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Business and Organisation Policy

Business and Organisation PolicyLearning outcomes to be examined in this assessment To successfully complete this assessment, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate the influence of environmental and behavioural factors on corporate size, structure and strategy.

• Understand the processes of business planning and policy making and the reason for change over time.

• Appreciate the effects of government policies towards monopolies and restrictive practices.

Percentage of marks awarded for module: This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module
Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section
Knowledge and Research Content, relevance, and originality 55%
Writing and Presentation Format, references or bibliography, and style 10 %

Argument and Analysis Critical analysis, evaluation, and application 35%

Candidates must clearly label their ID Number on additional separate reference, formula or answer sheets.

Assignment Task Background
Carrefour was founded in Annecy-France in 1959 by Marcel Fournier, a textile retailer, and Louis Defforey, a wine and food wholesaler. The company is currently France’s number one supermarket chain and is ranked fourth after Costco, Tesco and Walmart respectively, globally.
In June 2012, Carrefour announced that it has sold its Greek supermarket to its local partner and walked away from the country at a loss, offering concrete evidence of foreign investors cutting ties with Greece as a result of deepening economic crisis and political upheaval.
A host of international companies said they were preparing contingency plans for such a risk, with many voicing concerns about how to retrieve cash in the event of Greece leaving the 17-nation common currency (Euro).
Carrefour had operated in the country for 21 years and Greece was its second largest market in Europe in terms of number of stores. According to analysts, economic and political turbulence in the country played a vital part in Carrefour deciding to quit the market. As part of their expansion strategy into foreign markets, they have set their eyes on Britain as a lucrative target.

You are required to write an analytical business report that covers the following three tasks:

Describe the Micro and Macro environmental factors which Carrefour must take into consideration to reduce their risk of failure if they eventually decide to enter the UK market (700 words). (40 marks)
Explain to the management of Carrefour how UK Government policies on mergers and acquisitions can affect their growth strategies in the UK (500 words).
(30 marks)
Explain how the management at Carrefour can use the Kurt Lewin Change Model of Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze to prepare their staff for the envisaged UK venture. (500 words) (30 marks)
Your report (which must be written in business report format), should comprise of the following sections:
• An introduction which explains what the report is all about and highlights on what is to be covered in the report. (100 words)
• The body which describes the micro and macro environmental factors which Carrefour must consider to enter the UK market, an explanation of the UK Government policy on mergers and acquisitions and how Carrefour can apply the Kurt Lewin’s change model to implement a new training system in the organisation. (1700 words)
• Conclusion which includes a critical evaluation of Carrefour and its planning strategy. (100 words)
• Recommendations to Carrefour on how to go about their planning. (100 words)
• Bibliography showing all sources of references.
Grading is done on the basis of the criteria outlined as below on the table
Generic Criteria for Assessment at Level 5
Marks 0-25 (Fail) 26-39 (Fail) 40-49 (3rd) 50-59 (2.2) 60-69 (2.1) 70-85 (1st) 86-100 (1st)
Assessment categories

Knowledge & Understanding of Subject Major gaps in knowledge and
understanding of
material at this level.
Significant inaccuracies. Gaps in knowledge and only superficial
understanding of
the well-established principles of area(s)
of study.
Some inaccuracies. Threshold level.
Some knowledge and understanding of material, of well- established principles of area(s) of study, and of the way in which those principles have
been developed. Broad knowledge and understanding
of material, of well-
established principles of area(s)
of study, and of the way in which those principles have been developed. Very good knowledge and understanding of
material, of well-
established principles of area(s) of study,
and of the way in which those principles have been
developed. Very good, detailed knowledge and
understanding of
material, main concepts/theories at
this level. Awareness of the limitation of their knowledge, and how this influences
any analyses and interpretations based
on that knowledge. Exceptional knowledge and understanding of
material, main
concepts/theories at this level. Awareness
of the limitation of their knowledge, and how this

influences any analyses and
interpretations based on that knowledge
Intellectual Skills

(e.g. analysis and synthesis; logic and argument; analytical reflection; organisation and communication of ideas and evidence) Unsubstantiated generalizations, made without use of any credible evidence. Lack of logic, leading to unsupportable conclusions or missing conclusions.
Lack of analysis and relevance. Views/ findings largely irrelevant, illogical or contradictory. Generalisations/ statements made with scant evidence. Conclusions lack relevance and/or validity. Threshold level.
Awareness of main issues. Structure of argument effective, but with some gaps or weaknesses. Some evidence provided to support findings, but not always consistent. Some relevant conclusions. Issues identified and critically analysed within given areas. An awareness of different stances and ability to use evidence to support argument. Ability to apply concepts and principles outside context of study context. Generally sound conclusions. Good level of analysis and synthesis. An awareness of
different stances and
ability to use
evidence convincingly to support argument. Ability to apply concepts/ principles
effectively beyond context of study. Valid conclusions. Excellent analysis and synthesis. A range of perceptive points made within given area for this level of study. Arguments logically developed, supported by a range of relevant evidence. Explicit acknowledgement of other stances.
Strong conclusions. Exceptional analysis and synthesis are consistent features. Perceptive, logically connected points made throughout the work within an eloquent, balanced argument. Evidence selected judiciously and thoroughly analysed. Persuasive

Use of Research- informed Literature (including referencing,
appropriate academic conventions and academic honesty) No evidence of reading. Views
are unsupported and non- authoritative. Academic
conventions largely ignored. Evidence of little reading appropriate
for this level and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Academic
conventions used weakly. Threshold level.
Evidence of reading relevant sources, with some appropriate linking to given text(s). Academic conventions
evident and largely consistent, with
minor weaknesses. Knowledge and analysis of a range
of literature beyond core text(s). Literature used accurately and
analytically. Academic skills generally sound. Knowledge of the
field of literature used consistently to
support findings.
Research-informed literature integrated
into the work. Very good use of academic conventions. Critical engagement with a range of
reading. Knowledge of research-informed literature embedded in the work.
Consistently accurate use of academic conventions. Exceptionally wide range of relevant
literature evaluated and used critically to inform argument, balance discussion and/or
inform problem-solving. Consistently accurate and assured use of academic conventions.

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