengers and Airlines:
Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Proficient Student Score and Comments
Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case.
Vaguely develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case or does not have an opening paragraph.
(0-3 points) Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.
(4 points) Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industry.
Vaguely discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industryor is completely off topic.

(0-7 points) Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industry and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(8 points) Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industryand demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.
(9-10 points)
Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines. Vaguely analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines or is completely off topic.
(0-7 points) Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(8 points) Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines and, demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.
(9-10 points)
Recommends types of service activities should be included and explains why.
Vaguely recommendswhich types of service activities should be included and explains why or is completely off topic.
(0-11 points) Recommends which types of service activities should be included and explains why and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(12-13 points) Recommends which types of service activities should be included and explains whyand demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(14-15 points)
Integrates established business environment principles into the discussion.

Rarely integrates established business environment principles into the discussion.

(0-7 points) For the most part, does a good job of integrating established business environment principles into the discussion.

(8 points) Consistently does a good job of integrating established business environment principles into the discussion.

(9-10 points)
Synthesizes relevant information and materials to provide evidence of critical thought.

Synthesizes information at a minimal level.

(0-3 points) For the most part, effectively synthesizes information, which supports main ideas.
(4 points) Consistently and effectively synthesizes information, which provides strong support to main ideas.

(5 points)
Develops ideas with clarity and logic.

Demonstrates little clarity and logic. Readers have difficulty following the line of reasoning.
(0-3 points) Develops ideas with clarity and logic. Readers can generally follow the line of reasoning.
(4 points) Develops ideas with clarity and logic. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other.

(5 points)
Uses supporting documentation that has been properly referenced and cited.

Inadequate or minimal use of supporting documentation or not properly referenced or cited.

(0-3 points) For the most part, uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.
(4 points) Consistently uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.
(5 points)
Considered holistically, demonstrates the ability to write at the graduate level.

Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an inadequate ability to write at the graduate level.

(0-3 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an acceptable ability to write at the graduate level.

(4 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates a proficient ability to write at the graduate level.

(5 points)
SubTotal Points
Turnitin.com Did not turn paper into Turnitin.com
Minus 10 points
Revisions based on the Originality Report Did not revise paper based on the Originality Report
Minus 10 points
Grammarly Did not revise paper based onGrammarly.
Minus 10 points

Total Points =

2. Read the following article:
Passengers and Airlines: Friends, or Foes
Poor treatment by airlines has in an uproar because the many services that go into their air flight experience continue to deteriorate. Disturbances include everything from higher fares, inconvenient scheduling activities and discourteous airline personnel before getting to the airport, then to unpleasant surprise at the airport such as overbooked flights, rude gate agents, additional baggage fees, long waits and inaccurate information. Although airlines continue to eliminate onboard services, those that remain are available, increasingly, only with add-on fees. Because planes and late, departing passengers miss their connecting flights and are left standard, often with little or no assistance from airline personnel. As to the customers’ problems, the airlines do not seem to care.

As the list of service complaints grow, so too are the feelings of helplessness and frustration among customers. Little wonder, then, the number of passengers on U.S. airlines in 2009 dropped, with fewer flyers than any time since 2004, as poor economic conditions were aided by equally poor service equality in the airlines industry. With so many complaints, it is hardly a surprise that one 2011 poll shows that more U.S. passengers hold a negative, rather than positive view of airlines.

Why is all this happening? The airlines say they have to cut services and start charging for ‘extras’ to stay profitable, or else go out of the business. Although it is true for some in the industry, it should be noted that some airlines are ‘getting it right’. Better performing airlines are proving that good service quality need not be sacrificed to remain profitable. Among larger carriers, Southwest airlines has demonstrated consistently that the two elements to airlines success high quality service and profitability go hand in hand. Southwest’s service quality has attracted a loyal customer following. Passengers testimonials cites Southwest’s refusal to charge extra for baggage, for booking flights on the phone, or for changing flights. They receive exceptionally high ratings for baggage handling (fewer lost bags), orderly boarding practices, and consistent on-time performance. Southwest has the fewest number of consumer complaints for the most recent three consecutive years in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) official reports. They made the “2012 customer service hall of fame,” ranking 10th among some 150 companies from 15 industries in MSN Money’s annual survey. Along with quality, profitability continues to grow, while other airlines are operating at a loss. “Yearened results for 2009 marked Southwest’s 37th consecutive year of profitability.”

3. Read the 5-step critical-thinking decision-making matrix:
Step 1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties.
What exactly is the problem?
(Study the problem to clarify what you need to know to solve it. Distinguish problems over which you have some control from problems over which you have no control. Pay special attention to controversial issues in which it is essential to consider multiple points of view.)

The problem is this …
(Write out the problem clearly and precisely, with details. Write the problem in different ways until you get it perfectly clear in your mind.)

This is an important problem because…
(Remember in business, a problem is important if it affects the bottom line. So how does this problem affect the bottom line (net income).

The key question(s) that needs to be answered to solve this problem is…
(Every problem has questions connected to it. Here we want you to write out the most important question(s) you need to answer to solve the problem. State it clearly and precisely. Being specific is very important.)

Step 2: Obtain information.
The following information is needed to answer this question…
(Here you are looking for the facts and/or data that help you solve the problem. Actively seek the information most relevant to the question. Include in that information options for action, both short-term and long-term. Recognize limitations in the terms of resources such as money, time, and people.)

Some important assumptions I am using in my thinking are…
(Figure out what you are taking for granted. Make sure these assumptions are reasonable. Watch out for self – serving or unjustified assumptions.)

The points of view relevant to this problem belong to…
(Who are your stakeholders? Determine whether the stakeholder’s point of view is relevant.)

Note: Remember to view the information you have obtained for potential bias. This is from the perspective of your own bias to the research and the bias of the authors who compiled the data and the research you gathered. In other words, do not discount the importance of other’s data because of your own bias (is).

Step 3: Make predictions about the future.
If this problem gets solved, some important implications are…
(Evaluate options, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of possible decisions before acting. What consequences are likely to follow from this or that decision?)
Build better customer relations
Improve internal processes resulting in better customer service
Retention of sales reps

If this problem is not solved, some important implications are…
(Evaluate options, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of possible decisions before acting. What consequences are likely to follow from this or that decision?)
The loss of national customers
A disengaged workforce (account reps)
Loss of valued sales reps

The potential alternative solutions to solve the problem are…
(If the problem involves multiple conflicting points of view, you will have to assess which solution is the best.)
– Account Types – Organize sales reps by geography, account type, or a hybrid
– Defining Your Terms – Define and train on the allocation of national account ownership in the current system
– Payroll Processes – Analyze pay structure to explore commission-splitting options

Note: if the problem is one-dimensional, there may be just one correct solution.

Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among alternatives.
What is the best solution and why…
(After following the process above, I think the best solution to the problem is… Defend your recommendation.)
Step 5: Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn.
In business, the fifth step in the decision making process is implementation. In the MBA program, most times you will end with Step 4 since you will not have the opportunity to implement. You may be asked to develop an implementation plan and recommend how you will evaluate performance in some assignments.

4. Complete the questions concerning Step1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties based on the assigned problem.
5. Complete Step 2: Obtaining Information on the matrix.
6. Complete Step 3: Make predictions about the future on the matrix.
7. Complete Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among the alternatives on the matrix.
8. Write a 1-page analysis. Complete sentences must be used (bullet points not acceptable). Your analysis must be written using a concise writing style. Your brief should incorporate all of the following instructions:
a. An opening paragraph briefly introducing the case situation. Note: The first half of opening paragraph is to provide a synopsis of the company. The second half of the opening paragraph is state the problem (From Step 1 of the matrix).
b. Analysis header – This analytical section should be based on your personal assessment of the situation. The information for this section of brief should be derived from Steps 2 and 3 of the matrix. Your analysis should address the following:
i. How would you define quality and how is quality measured in this industry?
ii. Of all the service activities that affect customers, which ones are out of control and which are in control of the airlines?
c. Conclusion header – This section should include your opinion based on your analysis of the case information and situation outcome. Your recommendation should address the following question and provide only key relevant information and logical discussion in support of your opinion:
i. Should both types of service activities be included in the quality ratings? Explain. (From Step 4 of the matrix)
d. APA citation(s) and reference(s).
9. Attach the following appendices to your paper:
1. Appendix A, containing the completed decision-making matrix.
2. Appendix B, containing the grading rubric for this assignment.

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Business Brief – Passengers and Airlines

Business Brief – Passengers and Airlines

To assess your ability to:
– Discuss how quality is defined and measured in an industry.
– Analyze which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines.
-Discuss the key activities required for operations control.

Action Items
1. Review the Project 2 Brief Rubric – Passengers and Airlines:
Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Proficient Student Score and Comments
Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case.
Vaguely develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case or does not have an opening paragraph.
(0-3 points) Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.
(4 points) Develops an opening paragraph that introduces the case and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industry.
Vaguely discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industryor is completely off topic.

(0-7 points) Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industry and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(8 points) Discusses how quality is defined and measured in this industryand demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.
(9-10 points)
Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines. Vaguely analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines or is completely off topic.
(0-7 points) Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(8 points) Analyzes which service activities that affect customers are out of control and which are in control of the airlines and, demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.
(9-10 points)
Recommends types of service activities should be included and explains why.
Vaguely recommendswhich types of service activities should be included and explains why or is completely off topic.
(0-11 points) Recommends which types of service activities should be included and explains why and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(12-13 points) Recommends which types of service activities should be included and explains whyand demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(14-15 points)
Integrates established business environment principles into the discussion.

Rarely integrates established business environment principles into the discussion.

(0-7 points) For the most part, does a good job of integrating established business environment principles into the discussion.

(8 points) Consistently does a good job of integrating established business environment principles into the discussion.

(9-10 points)
Synthesizes relevant information and materials to provide evidence of critical thought.

Synthesizes information at a minimal level.

(0-3 points) For the most part, effectively synthesizes information, which supports main ideas.
(4 points) Consistently and effectively synthesizes information, which provides strong support to main ideas.

(5 points)
Develops ideas with clarity and logic.

Demonstrates little clarity and logic. Readers have difficulty following the line of reasoning.
(0-3 points) Develops ideas with clarity and logic. Readers can generally follow the line of reasoning.
(4 points) Develops ideas with clarity and logic. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other.

(5 points)
Uses supporting documentation that has been properly referenced and cited.

Inadequate or minimal use of supporting documentation or not properly referenced or cited.

(0-3 points) For the most part, uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.
(4 points) Consistently uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.
(5 points)
Considered holistically, demonstrates the ability to write at the graduate level.

Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an inadequate ability to write at the graduate level.

(0-3 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an acceptable ability to write at the graduate level.

(4 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates a proficient ability to write at the graduate level.

(5 points)
SubTotal Points
Turnitin.com Did not turn paper into Turnitin.com
Minus 10 points
Revisions based on the Originality Report Did not revise paper based on the Originality Report
Minus 10 points
Grammarly Did not revise paper based onGrammarly.
Minus 10 points

Total Points =

2. Read the following article:
Passengers and Airlines: Friends, or Foes
Poor treatment by airlines has in an uproar because the many services that go into their air flight experience continue to deteriorate. Disturbances include everything from higher fares, inconvenient scheduling activities and discourteous airline personnel before getting to the airport, then to unpleasant surprise at the airport such as overbooked flights, rude gate agents, additional baggage fees, long waits and inaccurate information. Although airlines continue to eliminate onboard services, those that remain are available, increasingly, only with add-on fees. Because planes and late, departing passengers miss their connecting flights and are left standard, often with little or no assistance from airline personnel. As to the customers’ problems, the airlines do not seem to care.

As the list of service complaints grow, so too are the feelings of helplessness and frustration among customers. Little wonder, then, the number of passengers on U.S. airlines in 2009 dropped, with fewer flyers than any time since 2004, as poor economic conditions were aided by equally poor service equality in the airlines industry. With so many complaints, it is hardly a surprise that one 2011 poll shows that more U.S. passengers hold a negative, rather than positive view of airlines.

Why is all this happening? The airlines say they have to cut services and start charging for ‘extras’ to stay profitable, or else go out of the business. Although it is true for some in the industry, it should be noted that some airlines are ‘getting it right’. Better performing airlines are proving that good service quality need not be sacrificed to remain profitable. Among larger carriers, Southwest airlines has demonstrated consistently that the two elements to airlines success high quality service and profitability go hand in hand. Southwest’s service quality has attracted a loyal customer following. Passengers testimonials cites Southwest’s refusal to charge extra for baggage, for booking flights on the phone, or for changing flights. They receive exceptionally high ratings for baggage handling (fewer lost bags), orderly boarding practices, and consistent on-time performance. Southwest has the fewest number of consumer complaints for the most recent three consecutive years in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) official reports. They made the “2012 customer service hall of fame,” ranking 10th among some 150 companies from 15 industries in MSN Money’s annual survey. Along with quality, profitability continues to grow, while other airlines are operating at a loss. “Yearened results for 2009 marked Southwest’s 37th consecutive year of profitability.”

3. Read the 5-step critical-thinking decision-making matrix:
Step 1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties.
What exactly is the problem?
(Study the problem to clarify what you need to know to solve it. Distinguish problems over which you have some control from problems over which you have no control. Pay special attention to controversial issues in which it is essential to consider multiple points of view.)

The problem is this …
(Write out the problem clearly and precisely, with details. Write the problem in different ways until you get it perfectly clear in your mind.)

This is an important problem because…
(Remember in business, a problem is important if it affects the bottom line. So how does this problem affect the bottom line (net income).

The key question(s) that needs to be answered to solve this problem is…
(Every problem has questions connected to it. Here we want you to write out the most important question(s) you need to answer to solve the problem. State it clearly and precisely. Being specific is very important.)

Step 2: Obtain information.
The following information is needed to answer this question…
(Here you are looking for the facts and/or data that help you solve the problem. Actively seek the information most relevant to the question. Include in that information options for action, both short-term and long-term. Recognize limitations in the terms of resources such as money, time, and people.)

Some important assumptions I am using in my thinking are…
(Figure out what you are taking for granted. Make sure these assumptions are reasonable. Watch out for self – serving or unjustified assumptions.)

The points of view relevant to this problem belong to…
(Who are your stakeholders? Determine whether the stakeholder’s point of view is relevant.)

Note: Remember to view the information you have obtained for potential bias. This is from the perspective of your own bias to the research and the bias of the authors who compiled the data and the research you gathered. In other words, do not discount the importance of other’s data because of your own bias (is).

Step 3: Make predictions about the future.
If this problem gets solved, some important implications are…
(Evaluate options, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of possible decisions before acting. What consequences are likely to follow from this or that decision?)
Build better customer relations
Improve internal processes resulting in better customer service
Retention of sales reps

If this problem is not solved, some important implications are…
(Evaluate options, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of possible decisions before acting. What consequences are likely to follow from this or that decision?)
The loss of national customers
A disengaged workforce (account reps)
Loss of valued sales reps

The potential alternative solutions to solve the problem are…
(If the problem involves multiple conflicting points of view, you will have to assess which solution is the best.)
– Account Types – Organize sales reps by geography, account type, or a hybrid
– Defining Your Terms – Define and train on the allocation of national account ownership in the current system
– Payroll Processes – Analyze pay structure to explore commission-splitting options

Note: if the problem is one-dimensional, there may be just one correct solution.

Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among alternatives.
What is the best solution and why…
(After following the process above, I think the best solution to the problem is… Defend your recommendation.)
Step 5: Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn.
In business, the fifth step in the decision making process is implementation. In the MBA program, most times you will end with Step 4 since you will not have the opportunity to implement. You may be asked to develop an implementation plan and recommend how you will evaluate performance in some assignments.

4. Complete the questions concerning Step1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties based on the assigned problem.
5. Complete Step 2: Obtaining Information on the matrix.
6. Complete Step 3: Make predictions about the future on the matrix.
7. Complete Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among the alternatives on the matrix.
8. Write a 1-page analysis. Complete sentences must be used (bullet points not acceptable). Your analysis must be written using a concise writing style. Your brief should incorporate all of the following instructions:
a. An opening paragraph briefly introducing the case situation. Note: The first half of opening paragraph is to provide a synopsis of the company. The second half of the opening paragraph is state the problem (From Step 1 of the matrix).
b. Analysis header – This analytical section should be based on your personal assessment of the situation. The information for this section of brief should be derived from Steps 2 and 3 of the matrix. Your analysis should address the following:
i. How would you define quality and how is quality measured in this industry?
ii. Of all the service activities that affect customers, which ones are out of control and which are in control of the airlines?
c. Conclusion header – This section should include your opinion based on your analysis of the case information and situation outcome. Your recommendation should address the following question and provide only key relevant information and logical discussion in support of your opinion:
i. Should both types of service activities be included in the quality ratings? Explain. (From Step 4 of the matrix)
d. APA citation(s) and reference(s).
9. Attach the following appendices to your paper:
1. Appendix A, containing the completed decision-making matrix.
2. Appendix B, containing the grading rubric for this assignment.

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